日常口语常犯错误 Party Plan | Let's be Correct!



Planning a Party

Can you find the mistake?

1. How about go out for dinner?

2. Let’s make a plan about the birthday party.

3. How about going to Italian restaurant?

4. What do you think we should to buy?

5. Usually I with my family go to the cinema.

6. I’d like to give her some present.

7. What kind of restaurant you want to go to?

8. How much money are we going to spend for candy?

9. I’d like to give her a CD because she like listening to music.

10. They want have a party for Chrissy.

Enhancement(拓 展)


1. 美音最大的特点就是有卷舌音,而英音没有卷舌音的。基本所有单词中,字母r之前的元音都卷舌,比如first,early等,美国人发音就把舌头上卷,而英音读起来舌头是伸平的。

2. 美国英语听起来比较圆润(所以有时会不够清晰),那是他们卷舌音多。英音听起来比较清晰利索。

3. 美国英语比较夸张,如doctor中的O的发音,美国人就念成【a】所以就有了常见美国人的 Oh! my Gad[音a].



6.辅音 d 的发音。英音听起来有点气的感觉。这是因为英音发音时舌尖放在上下排牙齿之间。美音则是顶一下上齿龈。

总体听起来,在语调上: 美音的语调较平缓, 而英音却跌宕起伏, 且语速较快。 据统计, 美国人的语速为一分钟约150字, 而英国人将近200字。


Check Your Answers

1. How about go out for dinner?

How about going out for dinner? 

2. Let’s make a plan about the birthday party.

Let’s make a plan for the birthday party. 

3. How about going to Italian restaurant?

How about going to an Italian restaurant? 

4. What do you think we should to buy?

What do you think we should buy? 

5. Usually I with my family go to the cinema.

Usually I go to the cinema with my family. 

6. I’d like to give her some present.

I’d like to give her a present.

I’d like to give her some presents. 

7. What kind of restaurant you want to go to?

What kind of restaurant do you want to go to? 

8. How much money are we going to spend for candy?

How much money are we going to spend on candy? 

9. I’d like to give her a CD because she like listening to music.

I’d like to give her a CD because she likes listening to music. 

10. They want have a party for Chrissy.

They want to have a party for Chrissy.

 Which mistake do you usually make?

★ 编辑:刘洋




