果园土壤磷累积风险│SOIL TILL RES:长期过量施磷改变了酸性柚园土壤中的磷形态



原名:Long-term excessive phosphorus fertilization alters soil phosphorusfractions in the acidic soil of pomelo orchards


期刊:Soil and Tillage Research









过量施用磷肥主要影响土壤中铁磷(Iron-bound P)和铝磷(Aluminum-bound P)的浓度

土壤中易溶态磷(SolutionP)和铝磷的浓度与土壤奥尔森磷(Olsen P)浓度高度相关

当蜜柚园土壤中的磷盈余达到4128kg P ha-1将会增加土壤磷流失的风险







Fig. S1.Distribution of sampling points in the pomelo orchard (PO) and background wasteland (BG). Note: The soil from 5 sampling points in the same soil layer wascombined, and then, approximately 500 g of soil was collected as one soilsample by the quartering method. Three sampling points were randomly set ineach PO and BG.

Table S1.Annual fertilizer application in the surveyed pomelo orchards (PO, n = 10)

Table S2.Basic physical and chemical properties in the 0-20 cm soil horizon of thebackground (BG, n = 8), young pomelo orchard (YPO, n = 4) and old pomeloorchard (OPO, n = 6)

Fig. 1.Location of the study area (A), conventional fertilizer practices (B), andextensive fertilization methods (C) and landscape (D) of pomelo orchards (POs)in Pinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China. Note: The circlednumbers from 1 to 6 in B refer to the general orchard management procedures oflocal pomelo farmers.

Fig. 2.Soil inorganic P (Pi) fraction sequential extraction method and soil organic P(Org-P) determination method.



随着种植(施肥)年限的增加,土壤中的速效磷不断向土层深处移动,Al-P和Fe-P逐渐成为主要的磷库。与Olsen-P关系最密切的土壤磷组分为Al-P,其次为Sol-P、Fe-P、Ca-P、Org-P和Red-P。然而,只有Sol-P和Al-P对Olsen-P有重要的直接影响。当土壤磷剩余量超过4128 kg P ha-1时,即按照当地施肥习惯计算,大于12年的果园就会面临急剧增加的磷淋失风险。

Fig. 3. Annual balance and use efficiencyof phosphorus (PUE) nutrients (in P2O5) in the YPO and OPO based on farm surveydata. Note: The error bar indicates the standard errors.

Fig. 4. Changes in the soil TP and Olsen-Pcontents in surface (0–20 cm) and subsurface (20–40 cm) soils in the BG, YPOand OPO. Note: YPO refers to young PO fertilized for less than ten years (n =4), OPO refers to old PO fertilized for over ten years (n = 6), BG refers tothe background field without any crop cultivation and fertilizer applicationnext to the PO (n = 8), TP refers to total phosphorus, Olsen-P refers tophosphorus extracted by NaHCO3. The error bar indicates the standard errors,letters in different colors (yellow refers to 0–20 cm and green refers to 20–40cm) indicate significant differences among different soil groups in the samesoil horizon (LSD, p < 0.05), and * denotes a significant difference amongdifferent soil horizons in the same soil group with the same fertilizationyears (LSD, p < 0.05).

Fig. 5. Changes in the concentration of Pfractions in BG, YPO and OPO surface (0–20 cm) and subsurface (20–40 cm) soils.Note: YPO refers to young PO fertilized for less than ten years (n = 4), OPOrefers to old PO fertilized for over ten years (n = 6), and BG refers to thebackground field without any crop cultivation or fertilizer application next tothe PO (n = 8). Sol-P refers to easily soluble P, Al-P refers to aluminum boundP, Fe-P refers to iron bound P, Red-P refers to reduction P, Ca-P refers tocalcium P, and Org-P refers to Organic P. The number at the top of the box plotindicates the average value, letters in different colors (yellow refers to 0–20cm and green refers to 20–40 cm) indicate significant differences amongdifferent soil groups in the same soil horizon (LSD, p < 0.05), and *denotes significant differences among different soil horizons in the same soilgroups with the same fertilization years (LSD, p < 0.05).

Fig. 6. Changes in the proportion ofdifferent P fractions to TP in surface (0–20 cm) and subsurface (20–40 cm)soils of BG, YPO and OPO. Note: YPO refers to young PO fertilized for less thanten years (n = 4), OPO refers to old PO fertilized for over ten years (n = 6),BG refers to the background field without any crop cultivation or fertilizerapplication next to the PO (n = 8). Sol-P refers to easily soluble P, Al-Prefers to aluminum-bound P, Fe-P refers to iron-bound P, Red-P refers toreduction P, Ca-P refers to calcium P, and Org-P refers to organic P.

Fig. 7. Relationship between P surplus andP fractions. Note: Sol-P refers to easily soluble P, Al-P refers toaluminum-bound P, Fe-P refers to iron-bound P, Red-P refers to reduction P,Ca-P refers to calcium P, and Org-P refers to organic P. *** indicatessignificance at p < 0.001

Fig. S2. Changes in the proportion ofdifferent P fractions to TP in different P surpluses.

Fig. S3. Relationship between Olsen-P and Pfractions.

Fig. 8. Correlation coefficient (A),variable importance projection (B) and path coefficient (C) between Olsen-P andP fractions. Note: Sol-P refers to easily soluble P, Al-P refers to aluminumbound P, Fe-P refers to iron bound P, Red-P refers to reduction P, Ca-P refersto calcium P, and Org-P refers to Organic P. In A, the data of the color spotsindicate the 2-tailed Pearson correlation coefficient (R), ** indicatessignificance at p < 0.01. In B, the value of the bars indicates the VIPvalue. In C, a straight line indicates that there is a direct effect on eachother, and the line with an arrow indicates a one-way direct effect. The valueon the line indicates the standardized path coefficients. The thickness of theline is positively correlated with the value of the path coefficients.





