#1APA, PublicationManual of the American Psychological AssociationMLA, ModernLanguage Association’s Style ManualCMOS, ChicagoManual of Style以上为三种外文出版的标准,三种当中,以下三类又使用最为常见。a. Smith (1799,p.9) argues that…b. Smith (1799)argues that… (p.9)c. Smith arguesthat… (1799, p.9)#2286. Smith arguesthat ____287. Smith hasargued that ____288. In his 1799study, Smith argued that ____289. Smithsupports the notion that ____290. Smith (1799)was the first to coin the term “____”291. Smith andJones (1799, p.99) remind us that ____292. Smith andJones, in their study of ____, found that ____293. Smith (1799)poses the question, “____?” 注释:pose比ask更加正式。还有一个小可爱是represent294. Proponents of____ include Smith, who ____ (1799, p.99)295. Those whomaintain that ____ include Smith, who ____296. Smith’sdiscussion of ____ openly acknowledges that ____297. The work ofSmith et al. demonstrates that ____ 注释:demonstrates的是work而非Smithet al.298. Smith was oneof the first to define ____ as ____299. Smith hasadvanced the hypothesis that ____300. Smith andJones have put forward the hypothesis that ____301. Smith’simpact on ____ has been widely examined.302. Each of theseinfluential studies has claimed that ____303. The studycarried out by Smith (1799) revealed that ____304. Smith’stheoretical framework (1799, p.99) takes account of ____305. A number ofstudies ____. Specifically, Smith and Jones (1799, p.99) examined ____306. As an exampleof ____, consider the study of Smith (1979), which ____ 注释:,号之后的which不能用that替代307. Smith andJones (1799) outlined several models for ____308. Smith (1799)provided one of the earliest discussions of ____309. Smith andJones have carried out an extensive study on ____310. Smith et al.(1799) established a link between ____ and ____311. Severalreports by Smith and Jones have found an association between ____ and ____ 注释:related和intertwined可以替换association312. Smith arguesthat it is a misconception to view ____ as ____313. In discussing____, Smith argues that ____314. In hisdiscussion of ____ (1799, p.99), Smith confirms the centrality of____315. While Smith’sfindings indicate that ____, it has not yet been demonstrated that ____316. AlthoughSmith argues that ____, a better way to frame the issue is ____ 注释:frame动词317. This findingis congruent with the work of Smith (1799), which/who ____ 注释:which表Smith工作,who表Smith个人318. Smith (citedin Jones, 1799) defines ____ as ____319. As Smith(1799) points out from Jones’ research, ____320. Smith’sargument builds on Jones’. In other words, ____321. Drawing onthe work of Jones, Smith highlights ____322. Smith,drawing on Jones, defined ____ as ____ 注释:drawon = base on323. According toSmith, “____.” Jones went even further and claimed that____324. Smith claimedthat ____. In a similar vein, Smith also found that ____325. Smith (citedin Jones, 1799) defines ____ as ____326. Smith claimsthat ____ (as cited in Jones, 1799, p. 99).327. In thisstudy, Smith et al. (1799) largely confirm Jones’ findings.328. In his 1799study, Smith ____. Other scholars such as Jones have further analyzed ____329. Both Smithand Jones ____. However, while the former ____, the latter ____ 注释:theformer与the latter成对出现。