

卢治平 曾雷


卢治平 曾雷 沈雪江 张立行 周国斌 徐龙宝 苏岩声





















Lu Zhiping - Zeng Lei

Scientific Committee

Lu Zhiping - Zeng Lei

Shen Xuejiang - Zhang Lixing

Zhou Guobin - Xu Longbao - Su Yansheng

Assistant Curator

Wu Jie

Academic Guidance

Shanghai Artists Association


Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum


Shanghai International Culture Association


Shanghai Hongqiao

Peninsula Print Art Center


Shanghai Hongqiao Contemporary Art Museum



Exhibition period

From November 6th, 2020 to January 10th, 2021

Exhibition place

Shanghai Xuhui Art Museum

No. 1413, Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai



文/ 中国国家画院研究员  卢治平





以美柔汀技法创作的铜版画作品,色调丰富,质感极为柔和,细腻且精美,其特殊的制版原理,在版画天地里别具一格。该技法四百多年前诞生于欧洲,引进中国时,它的学名Mezzotint 被形象生动地音译为“美柔汀”,令观众望文生义地联想到“优美”和“柔和”,仿佛使那黑丝绒般深沉的色调生出了更多的神秘。






Shanghai, at the Landing of Mezzotint…

By Lu Zhiping

Researcher of China National Academy of Painting

Peninsula, 28/09/2020

In 868 AD, during the reign of emperor Xiantong of Tang Dynasty, China contributed to the world the earliest surviving woodcut print, the illustration on the title page of the Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra. Before the publication of this print, China's papermaking technique as well as its wood-block printing technique had already crossed the borders through the Silk Roads and started their journey of sharing around the world.

In the year of 1931, the New Woodcut Movement advocated by Lu Xun was launched in Shanghai. It awakened the once glorious but declined Chinese printmaking leaving a profound cultural impact on the nation.

Today, especially in the decades since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, in China the hometown of printmaking and in Shanghai the birthplace of the New Woodcut Movement, printmaking has gradually become an art form loved by both artists and ordinary people. However, in the colorful world of printmaking there is a special technique, though with its long history and distinctive features, still not well known to the Chinese public yet. It is called mezzotint.

A copper engraving created by the mezzotint technique is often rich in tones, soft in texture, delicate and exquisite. With its particular plate making principle the mezzotint technique is considered unique in the world of prints. It was born in Europe more than 400 years ago and when it was introduced to China, the scientific name “mezzotint” was vividly transliterated as “美柔汀”(Meirou Ting), which let people think of “beauty” and “softness” literally. It looked like to make the deep tone of velvety black even more mysterious.

The prints of mezzotint are indeed delicate and soft in color, rich of layers and outstanding for expressiveness. Relatively speaking the production process is also environmentally friendly. However, due to the long production cycle and the strict technical requirements, the technique of mezzotint poses a considerable challenge of physical power and energy to the artist and is often seen as a daunting way, but there are still perseverant artists around the world sticking to this ancient art. Thanks to their passion, hard work and with the help of new materials and new techniques emerging nowadays, amazing masterpieces by mezzotint techniques are keeping on contributing for the world of art.

Shanghai, 2020. Xuhui Art Museum decides to dedicate the 6th “Shanghai Intaglio Printmaking Exhibition” to a special presentation of mezzotint prints. Its very intention is to provide the Chinese public with an opportunity of getting close to and experiencing the unique art of mezzotint. It is also a kindest wish to promote the artistic creation by mezzotint technique in Shanghai and further in China through the exchanges of the artists from all over the world.

The curatorial team of the exhibition has sent invitation to about 21 artists from home and abroad and we are honored to have received enthusiastic and positive responses. Because of the situation caused by COVID-19, many artists wrote and regretted for the impossibility of a personal presence but believed that the fact of holding the exhibition in Shanghai at such moment was an encouraging and huge success itself. The works we have received from abroad are all of a very high standard and quality. Many of them are repeated winners of different awards at important international art exhibitions. Although the invited domestic painters are relatively young, their works presented are equally impressive.

The organizer will collect a number of outstanding works after the exhibition so that our domestic artists and public will have more chances of visit or study. The exhibits will be displayed in other galleries, schools and communities in order to be shared with more audiences. During and after the exhibition, there will be publicity and educational visits organized for our public that may learn better about the art of mezzotint.

China has a long history of printmaking while Shanghai is a city with beautiful tradition of print creation but nothing prevents us from going on studying and assimilating what is good from other cultures with an open mind and through humble eyes. No matter whose excellent culture it is, as long as it is shared among all the nations, it will be the luck of China and also the luck of the world.



