TE||A spectacular spaceflight
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A spectacular spaceflight
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A spectacular spaceflight
The Falcon Heavy’s successful flight is another vindication for Elon Musk
And another headache for SpaceX’s competitors
也让Space X的竞争者倍感头疼
IT WAS not the most powerful launch ever seen at the Kennedy Space Centre’s Pad 39A; almost half a century ago the Apollo programme’s mighty Saturn V made use of it. But if the Falcon Heavy that took off from 39A on February 6th could boast only half the thrust of those bygone giants, its successful maiden voyage still proved it the most powerful rocket in the world today, as well as the most technologically advanced.
Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, the firm which built the Falcon Heavy, had been frank about the possibility that the launch might fail, possibly spectacularly. The prospect of fireworks helped to entice the biggest crowd of spectators at Cape Canaveral since the heyday of the Space Shuttle, and an audience of half a million to a live webcast.
After a delay caused by strong winds the assembled spectators witnessed a balletic display of technological prowess. Most rockets are one-use wonders, all their components falling into the sea or burning up in the atmosphere once their payloads are in orbit. SpaceX, though, has pioneered the idea of flying rocket stages back to Earth, ready to be re-used. Recovering one rocket is impressive enough. The Falcon Heavy is made up of three individual boosters strapped together, and SpaceX had said it would try to recover all of them at once.
“猎鹰重型”火箭的发射因为风大被推迟,之后观众们目睹了一场先进技术的完美演出。大多数火箭都是一次性的,当它们将负载送入轨道之后,火箭的所有部件都会坠入汪洋大海或是在空中燃尽。但是Space X率先尝试让火箭飞回地球,再次利用。回收火箭着实令人惊叹。猎鹰重型的3个独立的助推器是捆绑在一起的,Space X 公司声称将把所有助推器一次性回收。
Sure enough, shortly after the Falcon Heavy roared off into the sky, two of its boosters reappeared, their landings just a stone’s throw from the launch pad almost perfectly synchronised. The rocket’s central booster, though, did not manage its own landing, which was to have been on a robotic landing ship out to sea.
That was a small spot on an otherwise spectacular success. In a nice bit of cross-promotion, the cargo for the flight was a sports car made by Tesla, Mr Musk’s electric-car firm. SpaceX has plans to fly astronauts to the International Space Station, so the car was occupied by a mannequin modelling the firm’s newly developed spacesuit. After it has orbited the Earth for about five hours the second stage of the Falcon, to which it is still attached, will fire up for a final time and send it out into the solar system. It will orbit the sun between Earth and Mars for the next few million years, unless some future entrepreneur with an eye for good publicity decides to go out and bring it back.
那不过是巨大成功里的一个小瑕疵。“猎鹰重型”负载着马斯克的电动汽车公司Tesla生产的一款跑车成功发射,这达到了很好的交叉推广的效果。SpaceX 计划将宇航员送上国际空间站,所以跑车上配置了一个人体模型,穿着公司新开发的航天服。当“猎鹰”绕着地球轨道飞行大约5小时后,它的第二段会进行最后一次点火,将自己送到太阳系中。在未来的几百万年间,它会在地球和火星之间的轨道上绕着太阳转,除非一些未来的企业家为了出出风头,决定走出去并将它带回来。

The Falcon Heavy’s performance was about more than just marketing. Its success is another vindication of Mr Musk’s policy of producing modular components in volume with the aim of building a fleet of cheap, reusable spacecraft. The Falcon Heavy uses three boosters that are derived from the Falcon 9, SpaceX’s existing rocket, each of which in turn is driven by nine identical Merlin engines. Its two side boosters had both flown before.
The Falcon Heavy’s development stands in stark contrast to NASA’s own heavy-lift rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS). When the SLS was unveiled in 2011, SpaceX was still a start-up that had yet to launch a satellite into geosynchronous orbit. In 2017, SpaceX completed 18 missions, recovered 14 boosters, and sent five of them back into space. The SLS, by contrast, uses engines originally designed in the 1960s and left over from the Space Shuttle programme. It is designed to preserve existing space-industry jobs as much as it is to fly cargo into orbit. Its maiden voyage is not expected until 2020.
“重型猎鹰”运载火箭的发展与美国宇航局自己的重型火箭,空间发射系统(SLS)形成鲜明对比。 当SLS于2011年发布时,SpaceX仍然是尚未将卫星发射到地球同步轨道的初创公司。 2017年,SpaceX完成了18次任务,回收了14次助推器,并将其中5个重新送回太空。 相比之下,SLS依然使用设计于20世纪60年代并从航天飞机计划中遗留下来的发动机。 它旨在维持现有的太空产业的工作的同时将货物送入轨道。他的首次航程预计到2020年。
The day before the launch, Mr Musk had said that success would mean “game over” for other launch providers. SpaceX’s mastery of reusability means its launch prices are far lower than those of its competitors. The $90m price tag of a Falcon Heavy launch is about a quarter the price of the next most powerful rocket, the Delta IV Heavy, which is produced by a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing—and which can haul only half as much cargo into orbit. And it is a tenth of what a single launch of the SLS is expected to cost.
在发射前一天,马斯克先生曾表示,成功将意味着其他发射提供商的“游戏结束”。 SpaceX对复用性的掌握意味着其发布价格远低于其竞争对手。“猎鹰重型”运载火箭发射的9,000万美元的价格大约是另一个最强大火箭Delta IV Heavy(德尔塔IV型重型火箭)的四分之一,Delta IV Heavy(德尔塔IV型重型火箭)由洛克希德·马丁公司和波音公司合资生产,并且只能运载相当于“猎鹰重型”一半运力的货物进入轨道。 这是SLS预计单次发射费用的十分之一。
Future SpaceX rockets will be bigger still. On Monday Mr Musk hinted at the possibility of a Falcon Super Heavy, comprising five boosters and 45 engines. It is less clear how big the market for such beefy rockets really is: the Delta IV Heavy has launched just nine times since its maiden flight in 2004. If the SLS were to be cancelled, though, being able to sell NASA such beasts for missions to the Moon might be a nice earner.
Domination of the rocket-launch market is, for Mr Musk, only one leg on the journey to his eventual goal: the colonisation of Mars. SpaceX is already developing a gargantuan vehicle called the Big Fucking Rocket (BFR), which it says will replace all of the firm’s existing rockets and whose lifting power is necessary to realise Mr Musk’s Martian dreams. If it does fly (and its maiden launch is pencilled in for the early 2020s) it will be, by far, the most powerful rocket ever built—yet, says Mr Musk, even cheaper than a Falcon 9. Hubris? Perhaps. But Mr Musk has confounded his critics time and again. After all, when SpaceX was founded in 2002, few would have predicted it successfully using the world’s most powerful rocket to send an electric sports car piloted by an artificial astronaut out into the solar system.
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1月26号发的文章size matters 中提到马斯克对本次“猎鹰重型运载火箭发射”抱有的期望值并不高,但没想到整个过程几乎完美,除了一个助推器没有成功回收,这无疑又为马斯克的下次融资做了一个很好的铺垫。
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