【新刊速递】第19期 | Review of International Studies, No.1, 2020


Review of International Studies (《国际研究评论》)是由剑桥大学出版社代表英国国际研究协会出版且同行评审的国际关系学术期刊,其前身为British Journal of International Studies (1975 - 1980) 。该期刊致力于反映全球政治的性质变化和新兴的政治挑战,旨在为国际社会搭建一个可供辩论的平台用以讨论当下紧迫的全球议题。2018年该期刊的影响因子为1.791。
【编译】晋玉 朱文菡 李雯珲 缪高意 赵柳希 阮含含 杨帆
【审校】丁伟航 胡贺 虞敷扬 晋玉 叶扶疏

1. 图像、情感和国际政治:艾伦·库尔迪之死
Images, emotions, and international politics: The death of Alan Kurdi
2. 国际主义者、主权主义者和本土主义者:泛非主义中关于世界秩序的不同解读
Internationalists, sovereigntists, nativists: Contending visions of world order in Pan-Africanism
3. “实践时间!”英国脱欧后安全与国防外交的信念未来
‘Practice time!’ Doxic futures in security and defence diplomacy after Brexit
4. 利益、观念和新古典现实主义对国家行为的研究
Interests, ideas, and the study of state behaviour in neoclassical realism
5. 战争的成本:慰问金和杀害平民的政治
The costs of war: Condolence payments and the politics of killing civilians
6. “难民也能成为创业者”:人道主义、种族和叙利亚难民的营销
‘#Refugees can be entrepreneurs too!’ Humanitarianism, race, and the marketing of Syrian refugees
7. 超越软实力/硬实力二元对立:以中日领土争端为例
Traversing the soft/hard power binary: The case of the Sino-Japanese territorial dispute
【题目】Images, emotions, and international politics: The death of Alan Kurdi
【作者】Rebecca Adler-Nissen(哥本哈根大学);Katrine Emilie Andersen(哥本哈根大学);Lene Hansen(哥本哈根大学)
【摘要】图像、情感和国际政治是如何联系在一起的?这篇文章构建了一种有助于国际关系中视觉性(visuality)和情感研究的理论框架。本文纠正了图像会引起特定情感反应的看法,而认为人们基于图像产生了充沛的情感,这种反应应当视为外交政策话语的表现。我们的理论将图像作为解释和争论的对象,将情感限定为社会整体构成的情感,而非个人内心状态。情感交集(emotional bundling)——不同的情感在话语中的结合/交融——有助于构成政治化和非政治化的政治主观活动。多种情感交错在一起(emotional bundling),使领导人传达出他们与所有人相通的情感体验,同时使领导人常以“父亲”等带有权威性和性别倾向的立场来传达他们与所有人相通的情感体验。文章通过分析三岁叙利亚库尔德男孩艾伦·库尔迪(Alan Kurdi)在2015年9月溺亡的的照片来证明该研究框架的价值。Kurdi迅速成为叙利亚难民危机的全球性标志,各国领导也迅速表达了个人对此的悲痛、表现出为此采取行动的决心。然后才不到一年的时间针对Kurdi惨死一事的政策从“为难民敞开大门”到试图阻止难民入境。此外,论述-操演(discursive-performative)方法为研究“视觉性(visuality)、情感和国际政治”提供了一个新思路。
How are images, emotions, and international politics connected? This article develops a theoretical framework contributing to visuality and emotions research in International Relations. Correcting the understanding that images cause particular emotional responses, this article claims that emotionally laden responses to images should be seen as performed in foreign policy discourses. We theorise images as objects of interpretation and contestation, and emotions as socially constituted rather than as individual ‘inner states’. Emotional bundling – the coupling of different emotions in discourse – helps constitute political subjectivities that both politicise and depoliticise. Through emotional bundling political leaders express their experiences of feelings shared by all humans, and simultaneously articulate themselves in authoritative and gendered subject positions such as ‘the father’. We illustrate the value of our framework by analysing the photographs of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian-Kurdish boy who drowned in September 2015. ‘Kurdi’ became an instant global icon of the Syrian refugee crisis. World leaders expressed their personal grief and determination to act, but within a year, policies adopted with direct reference to Kurdi’s tragic death changed from an open-door approach to attempts to stop refugees from arriving. A discursive-performative approach opens up new avenues for research on visuality, emotionality, and world politics.
【题目】Internationalists, sovereigntists, nativists: Contending visions of world order in Pan-Africanism
【作者】Rita Abrahamsen(渥太华大学公共与国际事务研究院)
Contrary to common assumptions that the liberal world order was ‘made in the West’, this article argues that it was produced in interaction with Pan-African ideology and actors. Developing a morphological analysis, it identifies three contending visions of world order within Pan-Africanism: a world of continental unity and transnational solidarity; a world of national sovereignty; and a world of racially defined units. It concludes that Pan-Africanism contains intellectual and political resources for the defence, reinvigoration, and invention of a more just, equal and rule-bound multilateral world, but that this cannot be taken for granted. Pan-Africanism is neither inherently progressive, nor reactionary, and can support multilateralism and sovereigntism in equal measure. Pan-Africanism’s nativism also carries particular risks at a time when similar identitarian viewpoints are promoted by Radical Right movements. Understanding the manner in which Pan-Africanism informs and legitimises diverse political agendas is thus of crucial importance for IR, for Pan-Africanists, and for the future of world order.
