


7 Everyday Things You’ve Been Doing Wrong

1. Wearing your bobby pins in a wrong way


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Most people wear their bobby pins with the wavy side up. This is a mistake. There is a flat side for a reason. The flat side will push your hair down flat, so that nobody will be able to see the bobby pin. It may seem easier to put the way decide on top, but it is the wrong way.


2. I’m shocked, I have done wrong completely in the past years


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Most people cut their watermelon into slices. This is not the best way to cut a watermelon. Cutting the watermelon slices will get juice all over your face in your chin.


The best way to cut the watermelon is to cut it in half, then slice it in a grid. You'll still have rind at the bottom that will allow you to hold the watermelon and you won’t get it all over your face.


Also you'll get many more pieces when you cut it in a grid rather than in slices.


Also you can leave the watermelon face down on the cutting board for serving which will keep it juicy and keep the flies away.


3. You're holding your wine glass in the wrong way 


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Most people hold a glass of wine by wrapping their hand around the glass. This is a mistake if you wrap your fingers around the glass. It can leave fingerprints on the glass. This can make it difficult to assess the wine’s color.


Also if you grip your glass by the stem and make it easier to swirl your wine. When the wine is swirled it draws more oxygen in allowing the aromas from the wine to be released.


The last reason that you should not wrap your fingers around the wine is that you’ll warm it up. When it's warm, the alcohol evaporates quicker. Holding the glass by the stem is the best way to drink your wine.


4. You're wearing your earbuds in the wrong way 


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Most people have been wearing their earbuds wrong and they don't even know it. If you're like most people putting the earbuds in your ears and allow the wire to hang down and connect to your phone. When you do this, the earbuds would be put on weight by  the device  that connected with them, causing them to pop out of your ears.


If you put your ear buds in and wrap them up and over the backside of your ear. The cord will stay secure and in position because your ear is keeping the pressure off the earbuds.


5. You may have been holding your pen wrong all these years


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If you've always struggled with poor penmanship. It could be that you're holding the pen wrong.


Most people will hold the pen up too high making it more difficult to control the pen the way that you actually want it to go. Holding the pen closer to the bottom will give you the control that you need.


You should also consider how tightly you're holding the pen. If you hold it too tight, your hand will tire quickly making your penmanship worse.


6. You've been eating pizza wong


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Eating pizza can be difficult if you're eating a large slice. The pizza can flop, the toppings can fall off, the cheese will slide off, and grease will run down your arm or your chin.


If you want to eat your pizza without making a huge mess or losing the best parts. You should fold it in half when you eat it. This will keep everything together while you enjoy every bite.


7. You're eating your apples wrong


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Most people have gone their whole life eating their apples from the side. The reason that you eat the apple from the side is that you don't bite into the core. What you don't know is that the apple core it's just a myth. If you eat your apple from the bottom up there will be no core left behind. You need to spit out the seeds but you'll be able to eat the whole apple when you eat your apple from the side, you're wasting a third of the apple.


8. You may be brushing your teeth wrong


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You've been brushing your teeth the wrong way for years. There are a few steps that you should follow:


❖  Use a high quality toothbrush, softer is better than harder.


❖  Don't press too hard on the brush while brushing.


❖  Don't brush right after a meal, they can wear down the tooth enamel.


❖  Don't eat right after brushing.


❖  Divide your mouth into four parts and brush each part for 30 seconds for a total of two minutes.


❖  Don't ignore the gum line.


★ 编辑:Scott


★ 编校:刘洋

If you think you can, you can.

