

该款“宣统三年大清银币'长须龙’签名版”为宣统三年铸造,即1911年铸造,直径:39.0 mm,重:26.8 g,大清银币背面刻有“大清三年银币”字样,是清政府的一种统一币制,直径为39.0 mm,重于“大清”字,是由宣统三年铸成的。祥云环绕龙身,尽显皇家威仪。它的胡须细长,因此被称为长须龙。钱币造型清秀,铭文刻字清晰,钱币制作精良,形制规整,保存完好,存有实物真品,收藏价值极高。《长须龙》不仅气势磅礴,在图案设计上不仅注重精雕细琢,更是将钱币的纹饰与纹饰刻画得恰到好处,是一种极具艺术价值的银币。



Xuan Tong Three-Year Great Qing Silver Coin One Round "GIORGI" Signature Plate, on the left side of the back is the English name of the engraver "GIORGI", the mirror bottom is refined, the carving is exquisite, the casting is exquisite, is the only Qing Dynasty silver coin with George's signature, and is also the earliest Chinese coin minted by George Signature Plate.

The "Xuan Tong Third Year Silver Coin 'Long Silk Dragon' Signature Edition" was minted in Xuan Tong Third Year, that is, in 1911. It is the unified coin system of the Qing government. Its diameter is 39.0mm and its weight is 26.8g. The front side is printed with the four characters of "Da Qing Silver Coin". On the back is the Curl Dragon. Curling Dragon rises from the left to the right along the edge. The dragon head is on the top, the big tail 12 must be up, the dragon beads are under the word "Yuan", the dragon eyes are concave and the nose is on the nose. Dragon around the auspicious clouds around the full show royal dignity. Long Whiskers Long Whiskers Long Dragon. This coin is well-made, neatly shaped, and well-preserved. There are very few genuine goods in kind, and it is of great value for collection. Long Whisker Dragon is not only dignified and domineering, but also attaches great importance to the design of the coins. It is a fine silver coin of the Qing Dynasty with high value.

Big Qing Xuansan series of Big Qing Silver Coin Quxu Dragon, Big Qing Silver Coin Long Silk Dragon, Big Qing Silver Coin Short Silk Dragon, Big Qing Silver Coin Big Tail Dragon, this series of coins, complete system, exquisite production, is unprecedented in the history of Chinese currency. This "Qu Xulong" has been adopted as the final version of the national currency, so "Long Xulong", "Short Xulong", "Anti Dragon", "Big Tail Dragon" is relatively rare, is the most valuable collection and investment.

The Revolution of 1911 broke out, and was abrogated shortly after its makers were overthrown. All kinds of coins, except the general "Qu Xu Long" silver coins and copper coins in the early years of the Republic were needed and a large number of minted, the rest are not much. In the money industry is also quite reputable, has always been China's silver coin collection of choice. Xuantong three years long silver coin Qing Long version, very rare.









个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。