【题目】‘Practice time!’ Doxic futures in security and defence diplomacy after Brexit
【作者】Øyvind Svendsen(哥本哈根大学)
【摘要】时间构成社会生活,时间管理是国际政治日常行为的核心。然而,由于某种原因,国际关系的实践阶段产生了关于过去的实践如何构成国际政治的知识,而不是关于未来也是社会生活的构成特征的知识。本文从实践和时间性的新视角出发,指出国际政治从业者对未来的主体性描绘有助于对政治过程的理解和国际政治的形成。为了使看起来是矛盾的事情,即“未来实践”是由隐性知识和有意识的反思同时驱动的,得以显现。本文提出信念未来(doxic future)的新概念,用术语阐明当前的这一矛盾。这一概念指:以实践知识为基础的未来表现和对社会的不言自明性质的隐形假设。英国投票退出欧盟后,欧洲安全和国防外交的案例研究就说明了这一论点。通过设想两个具体的信念未来,即“欧洲集体采购”(‘Europe of buying together’)和英国作为欧盟防御的第三国,外交官们试图避免由英国脱欧对欧洲集体安全和防务合作带来的分裂效应。
Time constitutes social life and time management is central to the everyday conduct of international politics. For some reason, however, the practice turn in International Relations (IR) has produced knowledge about how past practices constitute international politics but not about how the future is also a constitutive feature in and on social life. Introducing a novel perspective on practice and temporality, the article argues that intersubjectively situated representations of the future by practitioners in international politics contribute substantially to our understanding of political processes and the making of international politics. To develop what appears a contradiction in terms – that ‘future-practices’ are driven by tacit know-how and conscious reflection simultaneously – the article develops the concept of doxic futures: representations of the future rooted in practical knowledge and tacit assumptions about the self-evident nature of the social world. The argument is illustrated with a case study of European security and defence diplomacy after the UK voted to leave the EU. Through the envisioning of two concrete doxic futures, a ‘Europe of buying together’ and the UK as a third country in EU defence, diplomats effectively tried to save European security and defence cooperation from the potentially disintegrating effects of Brexit.
【题目】Interests, ideas, and the study of state behaviour in neoclassical realism
【作者】Gustav Meibauer(伦敦政治经济学院博士后研究员,主要研究决策制定、军事干预和新古典现实主义对外交政策分析与国际关系理论的贡献)
Ideational variables have frequently been employed in positivist-minded and materialist analyses of state behaviour. Almost inevitably, because of these commitments, such studies run into theoretical challenges relating to the use of ideas. In this article, I suggest that integrating ideational factors in positivist and materialist approaches to state behaviour requires: (1) distinguishing conceptually between interests and ideation as well as between individual beliefs and social ideas; and (2) addressing challenges of operationalisation and measurability. To that end, I employ neoclassical realism as a case study. I argue that a re-conceptualisation of ideas as externalised individual beliefs employed in political deliberation allows neoclassical realists to focus on how ideas and ideational competition intervene in the transmission belt from materially given interests to foreign policy choice. At the same time, it more clearly operationalises ideas as identifiable in language and communication. I suggest this reconceptualisation, while consistent with realist paradigmatic assumptions, need not be limited to neoclassical realism. Instead, transposed to different paradigms, it would similarly allow positivist-minded constructivists and institutionalists to avoid a conceptually and methodologically awkward equation of different ideational factors.
【题目】The costs of war: Condolence payments and the politics of killing civilians
【作者】Thomas Gregory(奥克兰大学政治与国际关系讲师)
Coalition forces have spent upwards of $50 million on condolence payments to Afghan and Iraqi civilians. These condolence payments were intended as an expression of sympathy rather than an admission of fault, and the programme itself has been criticised for the arbitrary, inconsistent, and low valuation of civilian lives. Rather than focus on the practical problems associated with condolence payments or normative arguments about whether belligerents ought to compensate those harmed, this article will trace the strategic imperativesthat underpinned this programme and shaped its development. As coalition forces began to recognise the strategic costs of civilian casualties, they used a variety of tactics to mitigate the effects of civilian casualties on the success of military operations. This article will argue that condolence payments should not be seen as a humanitarian gesture designed to recognise and respond to the suffering of ordinary civilians, but will argue that condolence payments should be viewed as a weapons system aimed at securing specific military goals. As such, this article will argue that condolence payments continued to objectify and devalue the lives of Afghans and Iraqis by treating them as a means to an end rather than an end in themselves.
