
当你经历了sat toefl和众多ap的折磨,当你终于收到大学的录取通知书,当你终于办好签证订好机票,当你终于离开家乡赴美求学 当你在飞机上梦想着大学的美丽生活时,其实小编告诉你:实际中的大学可能是这样的。。。。


Expectation: Your university will be made up exclusively of old, grand buildings with beautiful brickwork and high ceilings.


Reality: There is one fancy building, but you never get to go in there, and most of your uni looks something like this.

2. 你想象中的大学:金窝银窝不如自己狗窝。

Expectation: You’ll decorate your room really nicely and make it feel just like home.


Reality: Turns out that’s way too much effort, and the room’s too shitty to do much with anyway.

3.你想象中的大学:睡你麻痹 起来HIGH!

Expectation: You’ll be best mates with everyone in your flat, and you’ll go out together all the time.


Reality: There is always at least one person who you never even see leave their room.

4. 想象中的大学:世界上最浪漫的话,就是和你看完推荐书单。

Expectation: You will do all your required reading and develop a wealth of interesting knowledge in your chosen field.


Reality: You do exactly the amount of reading required to get a 2:1 and not look like a mug in your seminars.

5. 想象中的大学:身体健康强又壮。

Expectation: You will be far too strong to succumb to freshers’ flu.


Reality: You succumbed to freshers’ flu.

6. 想象中的大学:晚宴上,在教授面前抖个机灵。

Expectation: You’ll get invited to lots of events where you get to drink wine with your professors and have intellectual conversation.


Reality: You get trashed on £5 bottles of Echo Falls and 2-4-1 Jägerbomb deals while dressed as a Power Ranger.


Expectation: You will cook for yourself every night, and learn lots of new, healthy recipes.

实际上:有没有人定披萨! 求求你请算上我!

Reality: As soon as someone, anyone, mentions the word pizza, you’re in.

8. 想象中的大学:冰箱里面准备好了速冻食物,妈妈再也不用担心我的吃饭

Expectation: You will also save time and money by cooking meals in bulk and then freezing them for the week ahead.

实际上:“你能不能长点心”   “点心!什么点心!”

Reality: You don’t have that kind of restraint.

9. 想象中的大学:觉得自己帅帅的。

Expectation: You’ll reinvent yourself as someone who is effortlessly cool, charming, and well dressed.


Reality: You’ll be pretty much the same, except you’ll wear pyjamas in public more often.

10. 想象中的大学:老板,来瓶82年拉菲。

Expectation: You will go out to lots of cool pubs and bars before ending up at the club.


Reality: You mostly just get drunk in your kitchen, and head out as late as possible (if at all).

11. 想象中的大学:和各个社团打成一片。

Expectation: You will fill your spare time with fun and diverse societies and sports clubs.


Reality: You fill your spare time by making a mattress fort in your corridor and watching Netflix in it.

12. 想象中的大学:遇见你,竟花光所有套套。

Expectation: It won’t take you long for you to use up all those free condoms they hand out.


Reality: You probably still have one of them now.

13.想象中的大学:赢娶白富美 走上人生巅峰。

Expectation: Once it’s all over, you’ll feel like a real adult ready to take on the world.


Reality: You never feel like a real adult ready to take on the world.

总有人从花朵长成了奇葩,也总有人把传奇书写成了段子,在朋友圈被刷爆之后,我们为你带来美国大学的25个高清无码瞬间。回复[ 无码 ]来看看吧。

一个简单易懂的排名能直接的告诉我们“好”与“不好”,也更符合我们的思维习惯。它虽然来得方便,却砍掉了学校很多个性化的部分。我们为你揭秘了排行榜所没有告诉我们的事情,回复[ 揭秘 ]看看吧。

