2016-Nature Protocols-Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial permeability transition pore activity

2016-Nature Protocols-Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial permeability transition pore activity in living cells using fluorescence-imaging-based techniques


Comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial permeability transition pore activity in living cells using fluorescence-imaging-based techniques


Massimo Bonora1,3, Claudia Morganti1,3, Giampaolo Morciano1,3, Carlotta Giorgi1, Mariusz R Wieckowski2

& Paolo Pinton1

1Department of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine, Section of Pathology, Oncology and Experimental Biology, Laboratory for Technologies of Advanced Therapies (LTTA), University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy. 2Department of Biochemistry, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland. 3These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence should be addressed to P.P. (pnp@unife.it).

1费拉拉大学形态学、外科和实验医学系,病理学、肿瘤学和实验生物学教研室,高级治疗技术实验室(LTTA),意大利费拉拉这些作者对这项工作贡献相同。信件请寄P.P. (pnp@unife.it)。

Mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) refers to a sudden increase in the permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane. long-term studies of mPT revealed that this phenomenon has a critical role in multiple pathophysiological processes. mPT is mediated by the opening of a complex termed the mPT pore (mPTP), which is responsible for the osmotic influx of water into the mitochondrial matrix, resulting in swelling of mitochondria and dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential. Here we provide three independent optimized protocols for monitoring mPT in living cells: (i) measurement using a calcein cobalt technique, (ii) measurement of the mPTP-dependent alteration of the mitochondrial membrane potential, and (iii) measurement of mitochondrial swelling. these procedures can easily be modified and adapted to different cell types. cell culture and preparation of the samples are estimated to take ~1 d for methods (i) and (ii), and ~3 d for method (iii). the entire experiment, including analyses, takes ~2 h.

线粒体通透性转换(mPT)指线粒体内膜的通透性突然增加。对mPT的长期研究表明,这种现象在多种病理生理过程中起关键作用。mPT由称为mPT孔(mPTP)的复合物的开放介导,mPT孔负责水渗透流入线粒体基质,导致线粒体肿胀和线粒体膜电位耗散。在此,我们提供了三种用于监测活细胞中mPT的独立优化方案:(I)使用钙黄绿素钴技术进行测量,(ii)测量依赖于mPTP的线粒体膜电位改变,(iii)测量线粒体肿胀。这些程序可以容易地修改和适应不同的细胞类型。估计方法(I)和(ii)的细胞培养和样品制备需要~1 d,方法(iii)需要~3 d。整个实验,包括分析,需要大约2小时。


mPT is believed to occur as a result of the opening of a nonspecific high-conductance channel in the inner mitochondrial membrane, which has become known as the mPTP. The mPTP may exist in low- and high-conductance modes1. Its low-conductance state is characterized by very limited permeability (cutoff, <300 Da), which permits the diffusion of small ions such as H+, Ca2+, and K+ but does not trigger detectable mitochondrial swelling. Alternatively, its high-conductance state (1-1.3 nS) allows the free movement of molecules with a molecular mass up to 1.5 kDa across the inner mitochondrial membrane and results in mitochondrial matrix swelling2.

mPT被认为是由于线粒体内膜中一个非特异性高电导通道的开放而发生的,该通道被称为mPTP。mPTP可能存在于低电导和高电导模式1中。其低电导状态的特征是渗透性非常有限(界限值,< 300 Da),允许H+、Ca2+和K+等小离子扩散,但不会引发可检测到的线粒体肿胀。或者,其高电导状态(1-1.3 nS)允许分子量高达1.5 kDa的分子自由穿过线粒体内膜,从而导致线粒体基质肿胀2。

Accumulating evidence supports the speculation that the mPTP is related to mitochondrial ATP synthase3 7. Our hypothesis, which was validated using the protocol described herein, indicates that a key element of the mPTP core is the c-subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase8,9. This conclusion was further supported by the observations of other groups10,11. Interestingly, this model does not exclude the dependence and regulation of mPT by regulatory proteins previously associated with the mPTP.

越来越多的证据支持mPTP与线粒体ATP合酶3 7相关的推测。使用本文所述方案验证的我们的假设表明,mPTP核心的一个关键要素是线粒体ATP合酶的c-亚基8,9。其他小组的观察结果进一步支持了这一结论10,11。有趣的是,该模型并未排除之前与mPTP相关的调节蛋白对mPT的依赖和调节。

Advantages and disadvantages of monitoring mPT in isolated mitochondria or intact cells

Numerous methods are available to monitor mPTP opening, which enables the study of various aspects of mPT in either isolated mitochondria or intact cells. The most popular mPT monitoring method using isolated mitochondria is based on measuring an increase in mitochondrial matrix volume with a mitochondrial swelling assay (usually detecting changes in the diffraction/ absorption of light measured at 540 nm)12,13. mPTP opening can also be measured indirectly as, for example, the dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential ( ψm)8,14,15, elevated mitochondrial oxygen consumption (increased respiration)16, and the capture of radioactive compounds (such as C14-sucrose) in the mitochondrial matrix17 in response to activators of mPTP opening. Another extensively used procedure is the so-called calcium-retention capacity method18. This technique is based on the ability of mitochondria to accumulate Ca2+ in the matrix ([Ca2+]m) before triggering mPT. To exclude mPTP-independent factors, a specific amount of Ca2+, mitochondrial substrate, Pi, and adenine nucleotides has to be provided. This again implies the use of isolated mitochondria or (at least) permeabilized cells19,20 measured by spectrofluorometry. In all cases, it is necessary to confirm that the observed changes in the aforementioned measurement parameters are directly caused by mPTP opening. For this reason, as a gold standard to confirm mPT, cyclosporine A (CsA) is used to inhibit mPTP opening. CsA inhibition provides the most convincing evidence for mPT occurrence, as described in the literature. mPTP opening can also be monitored in vivo using radioactive deoxyglucose21. However, for estimation of the entrance of this compound into the mitochondrial matrix, isolation of mitochondria or at least plasma membrane permeabilization should be performed to eliminate the accumulation of radioactivity in the cytosol. This method has been used successfully to monitor mPTP opening during ischemia/reperfusion of the heart22.

