爱丽丝梦游仙境=Alice in Wonderland(迪士尼英文原版)

《爱丽丝梦游仙境=Alice in Wonderland(迪士尼英文原版)》是迪士尼电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的同名英文小说,兰登书屋原版英文,电影剧照精彩呈现,细心打磨精心制作,和英文原版书来一次亲密接触吧!Just beyond our world lies a place where Mad Hatter shares his tea with March hares and Dormice. A queen enjoys a tyrannous reign, while terrifying beasts and immaterial felines roam her kingdom. There is a simple way into this world, and a young woman named Alice has found it. Join her as she travels down the rabbit hole and into a place called Underland.在远离人类世界的一个地方,在那疯帽子和三月兔、睡鼠在那里一起享用茶点。还有一位喜皇后,崇尚暴虐通知,然而令人毛骨悚然的野兽和来去无踪的猫却能在她的王国里出入自由。有一条小路,通往这个世界,恰好有一个名叫爱丽丝的年轻女孩发现了它。接下来,让我们跟随爱丽丝一起掉进兔子洞,开启地下世界的奇幻旅程吧。

