






1. 铁杵能磨成针,但木杵只能磨成牙签。材料不对,再努力也没用。

An iron pestle can be ground into a needle while a wooden pestle can only be ground into a toothpick. If the material is wrong, hard work never pays off. 

2. 作弱者,多不得好活;作强者,多不得好死。

Weak people mostly cannot live a good life, while strong people mostly cannot die in peace.  

3. 别人都骂人都说王八蛋,可我有一个本领,我能证明你是王八蛋。

Others curse only by yelling “son of a bitch”, but what’s special about me is that I can prove you are a son of a bitch.


4. 有时解释是不必要的:敌人不信你的解释,朋友无须你的解释。

Sometimes explanation is point less: your enemies don’t believe it and your friends don’t need it.

5. 世界上最讨人厌的一种话就是失败者的理由。

The most disgusting type of talking is losers’ excuses.

6. 人生第一快乐是做到自己认为自己做不到的事,人生第二快乐是做到别人认为自己做不到的事。

The first happiness in life is to achieve something you think you cannot achieve. The second one is to achieve something others think you cannot achieve.


7. 富兰克林讲了一句话,非常动人,他说:“哪里有自由,哪里就是我的祖国”。这句话被我李敖改写成“这里是我的国家,我要使它自由”。

Mr. Franklin left us an inspiring quote: where liberty is, there is my country. And I, Li Ao, change it to “This is my country, and I will make it free.”

8. 谈恋爱是以自欺始,欺人终;搞政治是以欺人始,以自欺终。

Having a romance starts with deceiving yourself and end up deceiving others, while engaging in politics starts with deceiving others and end up deceiving yourself.


9. 其实,这就是人生,你不能全选全得,你有所取有所不取,有所不取,就该坦然面对有所失,有所失就有所得。

To be honest, this is life. You cannot take all, and there is something you should take and something you shouldn’t. So, we should calmly face all the losses, because losing something means gaining something.

10. 任何人都不配与我一战,没有人能战胜我,因为我不可战胜。不要与我辩论,你多说一句就多暴露一分愚蠢。

Nobody is qualified to fight against me, and nobody can defeat me, because I am undefeatable. Never ever argue with me, because every single word you say is nothing but a testimony of your stupidity. 




