Metro English-323 - Professional Cuddler/Snuggler 职业拥抱者

Professional Cuddler/Snuggler 


If you need to be hugged, cuddled, and snuggled, but you’re all alone, then your answer is a professional snuggler. You’ll be surprised to find a number of companies offering the most enjoyable and relaxing professional cuddling experience. You get to hug somebody, and you get paid between $60 and $80 an hour! Bear in mind: nothing more than hugs.

Affectionate Robin Marie, 48, earns $40,000 a year, or $80 per hour, from her unique job and spends around 45 hours-a-week spooning, hugging and snuggling.

48岁的罗宾·玛丽(Robin Marie)年薪4万美元,相当于每小时80美元,每周花45个小时拥抱和依偎。

Robin’s clients come through a website called Cuddlist, which offers a training program to assist cuddling pros. The job, which Robin has been doing full time for 18 months, is strictly platonic and all clients are fully clothed at all times. Hugs can be standing, lying, or seated, in many different positions.


hug 拥抱

cuddle  拥抱;搂抱

snuggle 依偎,紧贴,蜷伏

platonic 柏拉图式的(指不含性爱)

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