医学影像英语每日读丨117.Colovesicle Fistulae



In this case I ask you for the best diagnosis. Two images, one 3D, one coronal. You look carefully and what you recognize is, there's soft tissue thickening. And in fact there's communication between the sigmoid colon and the bladder.

Now the best diagnosis is, I guess it could be bladder cancer invading, (this is) the colon. And I guess it could be colon cancer invading the bladder. The most common cause of a colovesicle fistulae however, is diverticulitis. It's not a bladder perforation. This is a colovesicle fistulae. Now you can define it better by giving either rectal contrast, or giving contrast in the bladder and doing a CT cystogram.  In this case it's hard to say there wasn't a tumor present.

This ended up being diverticulitis with a fistulae from the colon to the bladder.Just a very nice example. Other causes of colovesicle fistulae besides that diverticulitis, besides tumors, would include Crohn's disease as well as instrumentation.


1. sigmoid colon [ˈsɪɡˌmɔɪd ˈkolən] 乙状结肠

2. bladder [ˈblædɚ] n. 膀胱

3. colovesicle fistulae 结肠膀胱瘘

A colovesical fistula is an uncommon condition. It’s an open connection between the colon (large intestine) and the bladder. This can allow fecal matter from the colon to enter the bladder, causing painful infections and other complications.

4. diverticulitis [ˌdaɪvərtɪkjʊˈlaɪtɪs] n. 憩室炎

5. rectal [ˈrɛktəl] adj. 直肠的

6. cystogram ['sɪstəgræm] n. 膀胱造影


【colovesicle fistulae 结肠膀胱瘘】