有许多方法可用于监测mPT的开放程度,从而可以研究分离的线粒体或完整细胞中mPT的各个方面。使用分离的线粒体的最流行的mPT监测方法是基于用线粒体肿胀分析法测量线粒体基质体积的增加(通常检测在540 nm测量的光的衍射/吸收的变化)12,13。mPTP开放也可以间接测量为,例如,线粒体膜电位(ψm)8,14,15的消散,线粒体耗氧量升高(呼吸增加)16,以及响应于mPTP开放的激活剂在线粒体基质17中捕获放射性化合物(如C14-蔗糖)。另一个广泛使用的程序是所谓的calcium-retention capacity method18。该技术基于线粒体在触发mPT前在基质([Ca2+]m)中积累Ca2+的能力。为了排除与mPTP无关的因素,必须提供特定量的Ca2+、线粒体底物、Pi和腺嘌呤核苷酸。这再次意味着使用通过荧光光谱法测量的分离的线粒体或(至少)透化的细胞19,20。在任何情况下,都有必要确认上述测量参数中观察到的变化是由mPTP打开直接引起的。因此,作为确认mPT的金标准,环孢菌素A (CsA)用于抑制mPTP开放。如文献所述,CsA抑制为mPT的发生提供了最有说服力的证据。还可以使用放射性脱氧葡萄糖21在体内监测mPTP开放。但是,为了估计该化合物进入线粒体基质的情况,应进行线粒体分离或至少进行质膜透化,以消除细胞溶质中放射性的累积。该方法已成功用于监测心脏缺血/再灌注期间的mPTP开放22。

As described in detail in the present paper, assays of mPTP opening can be performed in living cells. These techniques avoid many of the artifacts (nonphysiological conditions) that accompany experiments using isolated mitochondria, and they offer the advantage of increased physiological relevance.


Overview of the protocol

mPT is a fascinating but quite obscure phenomenon that requires careful investigation in living cells. For this reason, we describe three different methods that can be used to monitor mPTP activity: the Co2+ calcein assay, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, and the swelling technique.


The Co2+ calcein assay is a direct and efficient method for measuring mPTP opening in living cells that has been in use since the 1990s. This method can be used in a wide range of cell types and under many pathological conditions related to the mitochondria8,23 26. Cells are loaded with calcein dye (excitation/emmission: 494/517 nm), which can passively diffuse into the cells and collect in cytosolic compartments including the mitochondria. Once the dye is inside cells, esterases cleave the acetoxymethyl esters, trapping the dye in intracellular compartments. At this point, the living cells become fluorescently labeled, with fluorescence spread throughout all subcellular compartments. The utility of the method originates from the ability of cobalt to quench calcein fluorescence in the cytosol but not in mitochondria. Thus, in the case of healthy cells, calcein is able to reveal the mitochondrial matrix network with good localization (Fig. 1). Opening of the mPTP leads to both the exit of calcein from the mitochondrial matrix and entry of Co2+ into the mitochondrial matrix, resulting in quenching of calcein stored in the mitochondria. This event manifests as a reduction of calcein fluorescence intensity and is easily measurable by fluorescence microscopy27.

Co2+钙黄绿素分析法是一种直接有效的测量活细胞内mPTP开放度的方法,自20世纪90年代开始使用。该方法可用于多种细胞类型和许多与线粒体相关的病理条件下8,23 26。细胞负载有钙黄绿素染料(激发/发射:494/517 nm),钙黄绿素染料可被动扩散到细胞中并聚集在包括线粒体在内的胞质区室中。一旦染料进入细胞内,酯酶会裂解乙酰氧基甲基酯,将染料捕获在细胞内的隔室中。此时,活细胞被荧光标记,荧光扩散到所有亚细胞区室。该方法的实用性源于钴在胞质溶胶中而非在线粒体中淬灭钙黄绿素荧光的能力。因此,在健康细胞的情况下,钙黄绿素能够以良好的定位揭示线粒体基质网络(图1)。mPTP的打开导致钙黄绿素从线粒体基质中排出,而Co2+进入线粒体基质,导致储存在线粒体中的钙黄绿素淬灭。该事件表现为钙黄绿素荧光强度降低,可通过荧光显微镜轻松测量27。

As mPTP opening leads to the loss of the proton gradient across membranes, the second assay measures this gradient using the Nernstian dye tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM). TMRM is a cell-permeable, cationic, red-orange fluorescent dye. TMRM freely passes through cellular and mitochondrial membranes and, because of the large electrochemical H+ gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane, accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix according to ψm. Opening of mPTP causes an efflux of TMRM from the mitochondria that manifests as a reduction of fluorescence intensity that is easily measurable by fluorescence microscopy (Fig. 2).


The final assay to verify mPTP activity is the measurement of mitochondrial network integrity. Osmotic shock induced by mPTP opening allows for the uptake of H2O into the mitochondrial matrix and concomitant swelling of the inner mitochondrial membrane. This swelling causes mitochondria matrix expansion, which results in rupture of the outer mitochondrial membrane with loss of mitochondrial network integrity28 30. Overall in vivo mitochondrial swelling appears as a transformation of the mitochondrial network to a disorganized group of sphere-shaped structures. This can be quantified by counting the amount of objects composing the mitochondrial network when mitochondria are stained with specific fluorescent probes8,31 33 (Fig. 3).

验证mPTP活性的最终分析是测量线粒体网络的完整性。mPTP开放诱导的渗透休克允许H2O摄取到线粒体基质中,并伴随线粒体内膜的肿胀。这种肿胀会导致线粒体基质膨胀,从而导致线粒体外膜破裂,线粒体网络完整性丧失28 30。总体而言,体内线粒体肿胀表现为线粒体网络转化为一组无组织的球形结构。这可以通过在用特异性荧光探针8,31 33对线粒体进行染色时计数构成线粒体网络的对象的量来定量(图3)。

The procedure can be divided into four main and distinct sections. In the first section, seeded cells are stained to properly label mitochondria depending on the assay of interest (e.g., Co2+ calcein quenching, mitochondrial depolarization, or swelling). In the second step, it is essential to set up the imaging protocol to perform basal acquisitions that are necessary before treatment with chemical compounds to modulate inhibition or induction of the mPTP. Third, challenging the mPTP opening is the aim of the protocol, so a Ca2+- or reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent stimulus is added to the ongoing experiment. Finally, image processing and data analysis are performed to obtain a numeric index that describes mPTP activity and can be used for statistical data analysis.


