
FrançoisFlameng (1856-1923) Портрет великой княгини Елены Владимировны. 1905

JanFrederik Portielje (1829-1908) Свидание

КонстантинЕгорович Маковский (1839-1915) Портрет девушки в чепце

Circleof Anton Raphael Mengs (1728-1779) A young woman in a blue dress with aveil

AmericanSchool, 19th Century ~ Portrait of a woman in white with a blue ribbon.1871

EdouardCabane (1857-1942) Portrait of a lady. 1907

AfterJohn Hoppner (1758-1810) Portrait the Honorable Ms. Lucy ElizabethByng

FranzXaver Winterhalter (1805-1873) Portrait of a lady in blue dress

France,19th Century ~ A young lady at her toilette

FedericoAndreotti (1847-1930) Girl with Tambourine

HansZatzka (1859-1945) Fellah girl

GustaveColin (1828-1910) Portrait of a young girl

Austria1840 ~ Portrait of the dancer of the Vienna Court Opera MarettaForti

LeonHerbo (1850-1907) Portrait of a Spanish woman

JohnBagnold Burgess (1830-1897) Portrait of Spanish Lady in Mantilla with Fan.1877

RosaSchweninger (1849-1918) In the room

LudwigKnaus (1829-1910) Mother with three children at a river