



发到手里才发现,这货不是黄瓜,上面印着几个大写英文字母:CELERY SNACK,“芹菜零食”。celery(芹菜)+capsicum dip(辣椒酱)+crackers(咸饼干),新吃法✅

吃了几根后,想到了晨读《新概念英语》第三册时的读到的一段话,是第23课的One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison

People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider octopus a great delicacy. You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat -- the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives.

是啊,most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods。芹菜炒肉我愿意吃,芹菜炒粉也不错,焯芹菜拌凉菜是下酒的一道好菜。不过,生吃芹菜配莫名其妙的酱,还真吃不惯


Idea snack for the munchies any time of day.


  • snack: 零食

  • the munchies: munchies也可以表示“零食”,the munchies用来表示“极度饥饿感” “嘴里就想吃点什么东西”。你有没有突然想撸个串之类的感觉?这时候就可以说: I get the munchies for kebabs.

  • any time of day: 原来time of day中,day前面不需要加the

Fresh, crisp and crunchy with a taste that packs a punch.

  • fresh小学五年级词汇,不说了。crisp和crunchy都表示“脆”, 可以用来形容饼干也可以用来形容蔬菜。

  • pack a punch字面意思表示“把👊打包”,也就是“能够产生重击”的意思(to be able to hit someone hard with your fist),常用来表示“产生巨大的影响”,例如drinks that pack a punch表示“烈酒”。

with a taste that packs a punch也就是说:这种口味可以有效地解馋。

Idea snack for the munchies any time of day. Fresh, crisp and crunchy with a taste that packs a punch. 两句话加在一起,我读了几遍,脑海里出现了这样的广告画面:

周末一个人在家无聊打游戏、刷美剧,突然想吃点什么,脑袋里闪过无处好吃的东西,your mouth is watering。打开冰箱,里面多是过期的食物。这时候,突然,发现冰箱角落里有一根芹菜!吃上一口,清新脱俗如沐春风,馋意全无满血复活


1⃣️ 《新概念英语》第三册第23课值得学习、背诵

2⃣️ 学到了几个单词:celery, dip, cracker, crisp, crunchy, the munchies, pack a punch

3⃣️ 做个有心人,在生活中学英文,动手查查词典动嘴念上几遍也是在学英语。




