
APA, PublicationManual of the American Psychological Association
MLA, ModernLanguage Association’s Style Manual
CMOS, ChicagoManual of Style
a. Smith (1799,p.9) argues that…
b. Smith (1799)argues that… (p.9)
c. Smith arguesthat… (1799, p.9)
286. Smith arguesthat ____
287. Smith hasargued that ____
288. In his 1799study, Smith argued that ____
289. Smithsupports the notion that ____
290. Smith (1799)was the first to coin the term “____”
291. Smith andJones (1799, p.99) remind us that ____
292. Smith andJones, in their study of ____, found that ____
293. Smith (1799)poses the question, “____?” 注释:pose比ask更加正式。还有一个小可爱是represent
294. Proponents of____ include Smith, who ____ (1799, p.99)
295. Those whomaintain that ____ include Smith, who ____
296. Smith’sdiscussion of ____ openly acknowledges that ____
297. The work ofSmith et al. demonstrates that ____ 注释:demonstrates的是work而非Smithet al.
298. Smith was oneof the first to define ____ as ____
299. Smith hasadvanced the hypothesis that ____
300. Smith andJones have put forward the hypothesis that ____
301. Smith’simpact on ____ has been widely examined.
302. Each of theseinfluential studies has claimed that ____
303. The studycarried out by Smith (1799) revealed that ____
304. Smith’stheoretical framework (1799, p.99) takes account of ____
305. A number ofstudies ____. Specifically, Smith and Jones (1799, p.99) examined ____
306. As an exampleof ____, consider the study of Smith (1979), which ____ 注释:,号之后的which不能用that替代
307. Smith andJones (1799) outlined several models for ____
308. Smith (1799)provided one of the earliest discussions of ____
309. Smith andJones have carried out an extensive study on ____
310. Smith et al.(1799) established a link between ____ and ____
311. Severalreports by Smith and Jones have found an association between ____ and ____ 注释:related和intertwined可以替换association
312. Smith arguesthat it is a misconception to view ____ as ____
313. In discussing____, Smith argues that ____
314. In hisdiscussion of ____ (1799, p.99), Smith confirms the centrality of____
315. While Smith’sfindings indicate that ____, it has not yet been demonstrated that ____
316. AlthoughSmith argues that ____, a better way to frame the issue is ____ 注释:frame动词
317. This findingis congruent with the work of Smith (1799), which/who ____ 注释:which表Smith工作,who表Smith个人
318. Smith (citedin Jones, 1799) defines ____ as ____
319. As Smith(1799) points out from Jones’ research, ____
320. Smith’sargument builds on Jones’. In other words, ____
321. Drawing onthe work of Jones, Smith highlights ____
322. Smith,drawing on Jones, defined ____ as ____ 注释:drawon = base on
323. According toSmith, “____.” Jones went even further and claimed that____
324. Smith claimedthat ____. In a similar vein, Smith also found that ____
325. Smith (citedin Jones, 1799) defines ____ as ____
326. Smith claimsthat ____ (as cited in Jones, 1799, p. 99).
327. In thisstudy, Smith et al. (1799) largely confirm Jones’ findings.
328. In his 1799study, Smith ____. Other scholars such as Jones have further analyzed ____
329. Both Smithand Jones ____. However, while the former ____, the latter ____ 注释:theformer与the latter成对出现。


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