经济学人财经 || 美国公共养老金清算之日即将到来

感谢思维导图作者May Li
May Li,我要去追逐心中的太阳,北大临床心理备考中
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State of denial
英文部分选自经济学人20191116Finance and economics版块

Public pensions
State of denial
注:翻译参考鲍勃·伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)的书名《鸵鸟政策:战争中的布什》(State of Denial: Bush at War)
Police officers, teachers and other public workers rely on pension schemes with a multi-trillion-dollar funding hole. A reckoning is coming
Perhaps it takes teachers to give politicians a lesson. Any official who wants to understand the terrible state of American public-sector pensions should read the financial report of the Illinois Teachers Pension Fund. Its funding ratio of 40.7% is one of the worst in America, according to the Centre for Retirement Research (crr) in Boston (see table).
Since it was established in 1939, Illinois officials have not once set aside enough money to fund the pension promises made. As a result, three-quarters of the money the state (or rather the taxpayer) now pays in each year merely covers shortfalls from previous years. The situation is getting worse. In 2009 the schemes’ actuaries requested $2.1bn, but only $1.6bn was paid. By 2018 the state paid in $4.2bn, still well short of the $7.1bn the actuaries asked for. The trustees have warned that the plan would be “unable to absorb any financial shocks created by a sustained downturn in the markets”.
Other schemes have attracted similarly stark warnings. Illinois is the class dunce, with six languishing schemes. Chicago Municipal is just 25% funded and the actuaries warn that “the risk of insolvency for the fund has increased”. The actuaries of the Chicago police scheme warn that “this is a severely underfunded plan” with a shortfall of $10bn; the funded ratio is not projected to reach 50% until 2043.
Offering workers a defined-benefit pension, where an income based on final salary is paid for the rest of their lives, is an expensive proposition, especially as life expectancies lengthen. Pension shortfalls are common across America, with the average public scheme monitored by the crr just 72.4% funded. That adds up to a collective shortfall of more than $1.6trn.
注1:Final salary defined benefit (DB) schemes are occupational pension schemes that provide a set level of pension at retirement, the amount of which normally depends on your service and your earnings at retirement or in the years immediately preceding retirement.
退休办法按退休金给付的确定方式可分为约定提存金办法(defined contribution pension plan)和约定给付办法(defined benefit pension plan)。约定提存金办发是企业按照退休办法的规定,每年提取一定数额的退休基金,交给信托机构保管运用,在职工退休时,将属于该职工的退休基金支付给已退休职工。通常每年提取定额的基金,是按职工工资的一定比例(如工资的5%)提取的,职工退休时所能领取的退休金取决于提存的金额及其所孳生的利息,企业并不保证退休金给付的数额。约定给付退休办法(defined benefit pension plan)是企业承诺在职工退休时一次支付一定数额退休金,或者在职工退休时分期支付一定数额的退休金;只要职工退休时企业有能力履行支付退休金的义务,企业是否按时提取退休基金则由企业决定。在这种办法下,退休金的数额通常根据职工的工资水平及服务年限确定,或者两者均需考虑,或者只需考虑其中一项,如服务年限。前者称为最后工资法,后者称为定额给付法。
When a scheme is underfunded, one of three things can happen. More contributions can be made, by employers or workers or both. Benefits can be cut. Or the scheme can earn a higher return on its investments to make up for the shortfall.
当养老金计划资金不足时,通常运用以下三种方法:1. 雇主、雇员中的任一方或双方增加供款;2. 削减约定给付金额;3. 寻求更高基金投资回报以弥补缺口。
Cities and states are paying more, but still not enough. In 2001 public-sector employers contributed a further 5.3% of their payroll to meet pension promises; now that figure is around 16.5% on average (see chart). Even so, in no year since 2001 has the average employer contributed as much as demanded by actuaries. Last year’s shortfall was just under 1% of payroll.
