Metro English-318 - Sequoia National Park 美国红杉国家公园​

Sequoia National Park,USA


Sequoia National Park is an American national park in the southern Sierra Nevada east of Visalia, California. The park was established on September 25, 1890 to protect 404,064 acres (631 sq mi; 163,519 ha; 1,635 km2) of forested mountainous terrain. Encompassing a vertical relief of nearly 13,000 feet (4,000 m), the park contains the highest point in the contiguous United States, Mount Whitney, at 14,505 feet (4,421 m) above sea level. The park is south of, and contiguous with, Kings Canyon National Park; both parks are administered by the National Park Service together as the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. UNESCO designated the areas as Sequoia-Kings Canyon Biosphere Reserve in 1976.
The park is notable for its giant sequoia trees, including the General Sherman tree, the largest tree on Earth by volume. The General Sherman tree grows in the Giant Forest, which contains five of the ten largest trees in the world. The Giant Forest is connected by the Generals Highway to Kings Canyon National Park's General Grant Grove, home of the General Grant tree among other giant sequoias. The park's giant sequoia forests are part of 202,430 acres (316 sq mi; 81,921 ha; 819 km2) of old-growth forests shared by Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. The parks preserve a landscape that still resembles the southern Sierra Nevada before Euro-American settlement.
Highlights of the park are, of course, the trees, including the General Sherman Tree, the world's largest tree, standing 275 feet tall with a base more than 36 feet in diameter. But there is plenty to see and do, from exploring caves to hiking to snowshoeing. What's more, the park is open every day of the year and each season holds its own charms.
  • 当然,公园的主要看点是树,包括世界上最大的树——谢尔曼将军树,高275英尺,底部直径超过36英尺。但在那里还有很多事可以看也可以做,包括洞穴探索和徒步和雪鞋徒步。更重要的是,公园一年中每天都开放,每个季节都有自己的魅力。

sequoia  红杉

terrain 地形;地势;地带

encompassing  包罗万象

contiguous 相接的;相邻的

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