

It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping 1.______her mother. Her mother wants 2._____some food for dinner. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. 3._____come to a shop.

“What does your shop sell?” Mary asks, “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says. “You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school 4_____, too.”

Mary and her mother go in. there are many people in the shop. Mary finds a nice white skirt. “How much 5.______the skirt?” Mary 6._____the girl in the shop.

“It’s eighty 7.______”  “That’s too dear【太昂贵】. Can I find a cheap【便宜的】 one?”

“What about the green one? It 8._____nice. And it’s only thirty yuan.”

“OK, thanks a lot.” “You are welcome.”9._____ that, Mary buys some school things, too. Here mother buys a lot of food, like 10._____, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late.


Mr. King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing【穿着】 old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room don’t look at him. They don’t ask him 1.______at the table.

Mr. King 2.______ home and puts on his good 3.______. He goes back to the party. Everyone【每个人】 in the room stands up and smiles【微笑】 at him. They give 4.____ very good food to eat.

Mr. King takes off【脱掉】 his clothes, and puts them in the food and 5._____, “Eat, clothes!”

The other 【其他的】people ask, “

What are you doing?”

He 6._____, “I’m asking my coat to eat food. I am wearing my 7.______clothes. You don’t look 8.______ me. You don’t ask me to sit down. Now I’m in these clothes. And you give 9.____ very good food. Now I see, you give the food to my clothes, 10.______to me!”


Mr. Johnson has a clothes store.He    1   nice clothes to people.The clothes are always 2._____very good prices.

One day,a boy comes to Mr. 3.______ store.He looks at a blue skirt.Then he asks,“Excuse me.How    4   is the blue skirt?”“It's $20.” Mr. Johnson says.“Oh,that's too expensive(昂贵的).” the boy says.He    5   very sad (伤心的).

Mr. Johnson asks the boy,“Why do you want to buy this skirt ?”

“For my mother.6.______ birthday is next week. She must look nice in this skirt.7.       I only have $5.I can't buy it 8._____her.”

“Well,the skirt is 9.      sale these days.It's only $5.You can have it now.”

“Oh,that's really great!I'll take 10.      !Thank you!”the boy says.He is

happy now.

“Good boy!I'm sure your mother can have a happy birthday.


My friend Lisa 1._____a clothes store. She asks me to come and see. So I go to her store one day.It's a small 2._____ nice store. Good clothes are everywhere. I see T-shirts, shorts and skirts. All of them are at great 3.______.

A woman and her son come in. The woman wants to buy a T-shirt for her son.'4.____ son likes black, 'says the woman. Lisa finds a black T-shirt 5._____ the boy. The boy likes it very much,The woman asks,“ How much is 6.____?”“ Only S10.” says Lisa."Oh. it's 7.____cheap!” Then the woman buys the shirt happily(高兴地)

Another【另外的一个】 woman 8._____. She is a teacher. She wants to buy thirty skirts for her 9.______. She needs ten black, eight yellow, seven green and five white ones.Lisa sells the thirty skirts at a great sale. One skirt is only S 18.

I help Lisa 10.____some clothes too. It's a really great day.


Dear Tom,

Thank you for your letter. Today I go to Mr.1._______ Clothes Store with my mother. You can buy shirts, pants, shorts 2.______  the store. It has lots of 3.______ for boys and girls. Some of them 4._____ nice and they are not expensive(昂贵的). I also see 5._____ skirts. I like 6._____ very much. They are red, green and white. I meet 7._____ math teacher, Miss Wang, in the store. She is Mr. Green’s friend. With her help, my mother 8.____ a white T-shirt and a red skirt 9._____ only 40 Yuan. I’m very happy to buy them 10._____ a very good price.




Hi, boys and girls! Please have 1.______ look at Jennifer’s Clothes Store. Do you like sweaters? Do you want 2.____them at a good price? We have sweaters in four 3.____ for $15. Do you want the cool bags? Please 4._____ to our store. We have ten kinds of different【不同的】 5._____in all colors. The price is 6.____ $3 to $30. 7.____ boys and girls, we have pants 8._____ five colors and shorts in six colors. Come and have a look. We also have great 9._____in six colors for you.You must 10._____ them very much. Can you believe【相信】 it? They are only $ 2.


[一]1.with  2.to buy  3.They  4.things  5.is

6.asks  7.dollars   8.looks  9.After 10.eggs

[二]1.to sit 2. go  3.clothes  4.him   5.says

6.answers   7.old   8.at  9.me   10.not

[三]1.buys  2.at  3.Johnson's  4.much   5. looks

6.Her  7.But   8.on   9.on   10.it

[四]1.has  2.but   3.sale  4.My  5.for

6.it  7.really   8.comes  9.students  10.sell

[五]1.Green’s  2.in  3. T-shirts  4.are  5.some

6.them   7.my   8.buys  9.for  10.at

[六]1.a   2.to buy   3. colors   4.come  5.bag

6.from  7. For  8.in  9.socks  10.like

