李中怡| 好书推荐之《Around the World in 80 Days》

好书推荐之《Around the World in 80 Days》

桐乡市崇福镇志华中心小学  李中怡

Jules Gabriel Verne (1828–1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. After his first debut, Verne was enthusiastically received in France by writers and scientists alike. Jean Cocteau once said, ”Jules Verne’s masterpiece…stimulated our childhood and taught us more than the atlases: the taste of adventure and the love of travel”. His works are full of his passion for science and exploring spirit for the infinite mystery in the world, which make him become “the father of science fiction”. Despite the adventures, manliness is another significant factor showed in his books.
Around the World in 80 Days is a classic adventure novel written by Jules Verne, published in 1873. In the story, Phileas Fogg and his newly employed French valet Passépartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the Reform Club. And on the ground of Mr. Fogg’s level head, virtuous quality, brave heart and calm characteristic, he eventually wins the bet and gets a happy ending. It is one of Verne’s most acclaimed works. The main character, Mr. Fogg, conquers the whole journey and the difficulties in 80 days with his strong and calm personality. From this point, Mr. Fogg is a typical representative of manliness in the literary field.
Courage, willpower, self-control, confidence, responsibility and sense of honor are the six key qualities of manliness. What Jules Verne wanted to express in the novel was his incredible fantasy, romantic and scientific imagination. So like many of his other works, this novel contains both the theme of adventure and science. But more importantly, manliness plays an essential role in the book. We can see clearly the manliness in Mr. Fogg both physically and mentally. He would not have finished the journey without his tough personality. From his strict self-control habits to his amazing courage, from his strong willpower to his great sense of honor, from his charming confidence to his high sense of responsibility, Mr. Fogg brings us not only an exciting and thrilling adventure but also the glamour of his manliness. It glitters through the whole story and deserves to learn from afterwards. At the end of the story, Mr. Fogg wins the wager of £20,000 which counteracts his cost, so financially, Mr. Fogg gets nothing. However, he acquires much more in other aspects. He makes his journey around the world in 80 days, he marries beautiful Aouda, and he gets his happiness after all these troubles. “The eccentric gentleman had throughout displayed all his marvelous qualities of coolness and exactitude” (Verne, 2012:226).
When it comes to our children nowadays, I think, we can learn much from this novel. We are experiencing a gender-neutral society and should have taken some action to popularize the core content of manliness, so as to make up for the deficiency of it. After all, a balanced society is much more fit for the economic and cultural development. So based on the manliness analysis of Mr. Fogg, hopefully this text would disclose and display some of the shining points of manliness that children can learn from.












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