Clinical Nurse Leader-临床护理领导者不仅有护士长?还有这个新角色


今天我们给大家一个全新的护理管理者的角色概念-Clinical Nurse Leader(CNL),CNL是美国近年出现的临床护理管理角色,要求具有护理硕士学位。

那么今天我们一同来看看美国的Clinical Nurse Leader的一天究竟是什么样子的吧!

What Is a Clinical Nurse Leader?

The clinical nurse leader (CNL®) rolewas launched by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) in 2007.The CNL was specifically developed in response to the growing need forredesigned care delivery systems that are client-centered and consistentlygenerate higher-quality outcomes. The primary goal of the CNL is to promotesafe, quality healthcare with the aim of applying excellence in nursingpractice.

A clinical nurse leader is amaster's-prepared registered nurse (RN), equipped for comprehensive practiceacross the continuum of care within any healthcare setting.

美国的临床注册护士Linda L. Borns为我们介绍了她做为CNL的一天。









A complex patient is at risk of "falling through the cracks" with respect to follow-up care, andtherefore is at risk for early readmission to the hospital. Complex dischargesmight include the following:

  • A patient with congestive heart failure (CHF). I assist the staff to ensure that CHF education is provided to the patient and family, ensure that a follow-up CHF clinic appointment is scheduled, and make arrangements for any necessary equipment at home (such as a scale).

  • A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I determine whether the patient knows how to appropriately use an inhaler, and arrange for close follow-up to prevent readmission.

  • A patient with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus. I perform diabetes teaching and arrange follow-up in the diabetes clinic, as well as additional classes, as needed.

  • A patient who needs a meeting with family members to discuss the goals of care, including the need for hospice or palliative care, as appropriate.




① 一种提高究竟筛查依从性的方法,可以明显改善究竟筛查

② 急症护理中的中风教育

③ 院内获得的压力性损伤的预防。完善患者皮肤状况记录,改善压疮的预防。我们的员工培训是通过模拟完成的,这增强了员工的学习和体验。

④ 针对导管相关性尿路感染(CAUTI)对员工进行相关培训,特别是针对新入职员工的培训,这可以极大程度上降低CAUTI的发生率。

⑤ 与其他的临床护理领导者一起改进患者出院后护理计划。

·       A method ofincreasing compliance with alcohol screening, which improved alcohol screeningdramatically.

·      Stroke education in acute care.

·      A hospital-acquired pressure injury prevention protocol, whichled to increased accuracy in pressure injury staging, better skindocumentation, and improved pressure ulcer prevention. Our staff training wasdone with simulation, which enhanced the staff learning experience.

·      A point-prevalence survey for catheter-association urinary tractinfection (CAUTI) and staff training to increase awareness, reduce the CAUTIrate, and update staff on evidence-based practices to prevent CAUTI. Thisresulted in a reduction in facility CAUTI rates.

·      Implementation of a multidisciplinary discharge meeting withshared documentation between CNL and social workers. This improved ourmultidisciplinary discharge planning documentation.


What I've Learned as a CNL




① 建立你的专业社交网络。如果可能的话,在每个部门都有一位“首选”工作人员。如果在我的工作中没有与质量管理人员,计算机技术协调员,患者健康教育协调员等专业人员建立连结桥梁,我将会很难开展自己的工作。在专业领域中,跨学科的合作及专业分享也让我非常有成就感。

② 不要害怕别人对你的角色的好奇。告诉关心你角色的人CNL的作用,这是非常好的促进护理发展的机会,不要吝啬每一次的宣传和推进。

③ 虽然有“领导者”的头衔,但是工作一定要从实处入手。设身处地的为员工和患者考虑他们的需求,获得大家的信任。希望大家对你的评价会是:“我不知道如果没有CNL我们的工作该如何开展。”

④ 如果将你发现自己的角色和定位是是模糊的,积极与你的同事和合作者交流,也花一点时间与你的病人交谈,患者就是我们角色存在的原因。


根据the Commission on Nursing Certification (CNC),截止到2017年,美国共有5500名CNL工作在临床为护理工作者和患者提供专业服务,并且在日本等其他国家也有相似护理角色的引入。


Becoming a CNL

CNL education programs can be found at both the master's and post-master's levels. Examples of courses that comprise the CNL curriculum within a typical master's program include leadership, advanced patient assessment, healthcare policy, research, healthcare finance, advanced pathophysiology, and pharmacology. This education gives CNLs a unique skill set that prepares them to assess the units or microsystems under their leadership and implement best practices to enhance care delivery in their work areas.


After completing this education, the nurse who wishes to become a CNL must pass a certification test, administered by the CNC. Candidates who meet all eligibility requirements and pass the CNL certification examination will earn the credential of CNL.



A Day in the Life of a Clinical Nurse Leader

Linda L. Borns, MS, RN, CCRN, CNL

The Clinical Nurse Leader Role

Lorraine Kaack, MSN, RN, CNL; Sonya Curtis, DNP, MBA, RN, CNL; Linda L. Borns, MS, RN, CCRN, CNL; Kimberly A. Bruno, MSN, BSN

