英国自然历史博物馆 举办的年度野生动物摄影师大赛几个月前公布了获奖佳作。现在自然历史博物馆邀请大众投票从中选出自己最喜欢的照片,一起来看看哪些作品人气最高?
'The Last Goodbye' By Ami Vitale

Joseph Wachira comforts Sudan, the last male northern white rhino left on the planet, moments before he passed away at Ol Pejeta Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya.
'Family Portrait' By Andrew Lee

Capturing a family portrait of mum, dad and their eight chicks proved tricky for Andrew – they never got together to pose as a perfect 10. After many days of waiting, and when dad was out of sight, mum and her brood suddenly turned wide-eyed to glance in his direction – the first time he had seen them all together. He quickly seized the precious moment.
'Drey Dreaming' By Neil Anderson

As the weather grew colder, two Eurasian red squirrels (only one is clearly visible) found comfort and warmth in a box Neil had put up in one of the pine trees near his home in the Scottish Highlands.
'Lion King' By Wim Van Den Heever

As Wim watched this huge male lion lying on top of a large granite rock, a cold wind picked up and blew across the vast open plains of the Serengeti, Tanzania. A storm was approaching and, as the last rays of sun broke through the cloud, the lion lifted its head and glanced in Wim’s direction, giving him the perfect portrait of a perfect moment.
'Close Encounter' By Guillermo Esteves

The worried looking expression on this dog’s face speaks volumes and is a reminder that moose are large, unpredictable, wild animals.
'Shut The Front Door' By Sam Sloss

Remarkably, this small octopus constructs its own protective shelter using clam shells, coconuts, and even glass bottles!
'Bat Woman' By Douglas Gimesy

Wildlife rescuer and carer Julie Malherbe takes a call to assist the next animal rescue while looking after three recently orphaned grey-headed flying-foxes.
'A Window To Life' By Sergio Marijuán Campuzano

Two Iberian lynx kittens, Quijote and Queen, play in the abandoned hayloft where they were born. Extremely curious, but a bit scared as well, they started exploring the outside world through the windows of their straw-bale home.
'A Special Moment' By Oliver Richter

This family portrait is at the beavers’ favourite feeding place and, for Oliver, the image reflects the care and love the adult beavers show towards their young.
'The Alpha' By Mogens Trolle

When a male becomes alpha, he undergoes physical changes that accompany a rise in testosterone levels, and this results in the colours on his snout becoming much brighter. With the loss of status, the colours fade.
'Resting Dragon' By Gary Meredith

This long-nosed dragon positioned itself on a piece of wire mesh outside a workshop, waiting for the sun’s rays.
'The Real Garden Gnomes' By Karine Aigner

The owls dig their own burrows and are happy to take up residence on meticulously manicured lawns, the perfect place to hunt insects and lizards.
'Baby On The Rocks' By Frédéric Larrey

When this six-month-old snow leopard cub wasn’t following its mother and copying her movements, it sought protection among the rocks.
'Turtle Time Machine' By Thomas Peschak

During Christopher Columbus’s Caribbean voyage of 1494, green sea turtles were said to be so numerous that his ships almost ran aground on them. Today the species is classified as endangered. However, at locations like Little Farmer’s Cay in the Bahamas, green turtles can be observed with ease. An ecotourism project run by fishermen (some who used to hunt turtles) uses shellfish scraps to attract the turtles to the dock. Without a time machine it is impossible to see the pristine turtle population, but Thomas hopes that this image provides just a glimpse of the bounty our seas once held.
'Border Refuge' By Joseph Dominic Anthony

Joseph wanted to convey the story and mood of Mai Po in a single balanced photograph, combining individuals and the behaviour of multiple species in the context of their wider environment, particularly to juxtapose the proximity of the everencroaching urban development.
'Licence To Kill' By Britta Jaschinski

This zebra head was confiscated at a border point in the USA. Most likely, the hunter was not able to show proof that the zebra was killed with a license. Britta found the use of a shopping trolley to move the confiscated item ironic, posing the question: wildlife or commodity?
'White Danger' By Petri Pietiläinen

The bear was making its way towards a steep cliff and the birds that were nesting there. It tried and failed several routes to reach them, but perseverance, and probably hunger, paid off as it found its way to a barnacle goose nest. Panic ensued as the adults and some of the chicks jumped off the cliff, leaving the bear to feed on what remained.
'Drawn And Quartered' By Laurent Ballesta

Scraps of grouper flesh fall from the jaws of two grey reef sharks as they tear the fish apart.
'Backstage At The Circus' By Kirsten Luce

At the Saint Petersburg State Circus, bear trainer Grant Ibragimov performs his daily act with three Siberian brown bears. The animals rehearse and then perform under the lights each evening. In order to train a bear to walk on two feet, Kirsten was told that they are chained by the neck to the wall when they are young to strengthen their leg muscles.
(来源:Boredpanda 编辑:丹妮)