初中英语每天学一点(2021.4.20)study for your own future





1. Lucy is very _____(clever). She is good at math.

2. His ______(pet) dog is black and white.

3. The flowers are ________(beautiful). My mother waters them every day.

4. The ______(cat) are climing the tree.

5. The tigers are from the north of ________(Chinese).

6. I think koalas are very ________(interest).

7. Let's ______(go) to see the pandas first.

8. Why not see the lions _______(one).

9. Every day I exercise before I go to _______(asleep).

10. I like the ________(giraffe) because they are very lovely.

参考答案:clever, pet, beautiful, cats, China, interesting, go, first, sleep, giraffes



1. at, you, pick, seven, I, you, called, but, up, didn't(.)

2. was, what, she, at, doing, nine(?)

3. and, I, the snow, started, got, all, suddenly, wet(.)

4. for, I, was, umbrella, looking, busy, the(.)

5. didn't, late, so, I, go off, alarm, my, woke up(.)


1 I called you at seven but you didn't pick up.

2. What was she doing at nine?

3. Suddenly the snow started and I got all wet.(suddenly也可放于started前或后)

4. I was busy looking for the umbrella.

5. The alarm didn't go off so I woke up late.



1. Little Tom has ____ arms now and is able to carry the table with only one hand.

A. weakest    B. strongest    C. weaker    D. stronger

2. My time in the middle school was one of ____ moments of my life.

A. exciting    B. the most exciting    C. the more exciting    D. more exciting

3. We have done so much to pretect the environment that the river is getting ____ than before.

A. dirtier    B. cleaner    C. dirty    D. clean

4. Mo Yan is one of _____ writers in China.

A. famous    B. most famous    C. more famous    D. the most famous

5. Water pollution is becoming _____ than before. We must do something to stop it.

A. serious    B. most serious    C. more serious    D. the most serious

6. -- The picture, to me, is not very beautiful.

-- Why? It's _____ than the pictures I have seen.

A. far more beautiful    B. no more beautiful

C. much less beautiful    D. any less beautiful

7. You look tired these days. I think you need to have a _____ sleep.

A. shorter    B. best    C. better    D. shortest

8. The Yellow River, which is to say the River of Mother, is the second _____ river in China.

A. length    B. longer    C. longest    D. long

9. The math problem is too hard, so ____ students can work it out.

A. a few    B. few    C. a little    D. little

10. My cousin is really ____. He likes to take part in different activities after school.

A. honest    B. lazy    C. quiet    D. active



