
在本文中,我想展示一个示例,使用Keras.NET和Zalandos Fashion-mnist制作一个简单的.NET-Core应用程序


它仍在使用Python 2.7(在2020年终止支持),并且对Python 3的支持发音为“请勿使用!”,好吧…
因此,我开始寻找新的解决方案,以及如何避免在.NET Core应用程序中使用其他Python环境(在应用程序启动时必须额外调用它们),并了解Keras.NET( https:// github。 com / SciSharp / Keras.NET)。明确地说,我不在乎SDK是否使用Python嵌入式,但是我不想用Python编写我的机器学习原型,所以这是改变游戏规则的地方。


这里是文档链接:https : //scisharp.github.io/Keras.NET/

在这里您将找到API文档:https : //scisharp.github.io/Keras.NET/api/index.html


Arnaldo P.Castaño的文章启发了我展示使用现有数据集的第二个示例以及如何使用Keras.NET进行训练。因此,这是关于使用Keras.NET与使用Keras(在Python中)看到一些区别的,也许有人会发现这非常有用。

首先,您将需要Nuget Keras.NET。在Visual Studio中使用程序包管理器,其过程如下:

隐藏 复制代码
PM> Install-Package Keras.NET -Version
除此之外,您还需要使用Windows CLI或Powershell中的pip安装程序来安装Keras和Tensorflow for Python:

隐藏 复制代码
pip install keras

pip install tensorflow

隐藏 复制代码
C:\Users\YOURNAME>pip install keras

如果这样做没有帮助,您可能必须自己设置路径(互联网上有“操作方法”,如何解决pip的提示,一旦解决了此问题,您就可以确定Python设置正确) 。

最后,您将需要培训和测试集:https : //github.com/zalandoresearch/fashion-mnist#get-the-data





隐藏 复制代码

using System;namespace Keras.net_and_fashion_mnist{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            KerasClass keras = new KerasClass();            keras.TrainModel();        }            }}12345678910111213


隐藏 收缩 复制代码

using Keras.Datasets;using Keras.Layers;using Keras.Models;using Keras.Utils;using Numpy;using System;using System.IO;using System.Linq;namespace Keras.net_and_fashion_mnist{    class KerasClass    {        public void TrainModel()        {            int batch_size = 1000;   //Size of the batches per epoch            int num_classes = 10;    //We got 10 outputs since we can predict 10 different labels seen on the dataset: https://github.com/zalandoresearch/fashion-mnist#labels            int epochs = 30;         //Amount on trainingperiods, I figure it out that the maximum is something about 700 epochs, after this it won't rise siginificanty the accuracy            // input image dimensions            int img_rows = 28, img_cols = 28;            // the data, split between train and test sets            var ((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)) = FashionMNIST.LoadData(); // Load the datasets from fashion MNIST, Keras.Net implement this directly            x_train.reshape(-1, img_rows, img_cols).astype(np.float32); //ByteArray need to be resahpe to fit the dimmensions of the y arrays            y_train = Util.ToCategorical(y_train, num_classes); //here you modify the forecast data to 10 outputs as we have 10 different labels to predict (see the Labels on the Dataset)            y_test = Util.ToCategorical(y_test, num_classes); //same for the test data [hint: you can change this in example you want to made just a binary crossentropy as you just want to figure i.e. if this is a angleboot or not            var model = new Sequential();            model.Add(new Dense(100, 784, "sigmoid")); //hidden dense layer, with 100 neurons, you have 28*28 pixel which make 784 'inputs', and sigmoid function as activationfunction            model.Add(new Dense(10, null, "sigmoid")); //Ouputlayer with 10 outputs,...            model.Compile(optimizer: "sgd", loss: "categorical_crossentropy", metrics: new string[] { "accuracy" }); //we have a crossentropy as prediction and want to see as well the accuracy metric.            var X_train = x_train.reshape(60000, 784); //this is actuallay very important. C# works with pointers, so if you have to reshape (again) the function for the correct processing you need to write this to a different var            var X_test = x_test.reshape(10000, 784);            model.Fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size, epochs, 1); //now we set the data to the model with all the arguments (x and y data, batch size...the '1' is just verbose=1            Console.WriteLine("---------------------");            Console.WriteLine(X_train.shape);            Console.WriteLine(X_test.shape);            Console.WriteLine(y_train[0]);            Console.WriteLine(y_train[1]); //some outputs...you can play with them                        var y_train_pred = model.Predict(X_train);  //prediction on the train data            Console.WriteLine(y_train_pred);            model.Evaluate(X_test.reshape(-1, 784), y_test); //-1 tell the code that he can figure the size of the array by themselves out        }        private byte[] openDatas(string path, int skip)  //just the open Data function. As I mentioned I did not work with unzip stuff, you have to unzip the data before by yourself        {            var file = File.ReadAllBytes(path).Skip(skip).ToArray();            return file;        }        //Hint: first I was working by opening the data locally and I wanted to figure it out how to present data to the arrays. So you can use something like this and call this within the TrainModel() function:        //x_train = openDatas(@"PATH\OF\YOUR\DATAS\train-images-idx3-ubyte", 16);        //y_train = openDatas(@"PATH\OF\YOUR\DATAS\train-labels-idx1-ubyte", 8);        //x_test = openDatas(@"PATH\OF\YOUR\DATAS\t10k-images-idx3-ubyte", 16);        //y_test = openDatas(@"PATH\OF\YOUR\DATAS\t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte", 8);    }}123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869