This reluctance is understandable. Politicians dislike raising taxes—or cutting services to pay for higher contributions. Workers do not want to see their current pay reduced by higher deductions, or their future benefits cut. And in any case, in some states courts have ruled that pension benefits, once promised, cannot be taken away. Arizona attempted a reform in 2012 that would have increased contributions for anyone with less than 20 years’ service. Workers sued and the courts ruled in their favour in 2016, requiring the scheme to repay $220m. Since the failed reform plan was instituted, employers’ contributions as a share of payroll have almost doubled.
亚利桑那州养老金改革背景:Arizona’s Pension Challenges: The Need for an Affordable, Secure, and Sustainable Retirement Plan
So states and cities have crossed their fingers and hoped that their investments will bail them out. America’s buoyant stockmarket has done its best to help. Returns on government bonds have also been good for much of the past three decades. Even so, the average public-sector scheme is less well funded now than it was in 2001.
1.crossed their fingers:to hope that things will happen in the way that you want them to
2.bail out:帮助...摆脱困境
3.buoyant:a term used to describe a commodities or equity market where the prices are generally rising and when there are considerable signals of strength. These markets have similar features to bull markets, although a buoyant market may not necessarily last as long.
And the markets are unlikely to keep being so helpful. In 1982 the government sold long-term Treasury bonds with a yield of 14.6%; now such bonds yield just 2.4%. Equity valuations are high by historic standards. That suggests future returns will be lower than normal.
Kentucky offers a sobering example of how states can spiral towards disaster. In 2001 its retirement system was 120% funded and employers were putting in just 1.9% of payroll. After the dotcom slump, the funding position deteriorated. By 2005 the scheme was less than 75% funded and the required contribution had gone up to 5.3%. But the state fell short of the target every year until 2015, by which point the contribution had leapt to nearly 33% of payroll. In 2018 the actuaries asked for 41%.
注:1.互联网泡沫:dot com bubble
2.actuaries /ˈæktʃʊərɪ/ n. 精算师
可数名词 An actuary is a person who is employed by insurance companies to calculate how much they should charge their clients for insurance.
Kentucky’s scheme covering “non-hazardous” workers (those who are not employed by the emergency services) is just 12.8% funded. One of its beneficiaries is Larry Totten, who worked for Kentucky’s park service and retired in 2010 after a 36-year career. When he found out about the scheme’s parlous state, he joined Kentucky Public Retirees, a group that lobbies for pensioners. “There’s enough blame to go around,” he says. Though it was state governors (of various parties) who failed to pay the required amounts into the scheme, it was the state legislature that let them get away with it.
肯塔基州覆盖“非危险岗位”从业者(非应急服务机构从业者)养老金计划资金提存比率仅12.8%。受益人之一拉里·托滕(Larry Totten)曾就职于肯塔基州公园管理局,在工作了36年后,于2010年退休。当发现养老金计划情况严峻时,他加入了一个为退休人员四处发声游说的团体Kentucky Public Retirees。他说:“纷涌的指责够让人四处奔波了。”虽然是各州(各党派)的州长未能向养老金计划支付所需金额,但却是州立法机关让他们得以逍遥法外。
1:“non-hazardous” workers:非危险岗位从业者:危险岗位包括一些应急服务机构(如治安、消防、救护和海岸警卫等)。
2.parlous /ˈpɑːləs/
形容词 If something is in a parlous state, it is in a bad or dangerous condition. 恶劣的; 危险的
例:...the parlous state of our economy.
Such severely underfunded schemes risk entering two vicious circles. The first involves costs. Kentucky’s public pension scheme covers a wide range of state employers and some have to pay 85% of payroll to cover their pension obligations. Employing someone on $50,000 a year requires an extra $42,500 of contributions. They naturally seek to lay off workers to reduce this cost. But that leaves fewer people paying in without changing the number currently receiving retirement benefits. That increases the short-term squeeze.
