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本次文献选自Redler LH, Dennis ER. Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019;27(12):e544-e554. 本次学习由阎芳副研究员主讲。

Likewise, a systematic review of 22 studiescompared outcomes between patients treated with MUA, capsular release, or acombination of both. Of the study participants, 60% were women and the median age was 52years (24 to 91years). Minimal differences existed in the median changes in abduction,flexion, and external rotation ROM, and final constant score between the MUAand capsular release groups. These authors therefore concluded that littlebenefit may be there for a capsular release instead of, or in addition to, an MUA.

Alternatively, many studies have shownnotable effectiveness of arthroscopic release for the management of AC. LeLievre and Murrell showed maintained improvement in ROM, pain, and function at7 years for a group of 43 patients treated with arthroscopic capsular release.
With respect to the technique of arthroscopicrelease, limited anterior capsular release with controlled MUA has been shownto yield statistically significant improvement in both pain and function modulesof the Oxford Shoulder Score and ROM at 6-month follow-up. Some feel that theaddition of a posterior capsule release is essential to regain internalrotation, but this has not been shown to make a notable difference in outcomes.

These findings support the concept thatarthroscopy provides a minimally invasive technique to directly visualize theanatomy and pathologic tissue in patients with AC under the same anestheticburden as MUA with optimal and better controlled outcomes.