Potential applications of the protocol

The different methods described in this protocol can be used to measure mPTP opening in a wide range of intact cells. The use of the described fluorescent dyes, a controlled temperature, and the experimental setup allows for mitochondria to be present in their physiological environment. Under these conditions, the mPTP is regulated by the relevant mix of endogenous inhibitors and mPT activators in a manner that corresponds to in vivo conditions.


Two major advantages are obvious when considering the use of intact cells compared with isolated mitochondria or permeabilized cells. First, the system is much more physiological. Given that the mPTP interfaces with different signaling pathways, these protocols allow investigations of signaling pathways afferent to the mPTP, putative mPTP components or regulators, or novel stimulators or inhibitors of the mPT. This could be easily achieved by exposure to medium enriched with compounds of interest, or by the use of molecular biology tools such as siRNA, shRNA, cDNA overexpression of wild-type or mutant proteins, Cas9 knockout, and mutant knock-in, among many other approaches. Second, live-cell imaging requires far fewer cells than mitochondrial isolation procedures or spectrofluorimetric techniques, which extends the field of application to cells that are not easily cultured.


In our laboratory, this protocol has been successfully tested in HeLa cells, PC3 cells, HEK293T cells, SH-SY5Y cells, myoblasts, mouse embryonic fibroblasts, human adult fibroblasts, epithelial cells, HL-1 cells, rat neonatal cardiomyocytes, and CHO cells. Finally, these protocols are not time-consuming, the microscope setup is easy, and acquisition is fast. All methods apply different  techniques to achieve the same purpose, so that a positive (or negative) result that is confirmed by all methods provides a high degree of statistical power and reproducibility


Limitations of the protocol


Experimental design

Analysis of mPTP activity in living cells requires comparison of the results among the three imaging techniques described in this protocol. Each assay challenges mPTP in a specific manner to verify a particular aspect of its activity, and global interpretation and integration of the data are necessary in order for the results of the experiments to be fully understood. The protocol is divided into the following main sections: sample preparation, fluorescence measurements, and analysis.


Sample preparation.

The first phase is relatively flexible, and it allows researchers to optimize the protocol to their own experimental situations with respect to the following specifications. Concerning cell seeding, it is necessary that cells reach 50-70% confluence as a monolayer on the day of the experiment. Indeed, excessive cell density can interfere with stimulus delivery and weaken mPTP activity, leading to misunderstanding of the phenomena. Moreover, the choice of a suitable imaging coverslip for individual imaging setups and cell lines is important; for instance, glass coverslips with a suitable coating should be chosen on the basis of the cell adhesion.


Cell staining and mitochondrial-labeling optimization should be specific for each of the three methods. We have found that problems may occur when calcein cobalt formation is incomplete, leaving a large amount of cytoplasmic calcein visible (see TROUBLESHOOTING). This should be verified by microscopic examination of the coverslip before the acquisition procedure is started. A mitochondrial counterstain may be particularly helpful, and in this procedure we suggest the use of Mitotracker Red. The mitochondrial accumulation of Mitotracker is dependent on ψm, and it can be partially quenched by calcein; indeed, this counterstaining is not intended for quantitative measurement and should not be included in the time-lapse acquisition.

细胞染色和线粒体标记优化应针对三种方法中的每一种。我们发现,当钙黄绿素钴形成不完全,留下大量胞质钙黄绿素可见时,可能会出现问题(请参阅故障诊断与排除)。在开始采集程序之前,应通过对盖玻片进行显微镜检查来验证这一点。线粒体复染可能特别有帮助,在该手术中,我们建议使用Mitotracker Red 。Mitotracker Red的线粒体积累依赖于ψm,并且可以被钙黄绿素部分淬灭;事实上,这种反染色不是用于定量测量的,也不应该包括在延时采集中。

For potentiometric measurements, TMRM is suggested, as it is probably one of the most common potentiometric dyes used. Nevertheless, alternative staining procedures that can lead to the same conclusion are described in Box 1.


Finally, the use of fluorescent reporters targeted to the mitochondrial matrix is strongly recommended for morphometric measurements because of their selective localization and resistance to photobleaching. The present procedures describe the use of mitochondrial GFP (mtGFP), but examples of alternatives that provide the same information are indicated in Table 1.

最后,强烈建议使用针对线粒体基质的荧光报告器进行形态测量,因为它们具有选择性定位和抗光漂白。本程序描述了线粒体GFP (mtGFP)的使用,但表1列出了提供相同信息的替代例子。

Fluorescence measurement.

Imaging setup is the most critical step of the procedure; this protocol describes the most common problems that may occur at this step. Particular attention should be paid to the exposure time and light intensity to avoid artifacts due to, for instance, photobleaching of the fluorescent probe. A correct setup allows the user to obtain optimal basal measurements that are fundamental to later challenges to mPTP opening. A variety of different mPT-inducing stimuli can be used; here we describe the use of two stimuli, [Ca2+]m (by means of the ionophore ionomycin) and ROS (by means of H2O2), that exert their effects in the range of seconds to tens of minutes, respectively. Nevertheless, alternative stimuli can be chosen depending on the experimental goals of the researcher; a list of potential alternatives is reported in Table 2. The time of sample acquisition varies depending on the stability of the reagents used, especially the probes. TMRM and mitochondrial fluorescent proteins are quite stable and can be monitored for up to 48 72 h. Conversely, calcein is somewhat rapidly extruded by the cell. In our hands, calcein signals display stable intensity for up to 46 60 min; indeed, for longer recording times, the user should set up the best conditions for the experimental situation. We also hasten to add that ionophores that can alter the plasma membrane potential34 can lead to mPT-independent TMRM re-distribution. Even if the combined use of a dye for plasma membrane potential allows for the correction of this artifact, the induced mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake generates an mPTP-independent mitochondrial depolarization35 that can produce experimental artifacts. Thus, even though several studies have successfully combined potentiometric dyes with ionophores to challenge mPTP opening, we recommend following this procedure, carefully evaluating the results, and considering different challenge methods (Table 2).


