

Kaiyuan Tongbao was the currency of the Tang Dynasty. It is pronounced "up and down, right and left"; In the fourth year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty, the five baht in the Western Han Dynasty was cast, and in the eighth year of Kaibao in the Song Dynasty, Qian Wen was inscribed by the calligrapher Ouyang Xun in the official script style. It is not characterized by money; Its Qian Wen definition is to open up a new era of circulation treasures.


Kaiyuan Tongbao was the currency of the Tang Dynasty. Coins began to have "Tong Bao" in the Tang Dynasty. In early Tang Dynasty and Sui Five Baht were used in light and small character. Tang Gaozu Wude four years, in order to cure the chaos of the currency system, the Sui money, to imitate the strict norms of the Western Han Dynasty five baht, the cast "Kaiyuan Tongbao", to replace the social relics of the five baht.


The original "Kaiyuan Tongbao" was inscribed by calligrapher Ouyang Xun and its face symbol "Kaiyuan Tongbao", which still adopts the shape and structure of the square hole yuan qian, stipulating that the weight of every 10 inscriptions is 2, and the weight of each one is called one qian, while the weight of one thousand inscriptions is 6 jin 42 liang. Kaiyuan Tongbao money has an epoch-making status in the history of Chinese coins. "Kaiyuan" means to open up a new era; "Tongbao" means the passable treasure. The epoch-making status of Kaiyuan coins is shown in: before the Tang Dynasty, the coins were mostly named by shape or weight, such as knife coins and five baht coins, etc., but since the Kaiyuan coins, they were renamed as "Bao", "Tong Bao" and "Yuan Bao". The Kaiyuan Tongbao was the main currency in circulation during the 290 years of the Tang Dynasty, and it influenced the form and system of Chinese coins, the pattern of money and literature, and the decimal system of balance for more than 1,000 years.


Kaiyuan Tongbao was the first kind of currency in Tang Dynasty, which had the largest circulation and the longest usage time. Because its quality is reasonable, the currency is controlled properly, the coin workmanship is exquisite, so it is loved by the people. Kaiyuan Tong Bao has become a part of the money of the Five Emperors, which has the effect of keeping away evil spirits and increasing wealth









个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。


