《我的秘密》(Secretum Meum)by 皮特拉克
So at the age of two and twenty I returned home. I call my place of exile home, Avignon, where I had been since childhood; for habit has almost the potency of nature itself. I had already begun to be known there, and my friendship was sought by prominent men; wherefore I cannot say. I confess this is now a source of surprise to me, although it seemed natural enough at an age when we are used to regard ourselves as worthy of the highest respect. I was courted first and foremost by that very distinguished and noble family, the Colonnesi, who, at that period, adorned the Roman Curia with their presence.——Letter to Posterity
二十二岁那年我返回了故乡。我把它称之为流放之地,Arignon,这我自从儿时就居住的土地;习惯几乎就是自然本身。我在那里已经被广为人知,我的友人也都是杰出之士;我不能再说了。我忏悔这对我来说很令人惊讶,但尽管在那种年纪,人总是很自然地最自以为是,以为自己值得最高崇敬。我第一次恋爱了,和一个著名家族Colonnesi的人,这个家族信仰罗马天主教。——《给后代人的信》(英文本:《给后代人的一封信》by 皮特拉克)
Laura, who was distinguished by her own virtues, and widely celebrated by my songs, first appeared to my eyes in my early manhood, in the year or our Lord 1327, upon the sixth day of April, at the first hour, in the church of Santa Clara at Avignon; in the same city, in the same month of April, on the same sixth day, at the same first hour, in the year 1348, that light was taken from our day, while I was by chance Verona, ignorant, alas! of my fate. The unhappy news reached me at Parma, in a letter from my friend Ludovico, on the morning of the nineteenth of May, of the same year. Her chaste and lovely form was laid in the church of the Franciscans, on the evening of the day upon which she died. I am persuaded that her soul returned, as Seneca says Scipio Africanus, to the heaven whence it came.——On The Death of Laura
1327年4月6日,在Avignon的Santa Clara教堂,那时 我还年轻,遇到了劳拉,从第一眼就被她的出众的美德所深深吸引,我为她写下了无数诗篇;而在1348年,同样是4月,同样是6日,甚至时刻也是如此一致,在我身在Verona的时候,毫不知道此刻我生命中的光已经被夺走了,天哪!同一年的5月19日,我的朋友Ludovico写信给身在Parma的我告诉我这个不幸的消息。她圣洁可爱的遗体在她去世的那个晚上被葬在Franciscan教堂。我终于释然她的离开,如同Saneca (斯多亚哲学家)面对Scipio Africanus的死亡一样,现在劳拉已经回到了天堂,那里才是她的故乡。——劳拉之死
弗朗切斯科·皮特拉克(1304年7月20日—1374年7月19日)一般被认为是人文主义之父和文艺复兴之父。在他的作品《我的秘密》(Secretum Meum)中他指出世俗努力并不一定最后会升华为上帝之作。皮特拉克声称上帝给了人类巨大的智力和创造潜力,而这些潜力尚未运用到它的极限。