口语 | 反应快的人,运气都不会太差

My boyfriend is incredible. Yesterday we were arguing, and I shouted that I didn't want to see him anymore.
So he just turned the lights off! Can't argue with him now, can I?
* incredible adj. [ɪn'krɛdəbl] adj. 难以置信的
* shout v. [ʃaʊt] 呼喊,大叫

My grandma bet me that I couldn't eat 25 of her cookies in a row. I laughed and said that she was clearly underestimating me. So there I was finishing my 24th cookie, but the 25th one wasn’t on the plate...
Then grandma takes a cookie out of the cupboard, and it’s literally the size of the plate itself. To cut the story short, grandma won.
然后祖母从碗柜里拿出了一个饼干 --- 一个跟盘子一样大的饼干。 长话短说,祖母赢了。
* in a row [ro] 连续
* underestimate v. [ʌndɚ'ɛstəmet] 低估
* cupboard n. ['kʌbɚd] 碗柜;食橱

When I have guests at my house, they all chat, share news, help me cook, joke, sing, and play board games. My friends just love visiting me. They say that I have a unique atmosphere in my house.
The secret is simple: I don't have Wi-Fi, and there’s no Internet connection. People are forced to communicate, not stay glued to their smartphones.
* board game 桌游
►Scott 英音美音随时切换,理工直男,但非直男癌。不是教你英语,是给你打开通往另外世界的门。个人公众号:Scott学口语