美添音乐 Everyday music 《Whistle For The Choir 》



Everyday music




名:《Whistle For The Choir 》

歌者 The Fratellis

词曲:The Fratellis




Well it's a big big city and it's always the same

Can never be too pretty tell me your name

Is it out of line if I were simply bold to say

Would you be mine

Because I may be a beggar and you may be the queen

I know I may be on a downer I'm still ready to dream

Though it's 3 o'clock the time is just the time it takes for you to talk

So if you're lonely

Why'd you say you're not lonely

Oh you're a silly girl I know I heard it so

It's just like you to come and go

And know me no you don't even know me

You're so sweet to try oh my you caught my eye

A girl like you is just irresistible

Well it's a big big city and the lights are all out

But it's as much as I can do you know to figure you out

And I must confess

My heart's in broken pieces

And my head's a mess

And it's 4 in the morning and I'm walking along

Beside the ghost of every drinker

Here who's ever done wrong

And it's you woo hoo

That's got me going crazy for the things you do

So if you're crazy I don't care you amaze me

But you're a stupid girl oh me oh my you talk

I die you smile you laugh I cry

And only a girl like you could be lonely

And it's a crying shame if you would think the same

A boy like me is just irresistible

So if you're lonely why'd you say you're not lonely

Oh you're a silly girl I know I heard it so

It's just like you to come and go

And know me no you don't even know me

You're so sweet to try oh my you caught my eye

A girl like you is just irresistible



今天分享的这首《Whistle For The Choir 》,来自英国乐队The Fratellis。

Fratellis乐队是来自苏格兰格拉斯哥的另类摇滚乐队,他们的名字来源于电影《七宝奇谋》(The Goonies)中的反派角色,不过,巧合的是,贝斯手巴里(Barry)母亲的娘家姓其实是Fratelli。

乐队由主唱兼吉他手乔恩·弗拉特里(Jon Fratelli,真名约翰·劳勒John Lawler)、贝斯吉他手巴里·弗拉特里(Barry Fratelli,真名巴里·华莱士Barry Wallace)和鼓手、主唱兼临时吉他手兼班卓琴演奏者明斯·弗拉特里(Mince Fratelli ,真名戈登·麦克罗里 Gordon McRory)组成。

在2005年3月4日,乐队出现在O,henry酒吧,他们的演出受到人们的欢迎,并接受了第一电台的采访。后来,他们发行了一些精彩的唱片:2006年的《科斯特洛音乐》(Costello Music),2008年的《我们站在这里》(Here We Stand),2013年的《我们需要药物》(We Need Medicine),2015年的《睁大眼睛,绑住舌头》("Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied)和2018年的《在你自己的甜蜜时光》(In Your Own Sweet Time)。该乐队在英国被评为最佳新乐队。

今天推的这首《Whistle For The Choir》清新优美,略带俏皮的英伦旋律,带有一点隐隐的伤感,是The Fratellis为数不多慢歌,讲述了一个青年男孩邂逅了一段的爱情的心路历程。整首歌带有上个世纪英伦摇滚的复古曲调,琅琅上口,真诚且不缺乏内涵。
The Fratellis是个宝藏乐队,还有很多其他好听的歌曲,比如下面这两首:
这首《She's Not Gone Yet But She's Leaving》收录于2013年的专辑《我们需要药物》(We Need Medicine)。
还有这首《Medusa in Chains》收录于2015年的专辑《睁大眼睛,绑住舌头》("Eyes Wide, Tongue Tied)


