支招小作文 | bar考多了,千万要小心pie哦!


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章 跃






1. 高-高:

high levels of energy consumption and high levels of greenhouse gas emissions

2. 高-低:

high levels of energy consumption but low levels of greenhouse gas emissions

3. 低-高:

low levels of energy consumption but high levels of greenhouse gas emissions

4. 低-低:

low levels of energy consumption and low levels of greenhouse gas emissions




The pies respectively illustrate an Australian household’s use of energy for different purposes and the household’s emissions of greenhouse gas.

Body 第一段:高-高 vs 低-低

Water heating is not only a large energy consumer but also a large emitter of greenhouse gas. Roughly one-third of a household’s energy consumption is attributed to it, and so is the case with the emissions of greenhouse gas. Contrary to water heating, cooling and lighting consume small portions of energy and emit greenhouse gas that also account for small proportions. 措辞时注意:主语的多样性

Body 第二段:低-高 vs 高-低

Energy consumed by the refrigerator and other appliances are at low levels, whereas the greenhouse gas emissions are at high levels. The opposite is the case with heating. ←总(general pattern) — 分 (specific figures) → With regard to refrigeration and other appliances, the proportions of emissions are twice of those of energy use: 14 percent to 7 percent and 28 percent to 15 percent. In terms of heating, its emissions, in percentage terms, is only roughly one-third of its energy consumption, which is as much as 42 percent of the total energy use.


Overall, the varying situations between the energy uses are obvious, and so are the varying cases with the greenhouse gas emissions.



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