
我会记得生活中意想不到的温暖,也会记得下大雨没有伞的日子。I will remember the unexpected warmth of my life and the days when it rained heavily without an umbrella.你所期待的即将到来。What you expect is coming.有些习惯是不应该养成的,比如熬夜,等你说早安。There are habits you shouldn't develop, like staying up late and waiting for you to say good morning.

广告老婆一下买了10个!德国焖烧杯降价太狠了,限桂花街,几乎白送这么冷的天,我只想钻到你怀里。So cold day, I just want to drill into your arms.我不应该去人间寻找英雄。I shouldn't be looking for heroes on earth.如果我对你好,那我对你不好,那你扛着吧。If I am good to you, then I am not good to you, then you carry it.

没有人会给你施舍。你必须为之奋斗。No one will give you a handout. You have to fight for it.你的嘴唇是我吃过的最甜的软糖。Your lips are the sweetest jelly beans I've ever tasted.巫山,海洋深处的如意算盘有始有终。Wushan, wishful thinking in the depths of the ocean.

广告电磁流量计的六个常用分类方法感情是悲哀的,生活不会饶过我。感情是悲哀的,生活不会饶过我。Love is sad, life will not forgive me.Love is sad, life will not forgive me.这是晚上最难做的事。It's the hardest thing to do at night.我没兴趣认识你。你是垃圾对我来说并不重要。I have no interest in meeting you. It doesn't matter to me that you're trash.在这么可爱的年纪,我是个罪人。At such a lovely age, I am a sinner.

