【火腿快新闻】旧去新来 | CWops 宣布设立新设立CW艺术奖项 Ramsey装备告别火腿

1、CWops Announce Award for Advancing the Art of CW


2、Ramsey Kits Calls it Quits


CWops Announce Award for Advancing the Art of CW


CWops has announced a new, annual award to recognize individuals, groups, or organizations that have made the greatest contribution(s) toward advancing the art or practice of radio communication by Morse code.

Eligible candidates include the authors of publications related to CW; recruiters, trainers, mentors, coaches, and instructors of Morse code; designers and inventors who advance the art or practice of CW, and others contributing to the art or practice of CW. The award is not limited to Amateur Radio operators or organizations.


Anyone can submit a nomination (with a copy to mailto:secretary@cwops.org). Nominations must be received by April 15, 2016. These should include the nominee’s name and applicable call sign, the nominee’s contact information, including e-mail and USPS addresses and a telephone number, and a detailed explanation to support the nominee’s qualifications. The individual nominating also should include provide contact information.

A plaque will be presented at Dayton Hamvention® or mailed to the recipient.


获奖人获得的牌匾将在Dayton Hamvention展示或邮寄给收件人。


The Dayton Hamvention is an amateur radio convention (or hamfest), generally considered to be the largest hamfest in North America.Dayton Hamvention It is held each May at the Hara Arena in Trotwood, Ohio near Dayton, Ohio.

Dayton Hamvention 是业余无线电爱好者大会,或被称为hamfest,该大会被认为是北美最大的火腿盛会。Dayton Hamvention 每年五月在美国的俄亥俄州西南部城市代顿的Trotwood Hara竞技场举办。(来源:维基百科)

Ramsey Kits Calls it Quits


After more than 40 years as a purveyor of inexpensive electronics kits for hobbyists, the Ramsey Hobby Kits group has thrown in the towel, effective on January 1. The Ramsey RF Test Equipment Group is unaffected by this change.


“We end our heritage with a smile, not a frown, and say thank you, to all our customers and fellow hobbyists,” Ramsey’s announcement said.


The Victor, New York, company sold a wide array of hobby kits over the years, starting with its LED Blinky kit in the 1970s and eventually including simple ham radio transmitters and receivers, aircraft band receivers, and other devices. Ramsey kits were frequently available at hamfests.


The company indicated that it will continue to provide technical and warranty support for hobby kits purchased through the end of 2015. Ramsey said its remaining hobby kit inventory has been relocated to Amazon.





