性感女神卡戴珊被盗:盗贼猖狂还是咎由自取|Who Should Take Responsibility for Robbery


On October 3 Beijing time, the American socialite Kim Kardashian was robbed in her private apartment in Paris who presented for Paris Fashion Week. As reported, she was being held at gunpoint and two “armed, masked men” disguised as police officers broke into her room.


At that time, Kardashian was alone without bodyguard accompanying and asking for help. Later, the two robbers locked her up in the bathroom. Once, the terrified Kardashian pleaded with robbers to spare her life because she was the mother of two young children.


As learned, in those moments, Kardashian’s world fell apart and believed that the robbers would take her life. Fortunately, they used the adhesive tap to keep her shut up. Moreover, they took away her purse, jewelry and phones which is worth over a hundred million Euros. And it acts in accordance with one ancient Chinese saying—trade money for safety.


After the robbery was reported by the media, it aroused heated debate. Some asked crossly: why was she robbed in her own apartment? Others indicated: seemingly, the security of the rich is not that better and strict.


As for the specific causes for the robbery, many hold the view that Kardashian deserved that (no zuo no die). Because she is crazy about sharing her lives and wealth on the social networks and she is too public displaying private life completely under the spotlight. As a result, her movements were being taken advantage by some men of intention. What’s worse, with so much jewelry in room, there was no body guard surrounded Kardashian.

至于这次被劫具体原因,很多人觉得卡戴珊 “自作虐不可活”。因为她自己完全把自己的私生活放在聚光灯下,极度喜欢在社交网络上“晒”生活、炫富。所以,她的行踪被有心人得知。而且这一次,那么多的珠宝卡戴珊竟然身边一个保镖都没有。

However, she won many citizens’ support. Even, some citizens acclaimed: “Regardless of whatever you think of her, it’s Her being held at gunpoint in a room. Just don’t say anything. Also, you don’t need say anything. Just don’t do anything.” We should show her sympathy!


Actually, Paris is the most miserable with reputation damaged. It is reported that the terror attacks have leaded to collapse in Parisian tourism. As a renowned female politician Kosciusko Morizet declared that she was worried about the image of Paris and Kardasian event had ruined all efforts for promoting Paris with expensive cost!!!


Knowledge Points (知识点)


美 ['soʊʃ(ə)l.aɪt] 英 ['səʊʃəlaɪt]

n. 时尚界名人;社交名流

a person who goes to a lot of fashionable parties and is often written about in the newspapers, etc.


She has been a socialite, actress, fashion designer and artist who married fourtimes.



美 ['bɑdi.ɡɑrd] 英 ['bɒdi.ɡɑː(r)d]

n. 保镖,警卫(队)

v. 护送

n. a person or a group of people who are employed to protect sb


No matter where he went, he would always have a bodyguard with him.



美 ['ɡʌn.pɔɪnt] 英 ['ɡʌn.pɔɪnt]

n. 枪口

the gun muzzle's direction

at gunpoint


while threatening sb or being threatened with a gun


That day, he turned his gunpoint to himself.


The masked robber made her open the safe at gunpoint.



美 [plid] 英 [pliːd]

v. 乞求,恳求;(在法庭)申辩,认罪,辩护;(向法庭)陈述案情;解释,推说,找借口;为…辩护,声援,支持

to ask sb for sth in a very strong and serious way; to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime; to present a case to a court; to give sth as an explanation or excuse for sth; to argue in support of sb/sth


Your friends all plead for you to stay.


So pitifully did she plead that the Baron grew calm and decided to have mercy on her.


★ 作者:陈珺洁


★ 编校:泉涌君



《无人生还》And Then There Were None),原名《孤岛奇案》,是著名的英国侦探推理女王作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂的作品,也是她生涯中最著名的作品之一,被认为是历史上成就最高的推理小说之一,全球销量超过一亿册。被改编成多部影视、戏剧、漫画、游戏作品。小说巧妙地构思了八个素不相识的人受邀来到海岛印第安岛上,后来十个人都被谋害的精彩推理剧情,情节跌但起伏却毫不荒诞。该书出版于1939年。

