excuse、forgive、let off、pardon、spare的区别

(3)let off


excuseex.cuse[Ik`skjuz; ikˋskju:z]《源自拉丁文“使脱罪”的意思》及物动词1 宽恕(→ forgive【同义字】)a. 原谅,宽恕 He ~d my carelessness.他宽恕我的疏忽b. 原谅[…事][for]E~ me for what I said to you yesterday.请原谅我昨天对你说 过的话Plea ...

forgivefor.give[fL`gIv; fəˋ^iv]《源自古英语“放弃”的意思》(for.gave[-`gev; -'eiv]; -giv.en[-`g v~n; -'ivn])及物动词1 a. 赦免,原谅,宽恕 ~ a person's sin宽恕某人的罪恶F~ me if I am wrong.如果我错了,请原谅我If you will ~ my quoting these ...

let off1.explode;fire;release放(枪、炮、烟火等);排放*The boys were letting off fireworks.孩子们在放烟火。*The engine let off steam in sudden blasts.机车突然放出一股蒸汽来。*In honour of the distinguished guest.they let off a salute of 21guns.为向 ...

pardonpar.don[`pɑrdn; ˋpɑ:dn]《源自古法语“原谅”的意思》名词1 原谅,宽恕,赦免[for]ask for ~请求宽恕ask ~ for one's sins请求恕罪He begged my ~ for stepping on my foot.他因踩到我的脚而求我宽恕2 (C)'法律’大赦,特赦; 大赦令3 (C)'天主教 ...

sparespare[spZr, spær; spZə]及物动词1a. 吝惜,节省使用 ~ no trouble [pains, expenses]不惜费神 [辛劳,花费]Don't ~ the butter.不要吝惜用奶油S~ the rod and spoil the child. (谚)省了棒子,坏了孩子; 不打不成器b. [~ oneself]宽容自己,吝于尽全 ...

