
河南城建学院本科毕业设计论文 Abstract


Along with the rapid economic development, China power grid continues to expand the scale of 110 KV substation rising number of, and become the domestic power security of security, stability of the important part of transport. In order to ensure secure and stable operation of the grid, need to promote production information automation and management modernization, in 110 KV substation construction and operation management of substation integrated automation degree of demand increased,in this type of microcomputer relay protection device plays an important role and significance, the microcomputer relay protection device can type in substation failures to adopt effective treatment.

Transformer substation of relay protection and the second circuit design is an important part of the substation design.The graduation design according to the original data and a part to provide the data and power supply system diagram 110 KV substations is a part for the corresponding relay protection design and the secondary circuit preliminary design.Content mainly includes the main transformer protection scheme design and setting calculation, the bus protection configuration and setting calculation, circuit breakers, isolating switch control and its operating circuit design,voltage transformer, current transformer configuration and wiring design, signal circuit design.

Key words: relay protection device, the microcomputer type, the secondary circuit,trans former


