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Part-time Jobs for College Students




Some people think that it is a good thing for college students to get a part-time job in their college years. In their minds, students will be able to get enough social and work experience by doing part-time jobs. Students will learn what they can’t learn in their classes.

However, there are still a lot of others who believe that part-time jobs are not necessarily a good thing for college students. The essential purpose for college students is to learn things from classes and books. Young students will get lost as to what they should learn at colleges if they spend much time doing part-time jobs.

As a college student, I think that we should try to find part-time jobs and gain some social experience in work field. But at the same time, we should pay attention that we should not neglect our aims in college.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet




Some people think that internet is good for us in our work and life. In this modern society, we can hardly do anything without internet. Internet brings us many conveniences in connecting the outside world. We can get as much information as we can through internet.

However, there are still a lot of others who believe that internet is not necessarily a good thing for everyone. There is much false information in the internet. You will always have to spend much time finding the information you need.

I think that internet is a very useful tool for us to get useful information and get to the world outside the campus. But at the same time, we should have a clear idea that it will become bad for us if we spend too much on the internet.


On Choosing a Job




People have different ideal jobs of their own because every one has his or her likes and dislikes. Some people want to be teachers because they’d like to make people aware of the change of the world. There are others who plan to be doctors after graduation. They like to help make a healthier world.

As far as I am concerned, I want to be an engineer. In this modern society, engineering has become more and more important in the development of our country. I’d like to put my knowledge into practice and make a better world.

To become an engineer, I must do a lot of preparation. For one thing, I have to learn well at school and gain the essential knowledge of my major. For another, I will try every means to put what I learn into practice in work field.


Fast Food

1. 快餐在中国十分流行

2. 快餐受欢迎的原因

3. 我对快餐的看法

Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food.

There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is quick and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. Precious time won't be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the comfortable environment of the fast food restaurant.

However, I think that fast food isn't healthy enough because it does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Doctors suggest that people should avoid eating too much fast food. Although home cooking is time-consuming, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and we should turn to it only once in a while.


Internet ― A Two-edged Sword.

 1. 互联网的好处。

 2. 互联网的弊端。

 3. 结论。

  Internet is playing an increasingly important role in people's life. As a newborn information delivering system, the Internet has made seas of information available at our fingers’ tips. Besides, the Internet serves as the most convenient means for communication. Through the Internet, people can discuss various problems and make friends who share common views.

  But Internet has its own drawbacks which should not be neglected. First, it costs an alarming amount of money to construct the system and the cost is very high to most Chinese consumers. Second, it is sometimes difficult for people to find the right information they are looking for since there is too much rubbish on the net. Finally, it is also difficult to prevent the net from the invasion of criminals.

Therefore, the Internet should be viewed as a two-edged sword, which presents us with both conveniences and troubles. The best policy, as I see it, is to further develop the net and exert proper supervision over it so that it can benefit us in a better way.


Mobile Telephone on Campus

 1. 学校园里越来越多的学生拿手机;

2. 手机对学生的影响;

3. 你的观点。

With the development of science and technology, mobile telephone becomes more and more popular. If you go to a college campus, you will find an increasing number of students begin to use mobile telephones.

On the one hand, mobile telephone is good to the students. It enables them to keep in touch with their friends and family more conveniently and quickly. On the other hand, mobile telephone has a negative effect on the students. It will cost them more money than before, and will distract them from their study, especially when it rings in class or in the library.

  In my opinion, it is not good for the students on campus to use mobile telephone. Since the students’ main purpose on campus is to study, they should pay much attention to their study. If they want to use mobile telephone, they can use it after graduation.


Social Practice in Education

1. 学生往往对社会现实缺乏认识。

2. 社会实践是学校教育的一个重要组成部分。

3. 参加社会实践的好处。

It is a common weak point among today's college students that the majority of them have little knowledge of social reality. Some students pay no attention to or even refuse social practice in their years of learning at college.

Social practice must become an organic component of the nation's higher education. If so, students are sure to learn more than their textbooks. Their participation in social practice and knowledge of society might strengthen their sense of social responsibility; their close contact with the working people might help them to apply their knowledge to the solution to the practical problem. In recent years, many college students have been sent to the basic level to keep in contact with workers and farmers. The process has proved effective in enriching their knowledge of reality.

Social practice for college students is a bridge between their theory and reality. Timely participation in social practice will benefit them all through their life.

