
南极熊2016年12月27日讯,美国约翰·霍普金斯大学(JHU)和澳大利亚悉尼大学(US)近日发表了两篇论文,探讨了3D打印技术在生物医疗方面的两大未来应用 — 头骨/颌面骨修复和辅助癌症研究。下面,南极熊就分别为您简要介绍一番。


首先是约翰·霍普金斯大学的3D打印头骨/颌面骨修复 — 这项研究的参与者有2人,分别是该校博士生Ben Pen Jui Hung和硕士生Kai-ou Tang。其中,前者的论文标题是《一种用于修复严重颅面骨缺损的新组织工程方法》,主要内容是用3D打印的支架和取自患者本身的干细胞制成一种活性植入物,然后植入人体;后者则支持了这个发现,还专门写了一篇名为《通过3D打印支架和血管间部分细胞重建带血管颅面骨》的论文,并制作了一段演示动画:

再来是悉尼大学的3D打印辅助癌症研究项目 — 这项研究的论文题目是《用于癌症研究的仿生3D支架》(本文末可下载),由该校航空航天、机械与机电工程学院的Yujia Ma主导,主要内容是利用3D打印的精确性“制造出”可逼真模拟真实肿瘤的人工肿瘤。


Abstract ii

List of tables xi

List of figures xii

Chapter 1: introduction 1

1.1. Craniofacial bone defects 1

1.2. Current treatments for craniofacial bone defects 2

1.3. Tissue engineering for craniofacial bone defects 3

1.3.1. Decellularized trabecular bone scaffolds 4

1.3.2. Marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells 4

1.3.3. Bone morphogenetic proteins 5

1.4. Thesis goal 6

Chapter 2: enhanced bone marrow and decellularized trabecular bone 8

2.1. Introduction 8

2.2. Materials and methods 9

2.2.1. Experimental design 9

2.2.2. Surgery and harvesting of eBM 10

2.2.3. Micro-CT scanning of eBM 11

2.2.4. Histological assessment of eBM 11

2.2.5. eBM digestion and cell isolation 11

2.2.6. Colony-forming unit fibroblast assay 12

2.2.7. Multilineage differentiation 12

2.2.8. Decellularization of bovine trabecular bone 14

2.2.9. Implantation of eBM into DCB scaffolds 14

2.2.10. Evaluation of bone constructs 15

2.2.11. Statistics 15

2.3. Results 16

2.3.1. Cell and tissue characterization 16

2.3.2. Cell distribution and osteogenesis in DCB scaffolds 16

2.4. Discussion: investigation of eBM and DCB scaffolds 17

2.5. Discussion: limitations and potential improvements 21

2.5.1. 3D printing of synthetic scaffolds 22

2.5.2. Adipose-derived stem cells 25

2.6. Overview of new approach 26

Chapter 3: 3D printing of scaffolds for bone engineering 36

3.1. Development of a 3D printer 36

3.1.1. Construction of the custom 3D printer 36

3.1.2. Analysis of scaffold micro-architecture 37

3.1.3. 3D printing of anatomical shapes 37

3.2. Results: 3D printing of PCL scaffolds 38

3.2.1. Scaffold characterization 38

3.2.2. Anatomically shaped scaffolds 38

3.3. Discussion: 3D printing of PCL scaffolds 38

3.4. Materials and methods: hybrid material studies 40

3.4.1. Creation of hybrid material 40

3.4.2. Scaffold fabrication and evaluation of print quality 41





