

"Fujian official bureau made" for the twenty-second year of the Qing Dynasty Guangxu (AD 1896) by the official and gentry run the mint in Fujian Province began to cast. This coin is one of the famous rare coins minted in the Qing Dynasty.


Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies in circulation during the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangdong, took the lead in introducing the British coinage machine to cast silver and copper coins, and later the provinces followed suit.


"Guangxu Yuanbao" at that time a total of 19 provincial bureaus cast. In addition to the central ministry of household, the copper coins cast by local provinces are engraved on the upper edge of the front of the province name. Including :1 household department; 2 the northern; 3 jilin; 4 Mukden; 5 qingjiang; Zhejiang; 7 jiangnan; Guangdong; 9 shandong; 10 in fujian province; Hunan; Hubei province; Sichuan; Jiangxi province; 15 in henan; Jiangsu; Anhui; Guangxi; Xinjiang; 20 Heilongjiang.


Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency in circulation in the Qing Dynasty. It is the first batch of printing and circulating currency to introduce overseas technology in China. It also contains a certain historical significance for today.


Officer of fujian bureau, copper is all Long Yang pattern COINS in China, the most exquisite technology, carver is the most perfect, the strongest varieties, FuDiaoGan mirror surface level off is smooth, grain phase lines is very clear, this series of COINS casting fine, word mouth, tooth deep lines and edges, entirely foreign casting specimen style, with distinctive historical characteristics.


This group of guangxu inguanbao, good appearance, the back of the dragon is the whole scale of the map, its aesthetic style alone hold its wrap pulp intact, mature old natural, deep typing mouth clear, obvious historical traces, edge teeth clearance, has a high investment value and collection value. It is a revolutionary cultural relic with high value and has far-reaching historical commemorative significance. At the same time, it is also a rare object for archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture.


"Collect gold in troubled times and collect it in prosperous times." In recent years, coin collections have risen to fame in major auctions. The popularity of Longyang and Longmail in the Qing Dynasty at home and abroad has been continuously upgraded, which makes many investors feel the value and potential of Chinese dragon collections





