次日(10月18日)中午,迈克尔.贝里再次做客国防科大前沿交叉中心。为大家带来了一场关于潮汐的物理现象报告——《Chasing the dragon: tidal bores in the UK and elsewhere》。该报告中介绍了潮汐的起源,以及不同地理位置,所产生出的潮汐的差异性。更为生动的是,他在报告中用视频的形式展示了不同地域人们观潮的情景。
From Flammarion and Gore, Popular Astronomy.1907
One day, after being present at Caudebec after this always curious spectable of the ”bore” of the Seine.I returned on foot, where I was overtaken by a countrman, which whom I entered into conversation. On my asking him what he thought, and what the old people of his family thought, of the phenomenon which they observed for so many years,’I do not know’,he replied,’how the wise men explain it ,but for us it seems to be nothing else than the well-know antipathy between salt water and fresh.They are not of the same character, you see. But this is certain, that the fresh water falling into the sea worries the salt water, with which it finds a difficulty in mixing,Well then, the salt, water ends by becoming angry. It accumulates its anger, and, every evening, especially at the equinoxes, when it is already naturally furious, it resovles o hunting the fresh water, and sending it back with great velocity .’
1941年出生的贝里教授,年近八旬,却任然精神抖擞,做报告的过程中,语速流利,思维敏捷。大腹便便的样子,显得更加可爱。报告中,不时跟听众来一段幽默,比如在讲到他的著作:《Half Century Physical Asymptotics Other Diversions》他指着在婴儿旁边放着这本书的图片,俏皮的说了一句”This my first reader.“逗笑了下面的观众。
经过听了贝里教授的几次报告之后,我发现了贝里教授有不同于其他人做报告的地方。首先在做报告的过程中不喜欢被别人打断,或者下面有人的走动。其次做报告的时候,希望光线暗一些。也许这是每个人的习惯。贝里教授在1984年提出了贝里相位(Berry phase),广泛应用于量子光学,凝聚态物理,粒子物理等。贝里相位一度被物理学家评价为”有望获得诺贝奖的工作!“不过,最近几年诺贝尔物理学奖角逐比较激烈。我们期待着贝里教授未来能够获得诺奖。
迈克尔.贝里教授生于1941年,现为英国布里斯托大学Mlville Wills 荣休物理学教授,是当今享负盛名的理论物理学家之一。贝里教授善于发掘看似不相关的物理现象之间的关系,器学术贡献广泛的贯穿于物理学的多个不同方向。尤其是以他命名的贝里相位(Berry Phase)的概念影响深远,被广泛的应用于粒子物理,量子光学,凝聚态物理,以及众多的前沿交叉领域。
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