In English, there is a two-way contrast between present and past tense: they work/they worked; I see/I saw. From a strictly formal perspective, then, there are only two tense.
Scott Thornbury在他的著作《101个语法问题》时态篇中提过一个问题 “How many tenses are there?” 那么具体有多少种呢?点击上图封面,看看Scott的101个语法问题是什么。
Lesson aims
· Students ask others where they wereyesterday at different times of day.
New language
· yesterday
· Where were you(yesterday morning/ afternoon /evening)?
· I was inthe (kitchen).
Step 1 - Warmer
· 教师在黑板上用横线画出一个简单的平面图,用数字1-4代表楼层,每层写出房间名称,可以用字母缩写来代表,如B: basement, G: garage, A: attic。在旁边画一个电梯按钮。
· 邀请一名学生一起演示乘坐电梯。首先老师示例:
T: Look, where are we?
S: In an elevator.
T: Can you press the button? The kitchen is on the second floor. I need the second floor, please.
· 接下来让更多学生们搭乘电梯去他们想去的楼层和房间,大家可以排队等待依次进行。或是将学生分组,学生在纸上自行安排楼层和房间,然后游戏。
Step 2 - Presentation
· 教师使用句型I was...造句:
I was in the kitchen yesterday morning. It was breakfast time.
I was in theliving room yesterday evening. I was on the couch.
· 告诉学生这堂课要讨论昨天不同时间段他们在哪里。
· 介绍下面的图片内容,并引出每幅图代表的时间段。
T: This was yesterday. Look at picture A. Is it the afternoon? (No, it’s themorning.) Picture B... (It’s theafternoon.) and picture C ...(It’s the evening.).
· 在白板上写出这三个时间段:yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, yesterdayevening
· 播放歌曲音频,让学生听、读并选择对应的时间段。
T: listen, read, and choose the correct phrases.
Where were you yesterday?
Where were you yesterday morning?
I was in the kitchen / living room,
In my apartment on the third floor.
Where were you yesterday?
Where were you yesterday afternoon?
I was in the living room / bedroom.
In my apartment on the third floor.
Where were you yesterday?
Where were you yesterday evening?
I was in the roof garden / attic.
Above my apartment on the third floor.
My apartment on the third floor.
The third floor. The third floor.
· 一遍结束后邀请学生说出句子来确认答案。
Key: kitchen, living room, roof garden
· 第二遍播放时学生们加入演唱,多播放几遍直到学生能自信地唱出。
· 可以将学生分为两组,一组唱每段的前两行,另一组唱其余部分,然后调换角色。熟练后使用音乐伴奏来表演。
Step 3 - Practice
· 分段播放听力,并引出答案。
T: Listen and say the names.
Key: 1 Lola 2 Leon 3 John 4 Marta
· 根据上面的听力图片场景训练对话:
A: Where were you yesterday morning?
B: I was at home. I was in the living room.
· 引导学生说出更多的场所,并写在黑板上,如:at school / in a math class.
· 学生两两分组练习,期间变换句子中的时间地点。如果时间充裕还可以让学生轮换分组。
· 先检查学生对句子结构的掌握情况。教师给出如下乱序句子,学生先对句子内容排序;然后根据图片对答案重新排序。
Q1: you/Where/morning/yesterday/were/?
A: the/was/I/Kitchen/in/.
Q2: were/afternoon/you/Where/yesterday/?
A: third/on/I/the/was/floor/.
Q3: yesterday/you/evening/were/Where/?
A: in/I/room/the/was/living/.
Q4: morning/were/yesterday/Where/you?
A: was/I/in/garage/the/.
Q5: night/were/you/last/Where?
1 Where were you yesterday morning?
I was in the kitchen.
2 Where were you yesterday afternoon?
I was on thethird floor.
3 Where were you yesterday evening?
I was in the living room.
4 Where were you yesterdaymorning?
I was in the garage.
5 Where were you lastnight?
I was in my bedroom on the fourth floor.
Numbers from (1) kitchen: (3) living room, (2) thirdfloor, (5) bedroom, (4) garage
· 第二步提出下列问题,学生结合自身情况写出回答。
Where were you yesterday morning?
Where were you yesterday afternoon?
Where were you yesterday evening?
Where were you last night?
· 完成后学生两两检查分享,教师可以挑选几名学生全班分享。
Step 4 - Production
· 学生两两分组role-play,想象一位明星来到一个城市接受采访。可以自由选择自己喜欢或熟悉的城市,两人分别扮演明星和记者。
· 教师可以帮助学生在黑板上写出一些引导词,让语境更加真实生动:
Interviewer: Good morning, Emma. Welcome to Paris. Are you enjoying your visit? ...
Interviewer: Where were you yesterday morning?
Famous person: I was at the Louvre Museum.
· 学生要先完成role-play脚本,然后开始对话练习,最后按小组依次展示。这样就把过去式的语法知识融入到听说读写的运用当中了。