José Manuel Martínez Pérez雕塑作品欣赏

Born in Lepe (Huelva) in 1972, Jose Manuel Martinez Perez is a sculptor. He has made many public sculptures in his home country, among them: the Sailor's Monument (2012), The Reading Monument (2009), the Old and Beautiful Monument (2007), the Football Monument (2006) or Monument to the Farmer (2002). His work can be seen in the European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM) in Barcelona and the Sicilian Museum of Contemporary Art (MACS) in Catania. He is currently professor of Anatomy and Natural Drawing at the Higher School of Professional Drawing (ESDIP) in Madrid。
Jose Manuel Martinez Perez's sculptures are completed in a stream-of-consciousness form, seemingly disorganized and containing thoughts. 'The goal-oriented flow of thoughts can lead to reality-oriented conclusions.' Although thinking is an activity of existential value to human beings, there is no consensus on how to fully define it or understand it as artistic human beings.
Since thought is the basis of many human behaviors and interactions, understanding its physical and metaphysical origins and their implications has been a long-term goal of many disciplines, including philosophy, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, biology, sociology, and cognitive science.
Mind enables humans to understand, interpret, represent or construct the world they experience and make predictions about it. So it's very helpful for creatures with needs, goals and desires in making plans or trying to achieve those goals


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