Induction and inhibition of the mPTP.

Modulators of the mammalian mPTP can be divided into two classes: activators and inhibitors of mPT. mPT can be stimulated by several conditions and chemical compounds, such as accumulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ (ref. 36), ROS (superoxide) and pro-oxidative agents37,38, oxidized thiols39, Pi40,41, long-chain free fatty acids42, atractyloside43mastoparan44, and 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinoline-carboxamide (PK11195)45. In turn, mPT can be inhibited by high ψm; CsA; sanglifehrin A; bongkrekic acid; antamanide; 5-isothiocyanato-2-[2-(4-isothiocyanato-2- sulfophenyl)ethenyl]benzene-1-sulfonic acid; adenine nucleotides (ATP and ADP); creatine; cyclocreatine; glucose; König s polyanion; NADH; NADPH; UTP; ubiquinone; decylubiquinone; antioxidants; calcium chelators; and divalent cations such as Ba2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Sr2+. However, the conditions and compounds listed above can have no, or even opposing, effects on eukaryotic cells of different taxa (for further details, see ref. 46).

哺乳动物mPTP的调节剂可分为两类:mPT的激活剂和抑制剂。mPT可由多种条件和化合物刺激,如线粒体Ca2+积聚(参考。36)、ROS(超氧化物)和促氧化剂37、38、氧化硫醇39、Pi40、41、长链游离脂肪酸42、苍术酮43、天冬氨酸44和1-(2-氯苯基)-N-甲基-N-(1-甲基丙基)-3-异喹啉-甲酰胺(PK11195)45。反过来,高ψm可以抑制mPTCsA sanglifehrin Abongkrekic酸;antamanide5-异硫氰酸酯-2-[2-(4-异硫氰酸酯-2-磺基苯基)乙烯基]苯-1-磺酸;腺嘌呤核苷酸(ATP和ADP);肌酸;环肌酸;葡萄糖;柯尼希的多妻制;NADHNADPHUTP;泛醌;去酰基泛醌;抗氧化剂;钙螯合剂;和二价阳离子如Ba2+、Mg2+、Mn2+和Sr2+。然而,上述条件和化合物可能对不同分类群的真核细胞没有影响,甚至相反(更多详情,见参考文献。46).

Data analysis. In this section, guidelines for image and data processing are comprehensively described to allow researchers who are not familiar with microscopy to perform the experiment. Specialists can optimize the analyses according to their own needs, but we recommend meticulously following the critical steps of the procedure.


Experimental controls. As described before, CsA is a well-known inhibitor of mPT, and its activity is reported to prevent mPTP opening. Hence, we suggest including CsA treatment as a negative control in each experiment.


Figure 1 | Representative images and kinetics of HeLa cells stained using the Co2+ calcein technique. Challenging cells with the ionophore ionomycin induced mPTP opening and quenching of the calcein signal. This event was inhibited by pretreatment with the mPTP-desensitizing agent CsA.

图1 |使用Co2+钙黄绿素技术染色的HeLa细胞的代表性图像和动力学。用离子载体离子霉素攻击细胞诱导了mPTP开放和钙黄绿素信号淬灭。通过使用mPTP脱敏剂CsA进行预处理,该事件得到抑制。

Figure 2 | Representative images and kinetics of HeLa cells stained with TMRM (Fire LUT was applied). Challenging the cells with the pro-oxidant H 2O2 induced mPTP opening, mitochondrial depolarization, and reduced TMRM signal intensity. This was inhibited by pretreatment with the mPTP-desensitizing agent CsA. Scale bars, 50 µm.

图2 TMRM染色HeLa细胞|代表图像和动力学(应用Fire LUT)。用促氧化剂h2o2刺激细胞,可诱导mPTP打开,线粒体去极化,并降低TMRM信号强度。mPTP脱敏剂CsA预处理可抑制这一现象。比例尺,50µm。

Figure 3 | Representative images and kinetics of HeLa cells expressing mitochondrially targeted GFP. Challenging the cells with the ionophore ionomycin induced mPTP opening, mitochondrial swelling, and mitochondrial network fragmentation, as represented by the increase in object count. This was inhibited by pretreatment with the mPTP-desensitizing agent CsA.


Box 1 | Alternative mitochondrial membrane potential probes可选择的线粒体膜电位探针

In addition to TMRM, several fluorescent lipophilic cationic dyes, such as tetramethylrhodamine ethyl (TMRE) ester, Rhodamine 123 (RH-123), 3,3 -dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC6(3)), and JC-1 (5,5 ,6,6 -tetrachloro-1,1 ,3,3 -tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide), are able to directly measure the mitochondrial membrane potential. As positively charged molecules, these dyes accumulate within mitochondria in inverse proportion to ψm according to the Nernst equation.

Different probes can be used for mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization; here, a brief description of each probe is provided, along with the modifications that researchers should make to the protocol.

TMRE is a cell-permeant, cationic, red-orange fluorescent dye that is readily sequestered by active mitochondria as TMRM. TMRM and TMRE are both quickly equilibrating dyes, but TMRM inhibits the electron-transport chain less, and it is recommended for this reason. TMRE application does not require modification of the protocol63.

RH-123 is lipophilic in nature, which allows it to diffuse through the mitochondrial membrane in response to potential and concentration gradients. Mitochondrial energization induces the quenching of RH-123 fluorescence, and the rate of fluorescence decay is proportional to the mitochondrial membrane potential. The application of RH-123 is suggested for short-time-scale (min) studies to monitor rapid step changes in ψm (ref. 63).

DiOC6(3) is a cell-permeant, green-fluorescent, lipophilic dye that, when used at low concentrations, is selective for the mitochondria of live cells. At higher concentrations, the dye may be used to stain other internal membranes, such as the endoplasmic reticulum. However, the use of DiOC6(3) is not recommended because of its higher toxicity toward mitochondrial respiration64.

