
《Radiology Secrets Plus》是由宾夕法尼亚大学E. Pretorius和Jeffrey Solomon博士主编的以问答形式深入浅出的介绍相关放射性与影像诊断学内容的图书。该书总结了影像诊断学在实践过程中需要注意的100个知识要点,本公众号将持续推送翻译介绍。上一期我们介绍了:各种影像学检查方法的应用。本期推送的主要内容涉及核医学等辅助性影像诊断方法以及儿科影像,敬请期待!

71. 将肺通气灌注(V/Q)扫描作为肺栓塞(PE)的“高概率”诊断方法。扫描必须相当于两个或多个较大的节段性灌注缺损(75~100%个受累段),且这些异常与通气异常不匹配。四个或更多的中等大小的灌注缺损(25~75%的受累段)也提示有很高的可能性出现PE。扫描提示高概率意味着有超过80%患有肺栓塞的可能。(附:肺通气显像是通过吸入99m锝标记的气溶胶或放射性气体(如81s氪)来显示肺通气分布情况。临床上用于了解呼吸道的通畅情况及各种肺疾病的通气功能,也可用于估价药物或手术治疗前后的局部肺通气功能,以指导治疗和观察疗效,常常与肺灌注显像配合,用于肺栓塞和阻塞性肺病的诊断和鉴别诊断。)

To classify a ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan as a “high probability” for pulmonary embolism (PE), the scan must have the equivalent of two or more large segmental perfusion defects (75~100% involvement of the segment) that are not matched by ventilatory abnormalities. Four or more moderately sized perfusion defects (25~75% involvement of the segment) would also represent a high probability for PE. The implication of a high probability scan suggests a greater than 80% chance of having a PE. 


72. 年轻男性甲状腺“冷结节患者患癌可能性高于那些有类似发现的老年女性患者。颈部暴露于辐射也是冷结节发生癌变的一个重要危险因素。此外,美国发现在冷结节内混合囊性和固体成分也更容易诱发甲状腺癌。而多结节性甲状腺肿下的冷结节与其他冷结节相比基本上不可能患癌。(附:甲状腺结节是一种非常常见的病症,特别是在中年女性中较多见。据了解目前对甲状腺结节有多种检测方法,其中以放射性核素检查最常用,可观察到甲状腺的大小、位置、形态和131碘化钠吸收后分布的情况。放射性核素扫描根据结节对放射性核素的摄取能力将甲状腺结节分4类,凉结节、热结节、温结节和冷结节。)

Younger male patients with “cold” thyroid nodules are more likely to have cancer than are older female patients with similar findings. Exposure of the neck to radiation is also an important risk factor for cancer in a cold nodule. Finally, US findings of mixed cystic and solid components within a cold nodule are also more suggestive of thyroid cancer. Cold nodules in the setting of a multinodular goiter are substantially less likely to be cancer than other cold nodules.



After renal transplantation, acute tubular necrosis (ATN) occurs almost immediately, whereas chronic rejection occurs over several days to weeks or even longer. Patients with ATN have normal or only slightly diminished perfusion of the kidney with a delayed cortical transit time (how long it takes for urine to appear in the collecting system). Rejection usually is associated with diminished flow with mildly impaired cortical function.


An exercise stress test should be stopped when (1) the patient cannot continue because of dyspnea, chest pain, fatigue, or musculoskeletal problems; (2) the patient has a hypertensive response; (3) the patient develops ST segment depressions of greater than 3 mm; (4) the patient has ST segment elevation, heralding a possible myocardial infarction; or (5) the patient experiences the onset of a potentially dangerous arrhythmia such as ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, very rapid supraventricular tachycardia, or heart block.

75. 右位主动脉弓与法洛氏四联症(TOF)和永存动脉干(TA)有关联,但TA的联系更为密切。因为法洛氏四联症比较常见,所以我们更多地会在法洛氏四联症中见到右位主动脉弓。


A right-sided arch is associated with both tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and truncus arteriosus (TA), but is more closely associated with TA. Since TOF is more common, however, you are more likely to see a right-sided arch with TOF. 

76. 杓会厌襞增厚与会厌增厚提示会厌炎允许紧急气管插管

Thickened aryepiglottic folds with a thickened epiglottis are indicative of epiglottitis and warrant emergent intubation. 

77. 如果怀疑有异物吸入,此时应该使用双边侧卧影像进行诊断。正常的肺会压缩体积,而阻塞的肺会保持透亮和膨胀

If you suspect an aspirated foreign body, you should order bilateral lateral decubitus films. A normal lung will lose volume, whereas an obstructed lung will remain lucent and inflated.


The double-bubble sign on plain films represents an air- or fluid-filled distended stomach and duodenal bulb. It is seen in malrotation, duodenal atresia, and jejunal atresia.


A fleck of calcium in a normal-sized globe of a child younger than 6 years is characteristic of retinoblastoma until proven otherwise. 


In a pediatric elbow, the medial epicondyle ossification center appears before the trochlear ossification center. If you see an ossific density in the region of the trochlea in the absence of a medial epicondylar ossification center, this is an avulsed fragment. 

