初级口语纠错 我是犯罪目击证人|Reporting a Crime
Reporting a crime
Can you find the mistakes?
1. After breakfast, I went to the company.
2. Next, he opened door and took the money.
3. First I took a shower and then I eat breakfast.
4. Finally, I went here.
5. After that he rode his bicycle go home.
6. Next, he used a baseball bat break the window.
7. He very fast.
8. They not find the man.
9. No, I don’t agree you.
10. Next, he was take the woman’s money.
Sounding Natural (连读):
And after that, he opened one of the doors and…
Enhancement(拓 展)
1. 美音最大的特点就是有卷舌音,而英音没有卷舌音的。基本所有单词中,字母r之前的元音都卷舌,比如first,early等,美国人发音就把舌头上卷,而英音读起来舌头是伸平的。
2. 美国英语听起来比较圆润(所以有时会不够清晰),那是他们卷舌音多。英音听起来比较清晰利索。
3. 美国英语比较夸张,如doctor中的O的发音,美国人就念成【a】所以就有了常见美国人的 Oh! my Gad[音a].
6.辅音 d 的发音。英音听起来有点气的感觉。这是因为英音发音时舌尖放在上下排牙齿之间。美音则是顶一下上齿龈。
总体听起来,在语调上: 美音的语调较平缓, 而英音却跌宕起伏, 且语速较快。 据统计, 美国人的语速为一分钟约150字, 而英国人将近200字。
Check Your Answers
1. After breakfast, I went to the company.
After breakfast, I went to work.
(go to work是“去工作”的常用表达)
2. Next, he opened door and took the money.
Next, he opened the door and took the money.
3. First I took a shower, and then I eat breakfast.
First I took a shower and then I ate breakfast.
4. Finally, I went here.
Finally, I came here.
(一般用went there; came here)
5. After that he rode his bicycle go home.
After that he rode his bicycle home.
6. Next, he used a baseball bat break the window.
Next, he used a baseball bat to break the window.
(用棒球棒来打破玻璃,加上to表示目的动作; use sth to do sth)
7. He very fast.
He was very fast. / He ran very fast.
8. They not find the man.
They didn’t find the man.
9. No, I don’t agree you.
No, I don’t agree with you.
10. Next, he was take the woman’s money.
Next, he took the woman’s money.
Which mistake do you usually make?
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《无人生还》(And Then There Were None),原名《孤岛奇案》,是著名的英国侦探推理女王作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品,也是她生涯中最著名的作品之一,被认为是历史上成就最高的推理小说之一,全球销量超过一亿册。被改编成多部影视、戏剧、漫画、游戏作品。小说巧妙地构思了八个素不相识的人受邀来到海岛印第安岛上,后来十个人都被谋害的精彩推理剧情,情节跌但起伏却毫不荒诞。该书出版于1939年。