阿尔特·维格  /  Art Werger

蔡鸿君  /  Cai Hongjun

黛博拉·查普曼  /  Deborah Chapman

董昆兴  /  Dong Kunxing

E.瓦伦丁·德瓦尔德(二世)/  E . Valentine DeWald, II

郭梦迪  /  Guo Mengdi

盖伊·郎格文  /  Guy Langevin

赫迪·贾法里  /  Hedieh Jafari  /  Iran

扈金娥  /  Hu Jin’e

杰恩·里德·杰克逊  /  Jayne Reid Jackson

李言波  /  Li Yanbo

琳达·惠特尼  /  Linda Whitney

刘红亮  /  Liu Hongliang

皮埃尔·瓦克斯  /  Pierre Vaquez

莎拉·吉莱斯皮  /  Sarah Gillespie

索尼娅·莫蒂埃  /  Sonia Mottier

鹿取武司  /  Takeshi Katori

王禹  /  Wang Yu

曾雷  /  Zeng Lei

朱昌森  /  Zhu Changsen

庄漫  /  Zhuang Man


阿尔特·维格 /  美国

Art Werger /  USA

涨潮/ 美柔汀/ 60×60cm / 2013

Rising Tide / Mezzotint / 60×60cm / 2013

蔡鸿君 /  中国

Cai Hongjun /  China

山川/ 美柔汀/ 30×40cm / 2020

Mountain and River / Mezzotint / 30×40cm / 2020

黛博拉·查普曼 / 阿根廷

Deborah Chapman /  Argentina

揭秘/ 美柔汀/ 40x 60.5cm / 2018

Secret révélés / Mezzotint / 40x 60.5cm  / 2018

董昆兴 /  中国

Dong Kunxing /  China

米老鼠与唐老鸭/ 美柔汀/ 20×14cm / 2020

Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck / Mezzotint / 20×14cm / 2020

E.瓦伦丁·德瓦尔德(二世) /  美国

E. Valentine DeWald, II /  USA

珍珠/100% 铜版美柔汀/ 22.5×30cm / 2016

Pearl / 100% Mezzotint on copper plate. Scraping and burnishing / 22.5×30cm / 2016

郭梦迪 /  中国

Guo Mengdi /  China

《榫卯如蕈》系列之一/ 美柔汀/ 40×55cm / 2017

Mortise and Tenon 1 / Mezzotint / 40×55cm / 2017

盖伊·郎格文 /  加拿大

Guy Langevin /  Canada

佛晓2/ 美柔汀/ 20×30cm /2019

Aux aurores 2 / Mezzotint /20×30cm / 2019

赫迪·贾法里 /  伊朗

Hedieh Jafari /  Iran

风险/ 干刻美柔汀/ 10×15cm / 2018

Hazard / Mezzotint & Dry point / 10×15cm / 2018

扈金娥 /  中国

Hu Jin’e /  China

亭亭净植/ 美柔汀/ 30×40cm / 2020

Plant of Grace / Mezzotint / 30×40cm / 2020

杰恩·里德·杰克逊 /  美国

Jayne Reid Jackson /  USA

收藏者/ 美柔汀/ 15.24×22.86cm / 2019

The Collector / Mezzotint / 15.24×22.86cm / 2019

李言波 /  中国

Li Yanbo / China

有序状态·禁锢/ 美柔汀/ 90×60cm / 2015

Ordered State·Imprisonment / Mezzotint / 90×60cm / 2015

琳达·惠特尼 /  美国

Linda Whitney /  USA

马棍星舞者/ 美柔汀/ 30.48×22.86cm / 2018

Horse Stick Star Dancer / Mezzotint / 30.48×22.86cm / 2018

刘红亮 /  中国

Liu Hongliang /  China

思想者之续/ 飞尘美柔汀/ 50×70cm / 2019

The Thinker's Continuation / Aquatint mezzotint / 50×70cm / 2019

皮埃尔·瓦克斯 / 法国

Pierre Vaquez /  France

我守着你/ 美柔汀/ 30×40cm / 2020

Je veille sur vous / Mezzotint / 30×40cm / 2020

莎拉·吉莱斯皮 / 英国

Sarah Gillespie /  UK

灰黄小猫蛾/ 美柔汀/ 41×41cm / 2019

Sallow Kitten Moth / Mezzotint / 41×41cm / 2019

索尼娅·莫蒂埃 /  法国

Sonia Mottier /  France

汇聚/ 美柔汀/ 30×40cm / 2020

Convergence / Mezzotint / 30×40cm / 2020

鹿取武司 / 日本

Takeshi Katori /  Japan

带贝壳的静物/ 美柔汀+ 手上彩/ 44.3×59.6cm / 1990

Still Life with Shells / Mezzotint + hand color / 44.3×59.6cm / 1990

王禹 /  中国

Wang Yu /  China

中国智造之一/ 美柔汀/ 100×60cm / 2019

Intelligent Manufacturing in China 1 / Mezzotint / 100×60cm / 2019

曾雷 /  中国

Zeng Lei /  China

静物之器/ 美柔汀/ 30×40cm / 2017

Shelf of Still Life / Mezzotint / 30×40cm / 2017

朱昌森 /  中国

Zhu Changsen /  China

岁月之旅NO.1/ 凹版、美柔汀/ 20.5×16.5cm / 2011

Journey Through Time No.1 / Intaglio, mezzotint / 20.5×16.5cm / 2011

庄 漫 /  中国

Zhuang Man /  China

朝雾/ 美柔汀/ 35.5×59.0cm / 2018

Morning Fog / Mezzotint / 35.5×59.0cm / 2018

