
A Walk in the Clouds ——《云中漫步》



— We haven't seen properly introduced. I am Paul Sutton.

— 我们还没正式自我介绍呢。我叫保罗萨顿。

— Vitoria Aragon. I am sorry about the bus. I feel terrible. All the problems I caused you. You should go. Who knows what will happen next.

— 维多利亚阿拉贡。我对汽车上发生的事抱歉!我感觉很糟,给你带来那么多麻烦。你该继续赶路。谁知道接下来会发生什么事呢。

— There is always the possibility of a forest fire, I suppose.

— 搞不好会发生森林大火。

— Why aren't you on the bus?

— 你为什么下车了?

— My stop.

— 我到站了?

— You're waiting for a ride.

— 你等着搭车吗?

— No. No. A miracle. He's going to kill me.

— 不,我在等一个奇迹。

— Who ?

— 谁?

— My father.

— 我父亲。

— If You're still worried about the picture frame…

— 如果是关于相框的事…

— It's not about the picture.

— 不是的。

— It's none of my business. But if you'd like to talk about it.... " I was not meant for the conventions of this world, not meant to be tied down. I am a free spirit.  "  Who's a free spirit?

— 本来不关我事的,但是,如果你愿意说的话… "我生来就不适合这世俗,不受它的束缚。我是自由的灵魂。",谁是自由的灵魂?

— My professor. He and I were... We were....

— 我的教授。他和我…,我们…。

— I don't know your father, but just because a free spirit broke up.

— 我不认识你父亲,到如果只是因为这个…。

— I am pregnant !

— 我怀孕了!

— You're very upset. I understand that. But Vitoria, look at the positive side. It's a new life arriving. And that's a miracle.

— 你很难过,这我能理解。但是,维多利亚,你要看到积极的一面。这是新生命即将诞生。这就是一个奇迹!

— " I will kill anyone who dishonors my family!" How many times has he said ?A million.

— "我会杀了有辱家门的人!" 这句话他说过几次了?有一百万次了。

— It's a figure of speech.

— 那只是随口说说。

— It's not. My father means what he says. Always. He's always old-fashioned. If I come home this way, without a husband, he will kill me. I know he will.

— 不是的。我父亲总是说到做到。他很传统。如果我就这样,孤身一人回家,他会杀了我的,我知道他一定会。

— What If you do show up with a husband?

— 如果你带个丈夫回家呢?

— Who does what? Comes for the day and then leaves?

— 谁去做这样的事?当天去,然后离开?

— Sure . Meets the family, stays one night, wakes up in the morning, and then leaves.Writes a letter saying he's...


— Abandoned me?

— 把我抛弃了?

— It happens.

— 这种事时有发生。

— You're very kind for trying to help me. Maybe it might work... But there's nobody.

— 谢谢你想帮我!这也许可行,但,没有人。

— Miss Aragon. Victoria! There's me.

— 阿拉贡小姐,维多利亚!有我呀!


* "I was not meant for the conventions of this world, not meant to be tied down. I am a free spirit.  "是这部电影最经典的台词,竟让恋爱中的女人无言以对,又爱又恨。


真的是 ——


Saw ——《电锯惊魂》



What is the cure for cancer, Eric?
Those who don't appreciate life do not deserve life.
The cure for death itself ? The answer is immortality.
By create a legacy, by living a life worth remembering, you become immortal. So now you find the tables are turned.


the cure for... ( …的解药 )

appreciate ( 欣赏,感激 )

deserve ( 值得,配得上 )

immortal ( 不死的 )

immortality ( immortal的名词,永生 )

legacy ( 遗产 )

worth remembering ( 值得被记住 )

… the tables are turned ( 局势被扭转 )

* turn the tables : 扭转局势,反败为胜

🌰:We managed to turn the tables with a fantastic win over their team. 我们用一次精彩的胜利成功的扭转了局势。

中文里还有一种同义的说法: " 胜利的天平(scale)向…倾斜",所以以上短语还可以说成turn the scale。

Blade Runner ——《银翼杀手》



I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe.


Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.


I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

注视c 射线在天国之门的黑暗里闪耀,

All those... moments... will be lost in time, like tears... in... rain. Time... to die...


* 这段台词被誉为“电影史上最动人的独白”。

* 唐怀瑟是一部歌剧的名字,讲唐怀瑟在虚幻的维纳斯世界和现实的华特堡山谷与他的爱人伊丽莎白之间做选择的故事,而唐怀瑟之门,便是穿越现实与虚幻之门。

* 1982年的《银翼杀手》是科幻片的代表,故事设定在2019年的洛杉矶;鲁特格尔·哈尔扮演的生化人Roy Batty,在电影中死于2019年那潮湿阴暗、氖光闪闪的洛杉矶;令人吃惊的巧合是,现实中,他也是在2019年过世。2017年拍了续集《银翼杀手2049》,故事设定在30年后的洛杉矶。



