人文湖南 | 慢品社区老房子 · 李白旧居


















李白 (忻秉勇画)

Introduction of former residence of LI Bai

The former residence of LI Bai is situated on the ground floor of Building 18 in Alley 339 on Changle Road. Buildings from No.1 to No. 44 in Pushi Village in Alley 339 are of a new alley style named after Pushi Road (now Changle Road).

Built in 1934, it covers an area of 4,080 square meters with a construction area of 7,376 square meters. Totally there are 42 buildings of a three-story structure of brick and wood with one building of two stories and one bungalow. There’s a light awning on the upper of the entrance and a small round window on the right. On the second floor, there are stuccoed exterior walls, pitched roofs, steel windows, hardwood floors and partly large corner windows. The Martyr LI Bai once set up a secret radio station here before, which his son LI Hengsheng confirmed on the phone.

He also recalled that “I used to bring the reporters from CCTV here to shoot a documentary”. According to a staff member in Hongkou District Research Institute of Culture and History, the martyr’s wife QIU Huiying confirmed this place before her death.

Now the residence has been included in the third census list of national cultural relics in Shanghai.

LI Bai (1910-1949) has his ancestral family from Liuyang in Hunan province. In 1925, he participated in the Peasant Movement and then joined the Communist Party of China. In 1930 he joined the Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Farmers and attended the second phase of the telecommunications training courses organized by the Central Revolutionary Base. After that he was engaged in the radio communications work for the Red Army. In 1934, he took part in the Long March as a member of the Central Red Army. During the War against Japanese Invasion, he went to Shanghai and set up a secret radio station. He was once arrested and put to prison by the Japanese invaders. After the victory of the War, he continued to work for the secret radio. He kept secrets of the Party despite the torture after he was arrested in December, 1948. Unfortunately, he was secretly killed in Pudong in Shanghai on May 7, 1949.

On October 10, 1937, LI Bai, with the assumed name LI Xia, arrived in Shanghai from Yan’an to act as a secret radio operator under the appointment of the Central Committee of the CPC. To protect the underground radio station, the CPC arranged QIU Lanfen (renamed QIU Huiying), a 23-year-old silk factory worker and a communist, to disguise herself as LI Bai’s wife in order to support his revolutionary work.

In April 1938, they settled in a quiet place on Pushi Road in Pushi Village in the French Concession (now named Alley 399 on Changle Road) as a “couple”. During the daytime, LI Bai went out and did part-time job to earn a living. As night came, he would go to a tiny kitchen behind the cottage to work. Every day the period from midnight to four o’clock in the morning was the time for him to intercommunicate with Yan’an. When people were in deep sleep, he pulled down double-layer dark curtains and muffled the 5-watt small light bulb with black cloth. Then he put on headphones and pressed the button, transmitting the instructions from Yan’an Central Committee to the Shanghai underground party and passing the important information of Japanese invaders and the puppet government to the CPC through the air bridge set up by radio waves.

It was unbelievably torrid in summer. With doors and windows closed, he worked day and night in the narrow steamer-like kitchen. He would take off shirt since it was all wet and the wife would wipe off the sweat from his face and wave a fan by his side. Since they could not set fire to keep warm even in cold winter, they put a cup of hot water by the transmitter to keep warm. His fingers became frozen and swollen on account of pressing the key for a long term. Each time he finished reporting, she would rub his hands till they became warm. In the years of struggle for the common ideal, the two fell in love for each other. In the fall of 1940, they got married with the approval of the Party organization.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese occupied the Concessions. LI Bai moved several times with his radio station. He was arrested twice in September 1942 and March 1945 and later he was bailed out by the CPC.

After the victory of the War against Japanese Invasion, LI Bai and his wife came back to Shanghai from Zhejiang, continuously engaged in Party’s secret radio work. On the early morning of December 30, 1948, the inspection office of the KMT Shanghai Garrison Headquarters detected the location of the secret radio and a large number of police quickly surrounded his home in Alley 107 on Huangdu Road. At that time, LI Bai was sending a message marked “urgent” on the 15th floor. After finding himself in an emergent condition, he persisted in finishing the telegram and finally issued a set of code “8873” (meaning I have been found by the enemy). Then he tore up the pieces of paper and swallowed them before he was arrested.

LI Bai endured great torture, temptation and other tests in prison but he never yielded, which ensured that the Party’s standby radio could be quickly actuated.

On May 7, 1949, the husband and wife met in the police station for the last time with their nearly four years old son. During that night, the Shanghai Garrison Headquarters frog-marched LI Bai and others secretly to Pudong and slaughtered them cruelly. That day happened to be his birthday. In 1958, the film The Eternal Radio Waves based on the life story of LI Bai became a nationwide sensation after hitting the big screen.


