结直肠癌、预后;药物吸收、肠道菌群;肠菌代谢物、结直肠癌预警;共生梭菌、抗肿瘤免疫反应原文:Patients with mesenchymal tumours and high Fusobacteriales prevalence have worse prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC).原文:Bioaccumulation of therapeutic drugs by human gut bacteria.原文:Integrated analysis of the faecal metagenome and serum metabolome reveals the role of gut microbiome-associated metabolites in the detection of colorectal cancer and adenoma.原文:Commensal Clostridiales strains mediate effective anti-cancer immune response against solid tumors.【肠道君好物分享】—广告位持续招商中