JC-1 is used as an indicator of mitochondrial potential in a variety of cell types. JC-1 exists as either a green-fluorescent monomer at depolarizing membrane potentials or a red-fluorescent aggregate at hyperpolarizing membrane potentials. The ratio of red to green fluorescence depends only on the membrane potential and not on other factors such as mitochondrial size, shape, and density, which may influence single-component fluorescence signals. All these mitochondrial probes are differentially permeable according to their distinct molecular structure, and JC-1 is the least permeable. More specifically, whereas the monomer form of JC-1 has been reported to equilibrate on a time scale similar to that of TMRM/TMRE (~15 min), the aggregate form of the dye takes ~90 min to equilibrate65. For this reason, the use of TMRM is suggested for this particular protocol.

方框1 |备选线粒体膜电位探针可选择的线粒体膜电位探针

除TMRM外,几种荧光亲脂性阳离子染料如四甲基罗丹明乙酯(TMRE)酯、罗丹明123 (RH-123)、3,3-二己基碳菁碘(dioch 6(3))、JC-1 (5,5,6,6-四氯-1,1,3,3-四乙基苯并咪唑基碳菁碘)等,均可直接测定线粒体膜电位。作为带正电荷的分子,根据能斯特方程,这些染料在线粒体内的累积量与ψm成反比。






additional reagents

· TMRE (Thermo Fisher Scientific, cat. no. T-669)

· RH-123 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, cat. no. R-302)

· DiOC6(3) (Thermo Fisher Scientific, cat. no. D-273)

· JC-1 dye (mitochondrial membrane potential probe; Thermo Fisher Scientific, cat. no. T-3168)

additional procedures

For the use of RH-123 in place of TMRM, the following step should be performed instead of that in the original PROCEDURE:

Step 2B(ii) Cell staining: add RH-123 working solution (10 M diluted in modified KRB) and incubate the cells for 20 min at 37 C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Anticipated results: using RH-123 to probe mPTP opening results in increased fluorescence, so pay particular attention to the interpretation of the data;

the slope values are positive and increase in proportion to mPTP opening.

For the use of DiOC6 in place of TMRM, the following step should be performed instead of that in the original PROCEDURE:

Step 2B(ii) Cell staining: add DiOC6(3) working solution (<1 nM diluted in modified KRB) and incubate the cells for 20 min at 37 C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere.

Step 3B Imaging setup

Set the acquisition frequency as indicated for TMRM in table 3.

For the use of JC-1 in place of TMRM, the following step should be performed instead of that in the original PROCEDURE:

· Step 2B(ii)—Cell staining: add JC-1 working solution (5 µM diluted in modified KRB) and incubate the cells for 30 min at 37 °C in

a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Remove the cells from the incubator and rinse them twice with 1 ml of modified KRB to remove the unbound

dye; then, add 900 µl of modified KRB.

· Step 3B(iii)—Imaging setup and basal acquisition:

Step 4B(ii) Challenging mPTP opening: after H2O2 addition, acquire images for at least 40 min.

Step 5B(i) Image processing: open the two time-lapse images obtained (one for red and one for green fluorescence) in the Fiji software. Create a time-lapse ratio image using the process image calculator and by dividing the intensity values for the red images by those for the green images. Then, using this time-lapse ratio image, proceed with the remaining image processing steps in the protocol.

Step 5B(ii) Image processing: on the FITC channel, draw an ROI; using freehand selections, encircle each mitochondrion, excluding the nucleus, and draw an ROI of a background region in an empty corner of the field.

Step 5B(iii) Image processing: for FITC and TRITC channels, estimate a global threshold to restrict the analysis to the pixels displaying intensity values greater than the threshold value. crItIcal step Estimate the threshold on the final image of the time-lapse.

Step 5B(iv) Image processing: for FITC and TRITC channels, use the multimeasure tool to calculate the mean gray values limited by the threshold for the selected ROI (including the background ROI) in each time-lapse image.

Step 5B(vii) Image processing: normalize the values. Generate a new column representing the Ratio value; for each timepoint, divide the TRITC intensity by the FITC intensity. Then divide each timepoint value by the initial value, considering the first value as 100%.

Step 5B(viii) Image processing: using the normalized Ratio column, calculate the slope from minute 15 to minute 25, for instance, using the function SLOPE in Microsoft Office Excel.



步骤2B(ii)细胞染色:加入RH-123工作溶液(在改良KRB中稀释10 M),并在37°C、5% CO2气氛下培养细胞20 min。预期结果:使用RH-123探测mPTP开口会导致荧光增加,因此要特别注意数据的解释;



步骤2B(ii)细胞染色:加入dioch 6(3)工作溶液(< 1 nM,在改良KRB稀释),并在37°C、5% CO2气氛下培养细胞20 min。




步骤2B(ii)-细胞染色:加入JC-1工作溶液(在改良KRB中稀释5 M),在37°C下将细胞培养30 min

5%的CO2气氛。从培养箱中取出细胞,并用1 ml的改良KRB溶液冲洗两次,以去除未结合的细胞



步骤4B(ii)挑战mPTP开口:加入H2O2后,获取图像至少40 min。






步骤5B(viii)图像处理:使用归一化比率列,计算从第15分钟到第25分钟的斜率,例如,使用Microsoft Office Excel中的函数slope。

PROCEDURE Cell preparation o TIMING 1 h

1 Seed cells onto a circular imaging dish, and allow the cells to grow until they reach 50% confluence. The researcher must optimize the seeding density for the given cell line. After seeding cells, wait for at least 24 h Cell staining and mitochondrial labeling

2 The following section describes how to perform sample staining. Please proceed to option A for Co2+-calcein, to option B for the TMRM method, and to option C for the mitochondrial morphology assay

(A)In vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Co2+-calcein quenching O TIMING 20 min

(i )Remove the cells from the incubator, and wash them once with 1 ml of modified KRB to remove residual cellular debris and medium


(ii)Add 1 ml of calcein loading solution, and incubate the cells for 15 min at 37C in a 5%CO2 atmosphere A CRITICAL STEP Calcein is sensitive to light. Avoid exposure to light by handling the staining solution in low-light conditions and by protecting the sample with aluminum foil during the incubation step TROUBLESHOOTING

(iii)Remove the cells from the incubator and wash them twice with 1 ml of modified kRB to remove the unbound dye; then, add 900 ul of modified KRB.