【题目】‘#Refugees can be entrepreneurs too!’ Humanitarianism, race, and the marketing of Syrian refugees
【作者】Lewis Turner(德国弗莱堡大学)
In the context of a greater focus on the politics of migration, the ‘refugee entrepreneur’ has become an increasingly important figure in humanitarian, media, and academic portrayals of refugees. Through a focus on Jordan’s Za‘tari refugee camp, which has been deemed a showcase for refugees’ ‘entrepreneurship’, this article argues that the designation of Syrian refugees as ‘entrepreneurs’ is a positioning of Syrians within colonial hierarchies of race that pervade humanitarian work. For many humanitarian workers in Jordan, Syrians’ ‘entrepreneurship’ distinguishes them from ‘African’ refugees, who are imagined as passive, impoverished, and dependent on humanitarian largesse. Without explicit racial comparisons, humanitarian agencies simultaneously market Syrian refugees online as ‘entrepreneurs’, to enable them to be perceived as closer to whiteness, and to thereby render them more acceptable to Western audiences and donors, who are imagined as white. This article extends scholarly understandings of the understudied relationship between race and humanitarianism. Furthermore, it asks critical questions about the political work and effects of vision of the ‘refugee entrepreneur’, which it locates within the context of the increasingly neoliberalised refugee regime. ‘Refugee entrepreneurs’ do not need political support and solidarity, but to be allowed to embrace the forces of free-market capitalism.
【题目】Traversing the soft/hard power binary: The case of the Sino-Japanese territorial dispute
【作者】Linus Hagström(瑞典国防大学政治学教授,瑞典国际事务研究所高级研究员);潘成鑫(迪肯大学国际关系副教授)
【摘要】在国际关系中,软实力和硬实力被概念化为经验上和规范上的两个分支,在实践上两者是相反的,一种是抽象的,有吸引力的且具有合法性,另一种是具体的,有强制力却缺乏合法性。本文批判了这种二元对立的概念化,并认为这种二元对立的概念和“自我”(self)与“他者”(other)的建构同时发生,并为其服务。文章进一步证明通常被定位为软、硬实力的实践是紧密联系在一起的。最好将软、硬实力分别理解为“表象力”( representational force)和“物理力”( physical force)。它们通过生产和纪律形式的权力运作相互交织,文章通过分析中日之间关于钓鱼岛/尖阁诸岛的争端来说明这一论点。两国政府在构建各自版本的事件以及自我、他者关系时都运用了表象力,软、硬实力二元对立本身扮演着一个角色,因为“自我”通常与软实力联系在一起,而“他者”则与硬实力联系在一起。再者,生产力的运行使前者的吸引力和后者的排斥性获得了优势,而纪律性权力在两个主体身上都强化了这些区别。最终双方通过进一步加强自我、他者的区分,使各自即将采取针对对方的暴力行为合法化,从而呈现实践中软、硬实力是如何无法分离的。
Soft power and hard power are conceptualised in International Relations as empirically and normatively dichotomous, and practically opposite – one intangible, attractive, and legitimate, the other tangible, coercive, and less legitimate. This article critiques this binary conceptualisation, arguing that it is discursively constructed with and for the construction of Self and Other. It further demonstrates that practices commonly labelled and understood as soft power and hard power are closely interconnected. Best understood as ‘representational force’ and ‘physical force’ respectively, soft and hard power intertwine through the operation of productive and disciplinary forms of power. We illustrate this argument by analysing the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. Both governments exercise representational force in constructing their respective versions of events and Self/Other. The soft/hard power binary itself plays a performative role as the Self is typically associated with soft power and the Other with hard power. The operation of productive power, moreover, privileges the attractiveness of the former and the repellence of the latter, and disciplinary power physically enforces these distinctions on subjects in both states. Finally, reinforced Self/Other distinctions legitimise preparations for violence against the Other on both sides, thus exposing how fundamentally entangled soft and hard power are in practice.

【新刊速递】第01期 | Review of International Studies Vol.45, No.4, 2019
【新刊速递】第02期 | International Relations Vol.33, No.3, 2019
【新刊速递】第03期 | International Organization Vol.73, No.3, 2019
【新刊速递】第04期 | World Politics, Vol.71, No.4, 2019
【新刊速递】第05期 | European Journal of International Relations
【新刊速递】第06期 | Security Studies, Vol.28, No.4, 2019
【新刊速递】第07期|International Security, Vol 44, No. 2, 2019
【新刊速递】第08期| Cambridge Review of International Affairs,Vol.32,No.4
【新刊速递】第09期| International Relations of Asia-Pacific Vol.19,No.3
【新刊速递】第11期|Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2019
【新刊速递】第14期|Chinese Journal of International Politics, No.3, 2019
【新刊速递】第15期 | International Organization, No.4, 2019
【新刊速递】第16期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.4, 2019