

【例句】There, Phil is usually allowed to kiss her once and give her a single hug; afterthat, they talk for hours.见面后菲尔会吻她一下,给她一个拥抱,然后两人会有几小时的时间来交谈。

【同根词】bear-hug hiphuggers huggable hugger

【造词理据】re-前缀,表后面(=back),词根vers源自PIE词根*wer- (弯曲=turn、bend),V形表转折、曲折、弯曲,在这里指向后面转折,即倒退、颠倒、反向的。

【例句】When he crawled on the rug, he crawled backward, as if he were in reverse andcouldn't change gears.


【同根词】adverse; anniversary; avert; awry; controversy; converge; converse (adj.) "exact opposite;" convert; diverge; divert; evert; extroversion; extrovert; gaiter; introrse; introvert; invert; inward; malversation; obverse; peevish; pervert; prose; raphe; reverberate; revert; rhabdomancy; rhapsody; rhombus; ribald; sinistrorse; stalwart; subvert; tergiversate; transverse; universe; verbena; verge (v.1) "tend, incline;" vermeil; vermicelli; vermicular; vermiform; vermin; versatile; verse (n.) "poetry;" version; verst; versus; vertebra; vertex; vertigo; vervain; vortex; -ward; warp; weird; worm; worry; worth (adj.) "significant, valuable, of value;" worth (v.) "to come to be;" wrangle; wrap; wrath; wreath; wrench; wrest; wrestle; wriggle; wring; wrinkle; wrist; writhe; wrong; wroth; wry.


【例句】He told the young man: "You ought to take this for a plain and visible token that you are not to be a seafaring man. "他告诉这个年轻人:“你应该把这对一个相貌平平的和可见的令牌,你不是要一个航海的人。”

【同根词】abdicate; abdication; addict; adjudge; apodictic; avenge; benediction; betoken; condition; contradict; contradiction; dedicate; deictic; deixis; dictate; diction; dictionary; dictum; digit; disk; ditto; ditty; edict; Eurydice; index; indicate; indication; indict; indiction; indictive; indite; interdict; judge; judicial; juridical; jurisdiction; malediction; malison; paradigm; policy (n.2) "written insurance agreement;" preach; predicament; predicate; predict; prejudice; revenge; soi-disant; syndic; teach; tetchy; theodicy; toe; token; valediction; vendetta; verdict; veridical; vindicate; vindication; voir dire.