A CRITICAL STEP Washing must be performed carefully Avoid the use of automatic aspiration tools

(B) In vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization o TIMING 40 min

(Remove cells from the incubator, and wash them once with 1 ml of modified KRB to remove residual cellular debris and medium


(ii)Add 900 ul of TMRM loading solution, and incubate the cells for 30 min at 37C in a 5%CO2 atmosphere A CRITICAL STEP TMRM is sensitive to light. Avoid exposure to light by handling the solution in low-light conditions and by protecting the sample with aluminum foil during the incubation step.


(C)Measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling O TIMING 90 min

( Once the cells have reached 40-60% confluence, transfect them with 1-2 ug of mitochondrially targeted GFP per coverslip( for equivalent reporters, see Table 1)。 The amount used for transfection depends on the chosen transfection lethod(usually 1 ug/cm2 for liposome- or polyethylenimine-based transfection and 2 ug/cm2 for Ca2+ phosphate-based transfection)。 After transfection, wait for 36-48 h

A CRITICAL STEP Each researcher should choose the appropriate transfection reagent and optimize the transfection protocol for the particular cell line being used. Alternatively, a stable cell line can be created using tandard protocols





(I)从培养箱中取出细胞,并用1 ml改良KRB液清洗一次,以去除残留的细胞碎片和培养基


(ii)加入1 ml的钙黄绿素加载溶液,并在37C、5%CO2气氛下培养细胞15 min。关键步骤钙黄绿素对光敏感。通过在弱光条件下处理染色溶液并在培养步骤中使用铝箔保护样本,避免光暴露故障诊断与排除

(iii)从培养箱中取出细胞,并用1 ml改性kRB清洗两次,以去除未结合的染料;然后,加入900 ul的改良KRB。


(B)在体测定mPTP诱导的线粒体去极化时间:40 min

(从培养箱中取出细胞,并用1 ml改良KRB液清洗一次,以去除残留的细胞碎片和培养基


(ii)加入900 ul TMRM加载溶液,并在37C、5%CO2气氛下培养细胞30 min。关键步骤TMRM对光敏感。通过在弱光条件下处理溶液并在培养步骤中用铝箔保护样本,避免暴露于光。



(一旦细胞达到40-60%汇合,用每片盖玻片1-2 ug的线粒体靶向GFP转染细胞(等效报告子,见表1)。转染所用的量取决于所选择的转染剂量(基于脂质体或聚乙烯亚胺的转染通常为1微克/平方厘米,基于Ca2+磷酸盐的转染通常为2微克/平方厘米)。转染后,等待36-48小时关键步骤每个研究人员应针对所用的特定细胞系选择合适的转染试剂并优化转染方案。或者,可以使用标准方案产生稳定的细胞系

Imaging setup and basal acquisition

3 The following section describes how to set up for image acquisition. Please proceed to option A for Co2+-calcein to option B for the TMRM method, and to option C for the mitochondrial morphology assay

(A)In vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Co2+-calcein quenching o TIMING 1-5 min

(i)Place the imaging coverslip inside the temperature-controlled(37oC) microscope stage A CRITICAL STEP Living cells are sensitive to high and low temperatures. Be sure to maintain the temperature constant at37°C

(ii) Start the Xcellence Olympus software, and select the following specifications, which provide optimal image acquisition under standard conditions

A CRITICAL STEP Avoid extended and intense excitation of the sample

(iii) Focus on the sample and acquire a snapshot of a field containing cells that display a well-localized FItC signal in the mitochondrial compartment A CRITICAL STEP Calcein localization must overlap with the Mito Tracker signaL. Be sure to validate this result before the experiment


(iv) Strictly draw the regions of interest(ROIs) near the mitochondria of the selected cells for analysis of kinetic trends A CRITICAL STEP One ROI should always be dedicated to the background

(v) Start image acquisition at the frequency indicated in Table 3, and perform basal recording for 1 min TROUBLESHOOTING



(A)在体测量mPTP诱导的Co2+-钙黄绿素猝灭时间:1-5 min


(ii)启动Xcellence Olympus软件,并选择以下规格,这些规格可在标准条件下提供最佳的图像采集





(v)以表3中所示的频率开始图像采集,并进行1 min的基础记录故障诊断与排除

(B)In vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization O TIMING 1-5 min

(i)Remove cells from the incubator.

A CRITICAL STEP Do not wash away the tmRm to avoid dye re-distribution

(ii)Place the imaging dish inside the temperature-controlled(37oC)microscope stage A CRITICAL STEP Living cells are sensitive to high and low temperatures. Be sure to maintain the temperature constant at37°C.

(iii) Start Xcellence Olympus software, and select the following specifications, which provide optimal image acquisition under standard conditions

CRITICAL STEP Avoid extended and intense excitation of the sample

(iv) Select suitable field:we recommend selecting a field that displays no more than 70%o confluence of cells and that contains an empty corner.


(v) Strictly draw the ROIs near the mitochondria of the selected cells for analysis of kinetic trends

(vi) Start image acquisition at the frequency indicated in Table 3, and perform basal recording for 5 min TROUBLESHOOTING





(iii)启动Xcellence Olympus软件,并选择以下规格,这些规格可在标准条件下提供最佳图像采集






(C) Measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling. TIMING 1-5 min

(REmove the cells from the incubator, and extensively wash the cells with modified KRB

(ii)Cover the cells with 900 ul of modified KRB

(iii) Place the imaging coverslip inside the temperature-controlled (37C)microscope stage.

