每日新闻播报(October 19)

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>Supermarket sells autumn leaves
UK-based supermarket Waitrose has been slammed by social media users for selling bouquets of "autumn seasonal foliage" at £6 apiece.
Photos of various tree leaves packaged in transparent plastic and arranged as flower bouquets went viral on social media recently, sparking controversy because of the product's price, six British pounds.
Considering tree leaves can literally be picked up from the street this time of year, it's understandable that some people went after Waitrose, accusing the supermarket of trying to make money by selling something that is actually free.
Despite the generally negative feedback to its autumn-themed product, the British supermarket explained its decision to charge £6 for a bunch of tree leaves by claiming that it was inspired by a demand from shoppers.
Interestingly, there were those who seemed to somewhat justify the price tag of this bag of leaves by saying that it was obviously "high quality foliage".


>Work from home permanently
Microsoft has told staff that they will have the option of working from home permanently with manager approval.
The move mimics the US tech giant's rivals Facebook and Twitter, which have also said remote work would be a permanent option.
It follows a rapid shift away from office working prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Many companies are reconsidering how much office space they need, expecting a long-term increase in remote staff.
Microsoft said some roles will continue to require an in-person presence, such as those needing access to hardware, the firm added.
But many staffers will also be able to work from home part-time, without needing formal approval from their managers.

Experts said people should get flu vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic period to prevent extra burdens on healthcare resources.

>Life expectancy reaches 77.3
Average life expectancy, a key gauge of a country's economic and social development, particularly in terms of its medical and health services, reached 77.3 years in China in 2019. That was up 0.96 years from 2015.
The increase in China's average life expectancy, as seen in a statistical report from the National Health Commission, shows the steady improvement of China's medical and health system during the country's 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020).
It is the result of China's continuous investment in maternity and child health care, and its efforts to implement health-related poverty reduction programs and promote a universal health security system.
From 2016 to 2019, China's central government allocated more than 10 billion yuan to support the development of 594 maternity and child care institutions.
During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the coverage rate of China's basic medical insurance program remained stable, covering more than 95% of the country's population.


>France to ban use of wild animals
France will gradually ban the use of wild animals in circuses, phase out orca and dolphin shows, and will ban mink farming for fur, the environment minister said.
The measures would affect about 80 circuses, which have about 230 animals, including big cats, elephants, hippos, wolves and others, Environment Minister Barbara Pompili said at a news conference.
France, which has three dolphinariums, will not allow the opening of new ones and wants the closure of existing ones within seven to 10 years.
She also wants the closure of four mink farms within five years.
The state will provide an aid package of more than 8 million euros to help animal shows switch to a new business model.

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