

本次文献选自Zakrzewska JM. Differential diagnosis of facial pain and guidelines for management. Br J Anaesth. 2013;111(1):95-104.本次学习由杨聪娴副主任医师主讲。

Editor’s key points:Accurate diagnosis offacial pain is the fifirst stepin successfulmanagement.Dental and non-dentalcauses are both common,with consequentdiffificulties in appropriatereferral.The evidence formanagement is oftenextrapolated from otherchronic pain conditions.Well-designed clinicaltrials of facial pain areneeded, with clinicallyrelevant outcomemeasures.

Summary: The diagnosis and management of facial pain below the eye can be verydifferent dependant on whether the patient visits a dentist or medical practitioner. Astructure for accurate diagnosis is proposed beginning with a very careful history. Thecommonest acute causes of pain are dental and these are well managed by dentists.Chronic facial pain can be unilateral or bilateral and continuous or episodic. Thecommonest non-dental pains are temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), especiallymusculoskeletal involving the muscles of mastication either unilaterally or bilaterally;they may be associated with other chronic pains. A very wide range of treatments areused but early diagnosis, reassurance and some simple physiotherapy is often effectivein those with good coping strategies. Dentists will often make splints to wear at night.Neuropathic pain is usually unilateral and of the episodic type; the most easilyrecognized is trigeminal neuralgia. This severe electric shock like pain, provoked by lighttouch, responds best to carbamazepine, and neurosurgery in poorly controlled patients.Trauma, either major or because of dental procedures, results in neuropathic pain andthese are then managed as for any other neuropathic pain. Red flflags include giantcell arteritis which much be distinguished from temporomandibular disorders (TMD),especially in .50 yr olds, and cancer which can present as a progressive neuropathicpain. Burning mouth syndrome is rarely recognized as a neuropathic pain as it occursprincipally in peri-menopausal women and is thought to be psychological. Chronic facialpain patients are best managed by a multidisciplinary team.

Keywords: diagnosis; facial pain; guidelines









The area from the eyes down to the lower mandible of theface is a territory shared between the medical and dental professions. The public remain confused as to who they shouldconsult when they develop chronic pain in this area. Thecare pathway may be very different depending on who theyconsult. Dentists will refer their patients to dental schoolsand oral and maxillofacial surgeons, whereas general practitioners will refer to ear, nose and throat (ENT) neurology, orpain medicine. Dental pain is extremely common and it canalso co-exist with other conditions. Patients with facial painwill often have other co-morbidities, including depressionand chronic pain elsewhere: a biopyschosocial approach isneeded for successful management.



The diagnostic criteria for orofacial pains can be found bothin the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)classifification1 and in the International Headache Classifification2 (to be re-published in 2013); there are some variationsbetween the two classififications. Very few of the criteria forfacial pain have been validated by case control studies. Froma clinical perspective, it may be most useful to divide chronicpain into those with continuous or episodic pain and then unilateral or bilateral, rather than using the more conventional classififications (e.g. neuropathic and vascular) which arehelpful in management (Fig. 1). It must always be remembered that facial pain can be secondary to primary cancer ora metastasis from elsewhere. It is important to attempt a diagnosis as Durham and colleagues3 have shown that lack ofa diagnosis in patients with temporomandibular disorders(TMDs) impacted on sufferers’ daily lives.




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