A CRITICAL STEP Living cells are sensitive to high and low temperatures. Be sure to maintain the temperature constant at37°C

(iv) Start the Xcellence Olympus software, and select the following specifications, which provide optimal image acquisition under standard conditions:

A CRITICAL STEP Avoid extended and intense excitation of the sample

(V) Focus on the sample and identify a field in which the cells display a well-localized mitochondrially targeted GFP signal in the mitochondrial compartment A CRITICAL STEP Be sure to select the central z plane of the cell to enable acquisition of the entire cell volume

(vi) Start image acquisition at the frequency indicated in Table 3, and perform basal recording for 3 min.



(ii)用900 ul的改良KRB溶液覆盖细胞



(iv)启动Xcellence Olympus软件,选择以下在标准条件下提供最佳图像采集的规格:



(vi)以表3所示的频率开始图像采集,并进行3 min的基础记录。

Challenging mPTP opening

4 The following section describes how to stimulate mPt during image acquisition. Please proceed to option a for Coz+-calcein, to option B for the TMRM method, and to option C for the mitochondrial morphology assay

(A)In vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Coz+-calcein quenching o TIMING 10 min

(i Add 100 ul of 10 uM ionomycin solution and mix it carefully A CRITICAL STEP Add the solution without touching the coverslip to avoid shifting the selected field

(i1) Perform acquisition for 9 min to ensure measurement of a response to the stimulus.

TROUBLESHOOTING BIn vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization o TIMInG 30 min

(i Add 100 ul of 5 mM H202 solution and mix it carefully A CRITICAL STEP Add the solution without touching the coverslip to avoid shifting the selected field

(ii)Perform acquisition for 20 min to ensure measurement of a response to the stimulus.


(ii1)Add 100 ul of 10 uM FCCP solution and mix it carefully A CRITICAL STEP Add the solution without touching the coverslip to avoid shifting the selected field

(iv) Perform acquisition for 5 min to ensure measurement of a response to the stimulus.


(C)Measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling O TIMING 10 min

(i Add 100 ul of 10 uM ionomycin solution and mix carefully A CRITICAL STEP Add the solution without touching the coverslip to avoid shifting the selected field

(i1) Perform acquisition for 15 min to ensure measurement of a response to the stimulus TROUBLESHOOTING



(A)在体测量mPTP诱导的Coz+-钙黄绿素猝灭时间:10 min

(I)加入100 ul 10uM离子霉素溶液并小心混合A关键步骤在不接触盖玻片的情况下加入溶液,以避免移动选定的视野

(i1)进行9 min的采集,以确保测量对刺激的反应。


(B)In mPTP诱导的线粒体去极化的体内测量o TiME 30min

(I)加入100 ul 5mM H202溶液,并小心混合A关键步骤在不接触盖片的情况下加入溶液,以避免移动选定区域

(ii)采集20 min,以确保测量对刺激的反应。


(ii1)加入100 ul 10uM FCCP溶液,并小心混合A关键步骤在不接触盖玻片的情况下加入溶液,以避免移动选定区域




(I)加入100 ul 10uM离子霉素溶液并小心混合A关键步骤在不接触盖玻片的情况下加入溶液,以避免移动选定的视野

(i1)执行采集15 min,以确保测量对刺激的响应故障诊断与排除

(A)In vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Co2+-calcein quenching O TIMING 10 min Export the results as a spreadsheet by clicking"Save As"on the kinetic graph

(ii)Open the exported files using spreadsheet software, and subtract the background trace from each ROI arranged n a column cAlculate the slope of the curves for the first minute after ionomycin stimulation, for instance, using the function

"SLOPE in Microsoft office Excel

(iv) Input the slope values in a single column, and proceed with statistical analysis.

A CRITICAL STEP SLope calculation for periods of >1 min may underestimate the final results A CRITICAL STEP See Supplementary Video 1 for a video tutorial on this section(step 5A)

(B)In vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization o TIMING 10 min

( Open time-Lapse image using the Fiji software.

(ii)Draw an ROI; using freehand selections, encircle each mitochondrion, excluding the nucleus, and draw an ROI of a background region in an empty comer of the field.

i)Estimate a global threshold to restrict the analysis to the pixels displaying intensity values greater than the threshold value A CRITICAL STEP Estimate the threshold on the final image of the time-lapse

(iv)Use the multimeasure tool to calculate the mean gray values limited by the threshold for the selected ROI

(including the background Ror) in each time-Lapse image.

(v) Export the data in a spreadsheet-compatible format (i.e. Microsoft Office Excel) and arrange the data for each ROI in a single column.

n) For every column, subtract the background value at the sampling time.

(vii)Normalize the values, considering the first value as 100%o

(viii) Calculate the slope from minute 15 to minute 25, for instance, using the function SLOPE in Microsoft Office Excel A CRITICAL STEP Every trace must be analyzed using the same parameters, especially in the time -Lapse slope calculation

(ix) Use the slope values to perform statistical analysis, and compare the results under different experimental conditions.

A CRITICAL STEP See Supplementary Video 2 for a video tutorial on this section(step 5B)

(C)Measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling o TIMING 30 min Select the last acquired time-lapse image and apply 3D digital deconvolution. Ensure that Xr and Z calibration and the refraction index of the lens are properly set. Be sure to perform automated spherical aberration detection

(ii)Export the deconvolved time-lapse image as multiple TIFF or Image Cytometry Standard files Open Fiji software and load the generated files.


(iv) Split different time points using the tool 'Stack Splitter; set the number of substacks as the number of time points

( Menu Image→ Stack→ Tools)

(v)Select time point 1 and open the 3d object counter tool(Menu analyze)。

n)Set the threshold to include all mitochondria and to exclude the background. Set the minimum object size to ten pixels to avoid noise contamination

(vii)Record the number of objects counted

(viii) Repeat this procedure for all time points.