注:lay off
动词词组 If workers are laid off, they are told by their employers to leave their job, usually because there is no more work for them to do. 解雇
例:100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
The second concerns the accounting treatment of public-sector funds. Many assume nominal returns on their portfolios of 7% or more after fees. This optimism has a big impact. Calculating the cost of a pension promise requires many assumptions—how long people will live, how much wages will rise and so on. Future payouts must be discounted to calculate a cost in current terms, and thus contributions. The higher the discount rate, the lower the current cost and the less employers have to pay in. Public-sector schemes use the assumed rate of investment return as their discount rate—so a high rate lowers the apparent cost.
注:discount rate
可数名词 The discount rate is the rate of interest that the central bank of a country charges on the loans that it makes to other banks. (央行的)贴现率
例:The Federal Reserve has cut the discount rate five times in 12 months.
But if a scheme becomes severely underfunded, a plunge in the stockmarket could leave it unable to cover current payouts. So it must invest in safer, lower-yielding securities, such as government bonds. That reduces the discount rate and makes the pension hole even bigger. Kentucky’s non-hazardous scheme uses an expected return of 5.25%, much lower than most public-sector schemes.
These calculations look surreal by comparison with private-sector pension funds. Their accounting rules regard a pension promise as a debt like any other. After all, courts insist pensions have to be paid, whatever the investment returns. The discount rate must therefore be based on the cost of debt—for companies, the yield on aa-rated corporate bonds. Since that yield, now around 3%, is far lower than the return assumed by public-sector funds, private-sector pension liabilities are very expensive. Faced with a $22.4bn shortfall, General Electric recently froze pension benefits for 20,000 employees.
These different accounting approaches seem to imply that it is cheaper to fund a public-sector pension than a private-sector one. In reality, that cannot be the case. The public-sector pension deficit is therefore much larger than the $1.6trn estimated by the crr. It is hard to be precise about how much larger, but the accounts of troubled schemes give some indication.
The Chicago Teachers scheme has a shortfall of $13.4bn, and a funding ratio of 47.9% on the basis of an assumed return of 6.8%. Its financial report reveals that a one-percentage-point fall in the discount rate would increase the deficit by $3bn. The private-sector accounting approach would lower the discount rate by around four percentage points.
This is a crisis no one wants to solve, at least not quickly. The Chicago Teachers scheme is aiming for 90% funding, but not until 2059—long after many retired members will have died. New Jersey’s teachers’ scheme is not scheduled to be fully funded until 2048. Such promises might as well be dated “the 12th of never”. The bill for taxpayers seems certain to rise substantially. For the states with the biggest pension holes, political conflict is in store.
注:"The Twelfth of Never" is a popular song written in 1956 and first recorded by Johnny Mathis the following year. The title is a popular expression, which is used as the date of a future occurrence that will never come to pass. 寓意一件事永远不会发生的日期
Leon, 男,金融专业研究生,经济学人铁粉
Ashley,女,金融硕士,爱宠物 爱英语,爱旅游,经济学人粉丝
Summer(琚儿),女,QE在职,梦想能仗翻译/音乐 /健康走天涯
欧美的养老金分成DB Plan(defined-benefit)和DC Plan(defined-contribution)。前者是指你交一定的钱退休之后会有一个确定的数额的退休金返还给你,后者是指你交一定的钱之后看养老基金打理钱的能力,你退休之后得到的数额不定,取决于pension funds的投资能力。
所以哪种plan给员工的福利更好呢?答案是DB plan,你必须为员工退休之后的退休金也买单而且分毫不能少,而DC你每个月交完就可以了,员工退休之后事情就与我无关了。在欧美大多数是DB plan,在中国全是DC plan。因为DB plan变得越来越不可持续,现在欧美国家也开始慢慢回到DC plan。
而在美国,养老基金没钱政府财政部显然没有什么国有企业股份划转给全国人民,那么目前看起来只有DB 变成DC减轻企业负担这条路了。