
中文 英文 正 obverse;exactly;right;correct;upright;just;positiv 真正 really 严正 impartial 修正 to revise;to correct 矫正 to correct 反正 anyway 端正 to correct;upright 纯正 honest;genuine;pure 辨正 to identify and correct 正要 on the point of 正午 noon 正统 orthodox 正题 subject of a talk or essay 正视 to look squarely at;to face up to 正式 formal 正确 correct 正气 righteousness 正牌 original brand 正规 regular;normal 正方 square 正殿 main hall 正步 goose-steps 中正 just;unbiased 指正 to correct 正直 upright and honest;candid and fair 正楷 in chinese calligraphy the standard script 正好 just enough;just in time;just right 正规战 regular warfare 正义感 sense of justice 正面图 front view