(ix)Collect all object counts in a spreadsheet file, arranging the data by row or column A CRITICAL STEP See Supplementary Video 3 for a video tutorial on this section (step 5C)


(mPTP诱导的Co2+钙黄绿素猝灭O时间10 min的体内测量



Microsoft office Excel中的“斜率”


关键步骤斜率计算时间> 1 min可能会低估最终结果关键步骤参见补充视频1了解本部分的视频教程(步骤5A)







(v)以电子表格兼容格式(即Microsoft Office Excel)导出数据,并将每个投资回报的数据排列在一列中。



(viii)计算从第15分钟到第25分钟的斜率,例如,使用Microsoft Office Excel中的函数Excel A CRITICAL STEP必须使用相同的参数分析每个轨迹,尤其是在时间推移斜率计算中



(C)测量体内mPTP诱导的线粒体肿胀o时间点30 min


(ii)将去卷积的延时图像导出为多个TIFF或Image Cytometry标准文件打开斐济软件并加载生成的文件。










Experiment and reagent setup: ~1 week

Step 1, cell preparation: 1 h

Step 2, cell staining and mitochondrial labeling

Step 2A, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Co2+-calcein quenching: 20 min

Step 2B, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization: 40 min

Step 2C, measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling: 90 min

Step 3, imaging setup and basal acquisition

Step 3A, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Co2+–calcein quenching: 1–5 min

Step 3B, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization: 1–5 min

Step 3C, measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling: 1–5 min

Step 4, challenging mPTP opening

Step 4A, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Co2+–calcein quenching: 10 min

Step 4B, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization: 30 min

Step 4C, measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling: 10 min

Step 5, image processing and data analysis

Step 5A, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced Co2+–calcein quenching: 10 min

Step 5B, in vivo measurement of mPTP-induced mitochondrial depolarization: 10 min

Step 5C, measurement of in vivo mPTP-induced mitochondrial swelling: 30 min

box 1, alternative mitochondrial membrane potential probes: 80–85 min













步骤4B,mPTP诱导的线粒体去极化的体内测定:30 min




步骤5B,mPTP诱导的线粒体去极化的体内测定:10 min

步骤5C,体内mPTP诱导的线粒体肿胀测量:30 min


antIcIpateD results

During analysis of mPTP activity by the calcein Co2+ technique, basal measurements should produce a stable signal. If the signal does not seem stable or if calcein displays a localization pattern that is different from that of MitoTracker (or another counterstain, if used), please refer to Table 4 for Troubleshooting guidelines (supplementary Fig. 1). Stimulating cells with ionomycin facilitates the entry of excess Ca2+ into cells to trigger mPTP opening. This event causes Co2+ entry into the mitochondria, thereby quenching the calcein signal. Indeed, kinetic analysis should produce a slope that adequately reflects mPTP opening. The response to ionomycin can be partially blocked using CsA, a compound that has been reported to desensitize mPTP formation by binding to cyclophilin D50. Thus, under this experimental condition, calcein is not quenched after mPTP challenge, and the slope of the time-dependent calcein intensity should be nearly zero (Fig 1).

As oxidative stress is one of the best characterized homeostatic perturbations that promotes mPTP opening51,52, the mitochondria of cells exposed to the prototypic pro-oxidant H2O2 underwent rapid depolarization. As described in the PROCEDURE section, the cells were stained with TMRM, a cell-permeant, cationic, red-orange fluorescent dye that is sensitive to ψm. The time-lapse images were analyzed and converted to a plot as described above. In Figure 2, representative images of TMRM staining under basal, H2O2-stimulated, and residual polarization conditions and a representative trace are reported. TMRM fluorescence was stable for the first 5 min (basal conditions). Subsequently, challenge with 500 M H2O2 induced a gradual decrease in the TMRM signal due to mPTP-opening-dependent depolarization. The slope of the trace directly correlates to mPTP opening. The slope of each trace derived from single cells can be used to compare different experimental conditions (i.e., vehicle versus CsA treatment). At the end of the experiment, FCCP, a mitochondrial electron-chain-uncoupling agent, was added to induce complete mitochondrial membrane depolarization. The residual TMRM staining intensity is due to non-mitochondrial membrane potential for instance, cellular membrane potential which should be excluded from analysis.

Traces obtained from the analysis are suitable indexes for interpreting when an experiment is not properly set up. supplementary Figure 1 shows two examples of the most common artifactual results; please also refer to the Troubleshooting guidelines.

Challenging cells with ionomycin leads to the deformation of mitochondrial filaments and transforms them into groups of spheroidal objects (Fig 3). The number of mitochondria obtained according to the instructions in this protocol is expected to markedly increase. This mitochondrial network rearrangement is inhibited by pretreatment with the mPTP-desensitizing agent CsA. If mitochondria sense some environmental stress (i.e., excess light illumination), then undesired fragmentation might be observed before the mPTP stimulation. In the case of unfortunate events such as that described, please refer to the Troubleshooting guidelines (supplementary Fig. 1).



由于氧化应激是促进mPTP开放的最具特征的稳态扰动之一51,52,暴露于原型前氧化剂H2O2的细胞的线粒体经历了快速去极化。如程序部分所述,使用TMRM(一种对ψm敏感的细胞通透性阳离子红橙色荧光染料)对细胞进行染色。分析了时间推移图像,并将其转换为上述图。在图2中,报告了基础、H2O2刺激和残留偏振条件下TMRM染色的代表性图像和代表性痕迹。TMRM荧光在前5分钟(基础条件)是稳定的。随后,用500 µM H2O2激发导致TMRM信号逐渐减弱,这是由于mPTP的开放依赖性去极化所致。轨迹的斜率与mPTP开口直接相关。来源于单细胞的每种微量元素的斜率可用于比较不同的实验条件(即赋形剂与CsA治疗)。实验结束时加入线粒体电子链解偶联剂FCCP,诱导线粒体膜完全去极化。残余TMRM染色强度是由于非线粒体膜电位所致,例如,应排除在分析之外的细胞膜电位。


用离子霉素攻击细胞导致mitochondrial filaments and transforms them into groups of spheroidal objects(图3)。根据本方案中的说明获得的线粒体数量预计将显著增加。这种线粒体网络重排受到mPTP脱敏剂CsA预处理的抑制。如果线粒体感觉到一些环境应激(即光照过量),则可能在mPTP刺激前观察到不希望的碎片。如果发生上述不幸事件,请参阅故障诊断与排除指南(补充图1)。

